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Filial Generations - 002


Filial Generations : F1, F2, F3 ... it's never relative, bruh.


I even feel guilty to write you anything more about this; like a fan without blades. But i see that the concern is real and i’ve to find a way to help people to stop to waste their precious time on it. Let’s find a way to give the keys for good.

It’s ambivalent with the title of this wiki but you have to totally dissociate the mendel’s laws from the filial generations. It’s very important, even if it look crazy at first glance.

They are interlinked yes, but starting to consider the filial generation by the spectrum of the mendel law will just making you a limited chunker in this game (said negatively). It’s all you will got from this, no evolution to expect from your failures if you stay in this philosophy.

I will take the time later, in another wiki, to talk about the Mendel’s laws more in details, when i will be ready for this. Because it involve to speak deeply about the selective process and i hate it for various reasons. It’s also very hard to vulgarize without sending people to hell, you have to think about the possible interpretation of each word you use and to stay accurate to stay practical, in the same time.

I’ll give you a treat to shut down this fire that can make crush your potential with a bad start. Because just after i’ve a thing to say that is not sexy.

For now and at this step of the discover, you don’t only have to accept that you will break your teeths many times. You have to want it badly, like a fucking stubborn moron.

If you have readed this weird wiki and that you found only one single thing that you wasn’t already knowing with your hands, it’s the proof that you don’t passed this fire test yet. Who care, it’s always at the bottom of the wall that your meet the most important mason. The one in charge of the foundations.

And it’s all about it, how you build yourself during the journey. It’s very important to take all the risks and impossible bets at the start because it will never happens again. In front of the hardiness of the game, the more you get factual and reliable skills (those that reproduce results on demand) and the more you tend to the comfort zones that will define your signature later. If you don’t make your prime exploits by the leverage of the luck and craziness first, it will simply limit too much the spectrum of your sight and it can neutralize your evolution at a too early point. Don’t be this breeder jailed by an unique cut, but the one able to generate your own. And for this, you need this foolish sequence.

It’s why for now you need to only use the filial generations as a chemically pure notation, not as something that influence your decisions for your project. Just rush and don’t give a fuck, and don’t waste your time in front of mids you will generate this way. Burn them in a blunt, make your conclusions and find the next move : more risky, more foolish, more hard than the previous. Until you make your first crazy exploit, don’t worry you will identify exactly when it will happens and you need no one to tell you it’s the case.

From there, you will be enough mature and frustrated to stop to play then to enter in the building of a true methodology in knowing the battleground where you’re shining the most.

So yes, F(n+1) … what a roman for this lol. “I have F1, i make seed so i have F2”. +1 … and dang, from one failure to another you discover that the F4a is absolutely not following the rule of the F4b of another failure. It will be the sign that you’re ready and enough elastic to handle the mendel’s law and to integrate it in your method. Simply. Before this stage, just have fun and never blame yourself to fail. You’re prototyping a method and it take time. And keep in mind that being lucky too soon is not necessary the best start, but also a jail.

Keep pushing, those that really win are those that last. Not those that pass their time to make the world know that they win ^^ You can be sure that they don’t have the time to even touch a plant, it’s their job : to incarnate something. And you’re not taking the time to read all of this to learn how to sell bibles door-to-door, right ?

Generations & Notations - 003


Generations and Notations : yeah ... not that simple.

Now i’m entering in the den of the weed nerds (i’m not one of them), often mocked for their way to digest a shit ton of informations but not often used at their right value. I’ve the chance to don’t have this generational bias, i just don’t give a fuck. If there is something that can help me to improve my kung fu, i just take it. In this era where egos are more breeded than plants, i think it’s a wise advice to share.

So to the weed nerds that will land here by error lol, don’t judge too hard the little demonstration i will do. It’s just to show the cognitive mechanism to adopt and that can avoid to build goals and their breeding plans in a way that make them doomed to fail miserably ^^ Collecting failures like a fool ok, but only the useful ones.

Beside the will the reinvent the wheel i read often, the methodological notation can be resumed to three grand axes : BX, S and IBL. I will make a graph as a reminder, just in case.


More simple to handle it’s not possible. Just sisters and brother making seeds during a given numbers of generations. And that you note just with the filial generation to keep a track of the depth. Just the F(n+1).

The natural way of propagation of cannabis overall, even in mastered hashplants cultivars. Since … humans burn dankness to feed their soul. But also any repro, whatever the depth.

There is a bunch of bullshit floating around this, i’m just sad that next gen stoners today forget often that it’s not a consecration or a hierarchical value. Also that most of landraces are IBLs before becoming modern cannabis hybrids at the genesis of cannabis breeding.

But the most itching for me is the concept of “inbreeding depression”, like a fate that any grower should take in count in his breeding plans. For a given cannabis genotype, a single human have the lifespan of a mosquito at the level of DNA.

There is a funnel where your selective pressure take exponentially more importance past the F4 (so your failures too), but that’s the point right ? When i fail, i fail. I don’t need to call it a natural phenomenon to please my ego.

And to avoid late failures that can’t be fixed, you just create parallel lines as fail safe. Simply, no need to reinvent the wheel of the applied agronomy.

There is no rational limit to call a line an IBL. It’s important for the transparency but also the tracking of what you’re doing.

On term of conventions i’m bastardizing one since decades and it’s the use of the # character.

Fire Strain #3 is supposed to mean Fire Strain IBL3, that eventually mean Fire Strain F3. But for this last mention it’s relative to the starting point of the line, so it’s not an absolute rule.

I use the # for the nametag of the plant but also to identify different parallel lines. It’s not conventional, but i never use it outside the private context. Just for convenience and by habits, outside the lab i use the right notation for the sake of clarity and respect.


No matter if it’s a male or a female that you use recursively, you cross the successive progeny with one initial P1. It break the dynamism of variations around a single set of expressions and it push the genotype to have a restricted manner to deploy its diversity.

Mostly used with very recessive phenotypes when an isolation in IBL is not possible or too long for the planning of the lab (often the last case).

My little graphic don’t take in count all the ways to make a BX, just the most common one.

In term of convention, it’s BX(n+1) just like the filial notation. I advise you to cumulate them : filial + BX since the start, so when you’re ready to play with Mendel you already took a very good habit that help you on decisional level for selection.

Let’s say you repro (IBL) a line and finally find a stunning female in F3 by luck and that you decide to fix her on the fly. You will note the next gen : F4/BX1.

But our little green world love so much bad habits ^^ : Most of the time the BX notation replace everything : BX1, BX2, BX3 as the only information. Not big deal for your hunt, this amputated notation isn’t drastic for your strategies.

The mention of recursive line can be a specific BX strategy but also a true frequent trap when you’re sourcing your seeds. I will develop more in the demonstration don’t worry.


What a surprise, this additional notation take the S(n+1) structure ^^

I’ve to show my colors first, it’s a question of clarity at this point. Because it matter for the demonstration also. I’m radically against the use of reversal outside the field of the experimentation AND against the use of a reversed line as genetic material. Simply. I say this with a Skunk VA Chem91 S1 in the fridge that you will see this year over here. Ambivalent right ? Sadly sometimes you don’t have any choice, it don’t change that i will not use a sprayer during the whole process planned for these seeds. But it’s enough to give a grid a reading and a disclaimer at a time. Back to the subject.

At the image of the BX subject, the graphic again is not showing the only way to use a reversed plant to inbred it. But the most common. To keep your mind elastic, no one say that you can’t use both technic at a time by example. Making your S1, then BX it to the cut of reference during a few reversed generations … that’s breeding son, the only limiting factor is yourself.

The effect have a similar effect that a BX program : breaking the dynamism of variations. At the difference that you don’t narrow progressively the expression of the genotype, you’re creating a new from one unique phenotype. It’s why it’s interesting for the experimental field : it show you what kind of surprises is in the vault of the specimen. If you read between the lines right now than an unique specimen on itself can be unpredictable … that’s a good sign for your potential ^^ I told you, the game is hard and only a hardened off method can lead to control, predictability then … reliability.

The product used is known in the cannaweb as CS (colloidal silver) or STS (silver thiosulfate), but it’s no longer used by the (EU) industry since a while. By the exponential demand, the volumes concerned, the fastness imposed, the “make fems of everything for yesterday before i change my mind tomorrow” … the product really used by professionals are more close to a “super STS”, mix of STS and PGRs. Prices of this kind of product and the formulas are quite diversified, the most effective formulas generating the less holes in the planning of production are obviously the most expensive, and some don’t even hurt and/or stop the plants.

Wide arrays of clones are mechanically sprayed in hermetic and very controlled environments (temps/rh/co²) then females are placed in between when the reversal is finally kicking. The evolution of the technic mostly due to productivity constraints, it don’t affect much the quality of the end product.

Including the production of fems in the selfing is quite borderline, you can make fems F1. You can make BX etc … but the pivot point stay the spray and it permit to extend the subject to what is almost a question of survival for all labels today : offering this kind of product.

Hunting genetics - 004


Practical use : Hunting genetics properly means knowing where to plant your claws and fangs.


I just found an excuse to write a nonsense motto of my regretted grand pa ^^

Now we can finally make cry the weed nerds and to invoke Seedfinder for a little demo of hunting. I will choose labels i don’t know and lines i don’t know, randomly, so you can see the precautions to take while you’re setting your strategies.

Well it’s more long that i was thinking to randomly take strains because there is a lot of recurrences in pedigree damn ^^ So i will change the strategy and to give the change with more contextualized examples. More exhaustive but more fast for me to build.

Let’s say for the first example that you want to hunt two lines to make your F1s.
One strain choosed for the structure : the Grape Stomper
One strain choose for the weed : the Grand Daddy purple
I know, it’s not very original ^^

Grape Stomper (Gage Green Genetics) :: Cannabis Strain Info

Let’s synthetize this now with the pedigree list of seedfinder (trustfully) : Purple Urkle watered down X (Headband X SD).

You realize fast that half of the genetic is purple urkle and that it’s carrying the line. For real the blend is nice and the heterosis quite qualitative but the singularity of the line is not specifically Diesel in any way (at most,
a little bit in the leaves shapes) and not specifically PU either. It’s really a blend on its own with a good balanced structure, very nice plants, but in term of weed it don’t really offer more than a classic weed.

Info about the unknown or legendary cannabis strain "Grand Daddy Purple" :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info

For the GDP, it’s close to the opposite. The weed has funky character but the shape is quite stretchy and not as easy to grow that the Grapestomper. Quite diva on nutes to maintain a good rank of the final product.

Now the efforts of synthesis : you know the parts and their place in the sequence, you have to evaluate what the genetic pool of both reunited can give in term of weight. It’s more easy than it look.

A simple list of the main axes is enough, based on the Grape Stomper x GDP project. Don’t mind about the pollen donor and dominances, it’s just checking if the idea is enough sexy and cocky to be worth the ride.

(Purple Urkle watered down x “Diesel” watered down) x (Purple Urkle direct x Big Bud direct)

The F1 and their heterosis then will not follow the usual path that streamline the progeny, it’s an indirect BX on the PU that generate a “conflict” to choose priorities. The genotype have to deal with it a bit before sit somewhere. It mean F3/F4 whatever the selection is. It can’t be a direct banger structured in a given balance, this lady will need cares before being used.

So we have 50% of the F1 (in weight only) that is PU. It’s the lead, because even if recessive in both lines it’s suddenly reinforced. An artificial stack. Even if in the Grape Stomper, the PU is discreet by the intermediate step. What define the PU is the potency profile, so mechanically it will become the first priority of the line.

We have 25% of the F1 in weight that is Big Bud. Quite dominant in shape on the GDP but also giving a body to the nice terps.

We have 12.5% SD that don’t really passed initially, structure is not present and the weed isn’t there. But that make the GS a good eater

We have a repetition at 12.5% headband, that output quite the same deal. (not really “dieselishing” the weed of the cross)

Reduced we end with a PU/Big Bud hybrid for the dominant weight that don’t really have a justification considering the initial GDP. Without being patient and working his ass, we just rebalanced a GDP that promise to be quite unstable.

It’s not a bad thing or a good thing, it’s entirely related what what you’re able to handle and your goals. If the concept is to extract a given combo, this instability is your friend even if a bit worried by the BX restricting the spectrum. If you wanted a good heterosis that balance the cross by the averages and near to zero work, that’s not a good new.

On creativity side, inbreeding directly the GDP to fit your taste is a better plan.

By this effort of simplification you can’t judge at this point the true value of this project and you can’t judge at this point any predictive ratios of specimens. But you can evaluate what kind of work it is and if it fit what you had in mind in term of weight in the cross : an hybrid with the PU lead and its constraints.

Even if i’ve already made this cross in the past, this little demonstration isn’t a recipe but more to show that the discipline start very early. Also the importance to know your classics by extend.

If you want a balanced blend, you need the heterosis and to dodge anything that can worry it.
If you want to extract something, you need to know the depth of the mine : the dominant weights in game.

Now you can digg seedfinder to make your own exercises and to find a combo that can really follow what you have in mind. Don’t forget the concept of distance, don’t forget to weight of the final blend and don’t forget that you should have a defined goal …

Better to find the right strains for your goal that searching the right goal for your strains ^^

See you around ;o)
