Live & Reloaded

Starting the trim jail of the outdoor male … time to chit-chat with buddies on a late wake & bake. Long night ^^, friends passed by with amazing set of hash lol You know what ? The JH7 finished them all and i don’t have planned this. Myself, after a good half oz smoked now, i felt the catalyst effect with the hash. Big datas on the chemotype, i found a new toy in the JH7 and maybe discovered why she felt capped in being not.

I think there is some bloody fight in precursors : CBGa that don’t want to transform sharply. On this release I haven’t high THCv specimen (= (CBG->dependant)), i’m destroying the cellar since the start of the harvest of this round. Wifey is mad, she call me the gremlin.

Totally normal with a NL5H, any pheno. But not so on the JH, specially the hazey pheno i focus on.
I think that the hazey phenos are struggled to transform a clean CBG so they waste in CBC, giving this strange capped-uncapped sensation. The JH5 is sharper, but without much THCv the speciality of the “bazooka” in the genotype. It give an idea of the work to do after the BX process, i always worked the JH 100% potency beside the genetic maintenance, it will not change tomorrow ^^

What a fucking digression, half JH7 cone reached ^^ Totally a JH stuff lol My oxygen.

Just a pure Darwinian smoke. But the soul is preserved and amplified religiously.
Terps are generally only a consequence of the chemotype i boost only in this sense, but are usually drifting quite fast on the “backwood camphor mint” side. Last IBL in date was a F11, prototyped to blend a ST#3 F7. The F1s were just plain stupid in potency, but only in using the JH as receiver and not donor. As usual (cough).

This time i want to challenge myself, and to fix the JH7/Dam as floral spice. The lemoney phenos don’t resist well to potency increase, it’s gonna be a ride. Indirectly and discreetly, the full mapping of the JH’s phenotype is hidden in breeding example somewhere in the wikis ^^ Not the one of the F1, but the one you can expect from 10 generations ^^

Working in a losted island only lead to be disapointed by its own work, and while competing. It’s why so much people give up in this game, in favor of the fem’s slavery. I don’t even joke.

Let’s roll his little brother, the engine is hot now. Only with this cone i can have a sweet afternoon, but let’s be a piece of shit and to experience the JH-LVL2-high. I fucking love this weed for this too, at release state.

Anyway no one go this deep in the log … i don’t give a shit.

I am (in hurry). The timer started at end of August for things aside OG, I’ve to rush the hell during one year. I don’t send you leftovers, but high priority stuff. Whatever it is ^^

It’s looping afterward on your considerations on the Jahmnesia. You should think about a relabel once you’re no longer relying on a F1 part. The weed always find its marks without heterosis, it’s why you have pro F1s and anti F1s in people really concerned by “growing genetics”. I’m a swiss punk, so … both are cool tribes for me. But both tribes say the same thing on F1s : it’s a frozen state. You have your clear answer, inner specificity of the phenotype put aside ofc.

If you have the opportunity to let me taste it at its prime state, do it. The JH blunt was purely cultural + breeding interest to have someone that have tasted the release-state. And really a breeding weed, most of the time what i’m sampling with a 4x4. I guess that my exotic style in nutrient’s management … have a deeper sense for you now ^^

So yes, if it’s this … don’t feel guilty to throw a dry nug you consider not representative of the farmer. In OGs, only the stoner’s part of us is present. It’s not to compare with a JH. It’s to reserve it for a clean wake & bake, ok chronometer in hand ^^, after an evening OFF from my weed. Like you have done for me, smoking the genetic more than the weed. The true blunt was for the “two birds, one stone” ^^

We are constantly making seeds with everything also. It’s an habit that is exotic now, like smoking a lot of seeded weed lol Well, that’s something that impress me more when it’s constant that any NASA lab or big spaces that have nothing to say from one season to another. It’s how i’m functionning, fascinated by any tight window of darwinism ^^

We should mind in this kind of ping pong. But when it’s the time. When the plants and the lab are synch to output fire on demand ^^ It’s the fucking repro factory here since over a year, but let’s roll a third to be sure.

It’s gold or “goat” (i don’t get it) to have grasped this. Even not perfect, it’s a simple intro after all these chit-chat with my favorite weed as well. The “bud on the table” angle is kind of religious for me, Spanish cups and Catalunian clubs influenced it as fuck when i lived around BCN. Real cultural print-foot in my “cannabiculture”.

You’re quite shy on the subject, i hope it’s not because my polemic weight with interlinked networks. It’s not even in the equation for me and i’m able to respect a mentor and shut up. Just curious of the roots of the stoner, terroir give more taste to the weed ^^

Garanteed, but i really want to taste the pheno you have invested. The chemo and potential, you got it.

We can muscle the game at one point too, lets be liberal with rules ^^ I think i really don’t screwed the grade of the SD, i will not miss the opportunity to inflate my ego as well lmao Culturally egoist ^^

Good transition buddy. A lover of Hazey JH is a lover of SD for me.

Fck, i forgot to roll this third cone. It’s important for the accuracy and the dedication of this discussion. And the LVL3 fucking high. Never counted the cannabinoids/receptors layers before, it’s idiot. Let’s do it.

This post is a complete mess, i answer randomly to things scrolled there and there ^^ JH Netherweed style powered. What yeah. Preparing the guinea pig to narrow his attention on the most valuable transcription of his receptors about it.

The “round race” that deliver the first 5 minutes of the prime torque are essentially similar. You feel that not everybody can enjoy it, but you feel also it’s not like an electric haze or sativa with a prime race all in spikes and physical heart races.

I personally find the JH/SD race quite warm actually (lightly skunked) and “round shaped” (wine). But the soul is totally different. The JH is a focus beast, on demand. Quite sharp smoke even at release state, “metallic” on the brain : improving conductivity, accurate, fast.

The SD race is all in … creativity. You feel artist even in dialing a spark plug lmao More “in love” too, the JH is more the weed of “moines copistes dopés” i find. Both considered also as daily.

A bunch of memory of “gigachads bro, i smoke in sleeping” turning white only with the Dam pheno. But none with the SD, just fucked up like clowns or sleeping.

I can burn alive for this but the SD is capped. And the C91, lets say her mother, is stronger and uncapped. That’s why.

Only a blunt can tell definitively ^^
It’s cool, more handy to talk about the details of what we appreciate the most. Sharpening us more on the way.

Pour démarrer faut prendre des wrappers. Du nicaragua or equateur, bien blond (evites le vert). ça va à peu près avec toutes les weeds, perso j’adore avec la big bud ça donne un air de phillies high grade.
Les bons cubains sont intouchables mais je lâches rien, je pense breeder un peu de tabac en in même ^^

Sinon, juste pour se faire la main, y’a un vide judiciaire inexorable en France pour la feuille tout comme les seeds de canna. Du burley ça se trouve en France assez facilement. T’as même des fermes locales des fois, bref les prix sont corrects même si le tabac casse pas des briques. Cela permet de se familiariser à moindre coût avant d’importer du lourd.

Good reminder bro. I’ll check probably at level … oh right 4 is the next ^^

J’ai encore le cul entre deux chaises, exploring the AKshish is teasing me as fuck. Terpy/potent and i’ve no clue what kind of segregation to expect in F2. Sexy, and it’s not the herm line. Different batch that the last AK repro. I need some fuel to think at 4th gear RPM, let’s roll this one for the science ^^

That’s the price of minimalism, the last thing to fuck up is the planning. I’ve 2 to 3 weeks until i can start to germinate the seeds that i tear of the living flowers. JH7 mothers on the go, once on the rail they are fast at it : one month and i can flood the 4x4 with JH. Yeah … lol

We talked about it with my padawan recently. The true standard (for all purpose) is the 5x5. It will not change much the techical side (static pressure, lights …) but will erase this kind of hesitation from the equation. It give also the necessary room for a fat 3x3 plants round or a dense 7x7-8x8 SOG round.

It’s horrible i don’t fucking know. SD and JH still full priority ^^ Let’s see where the starving clones are going first.

Sorry ^^

Beside the love, it’s a real classic to know.
I’m glad you have appreciated the “chicken-egg” demonstration ^^

Hardcore mode activated. It will make obvious the results ^^

Same club, but not for all weeds. By example with a kush i dislike as fuck. Or with C91.

But an oscuro with a fat skunk god damn never pass it or it’s instantly consumed. Big Bud / CM also, and the terpy NL5ish pheno of the NL5H.

I will try but i don’t it will work with the SD. It’s more for the very choco cuban ones i’m chasing. With the perique black i bet it’s a diamond-all time-favorite treat. It’s a faith lol News soon enough.

But now i’m exploring the fillers as well ^^ An hell to roll but to make pressed wraps it’s starting to talk.
I’m on ecuadorians fillers atm, none good price/quality found yet. Remind me the cheap cigars sold in Spain by big boxes. Not bad, not good. But you don’t buy again.

It’s a 10 days off, but i chill in ruining my brain in editors etc … not simple but it will be cool ^^ Can’t wait to publish the first. I’ve the fucking summary to place somewhere in the conversation too, maybe just after a pseudo-update ^^

Dope POV ^^ You know why now the ancient celebrations of october were bloody for equinoxe or i don’t what lol I should try this exercise in different representative points, with a fat ass blunt.

You spoil the fuck damn i don’t realized instantly !!! STOP IT lol


The IBL was dipped in THCV, scalpel-races and let me roll the LVL5. Damn.
It’s becoming very citric, like a light lemon oil coat on back of tongue. But only now, after a citric astringent cleaner long phase. Funky. Capped since the LVL4, but i’m gentle with my lil weed. Really since LVL3. I’m still able to separate each high like the stage of a rocket lol At good tempo, i feel spikes of saturation sometimes after a big toke. The beast is just sleeping.

Yeah, upgrading the potency on the hazey JH on levels that others main subgroups can’t, boost up mechanically the THCv rate. Like a fucking good dog no matter what. The same symptom happened on the sweet tooth #3, even if it was breeded for. But not only, pure skunks works aren’t in rest either.

The exact semi-answer is in the F1 seeds you have. “C99” x NL5H. Not joking.
The “hazey clan” is sub-represented in almost everything lol For me, it’s the JH. But for the vast majority of stoners since fuck three decades, I’m wrong ^^

Working this chameleon-in-high in potency, is like making 3D a good painting ^^ But the sap is rich and it really “spread” definitively in 4 main subgroups directly. Like the rings of tolken lol, but only 4 and not 9. I guess mine is mutant blend of (ork x raped elves) x Ent. That i backcrossed with a goblin, breaking my own heretic rules. Woo it was SDish.

But damn … all these releases have lost so much torque over decade it’s crazy. Not crying, the job will be done, but it’s there.


She must miss last time you smoked JH, at least it was at the garage :laughing:

What’s the fun otherwise!


It was a bit long and tedious but it’s done, let’s put this in the dehydrator now.
Look at my fingers, this is not pollen powder. But pollen hash of crunched grains :

It’s a good opportunity to inject just after this post the summary i need for the wikis ^^

So breaking news, during the maintenance of the clones, trimming necrosis and washing … guess who win against all bets ?

Motherplant “fuel” overfert, coco pellet, 12-14 days, almost decent clones.
Motherplants “fuel” starving, Oasis, 18 days, clones that need foliar cares.

but … the “NFT” mod work better in apocalypse than the popular “ice cube” ^^ One of the rooted is even an apex. Done by my wife ^^

Speaking about this you bet i called wifey to look at my domination, opportunity to show a trick on oasis and these foam : when you see this in the foam just stop to touch the greenhouse and don’t move anything. It’s the root’s alcaloids forming bubbles in this medium, kind of “recon” before launching the dogs. Don’t scrap, touch, wash, whatever even if none root finally get out from there lol

Let’s save the asses of the clones now, simple Aptus Startbooster foliar at 0.25ml/L. Once a day, instead the usual tap water. I miss the HG Magic Green for this. Stronger.

Off course the SD don’t like the oasis … the only i thing i had not tried lol

Let’s roll one in sharing whats behind this SD engine :

  • gen1 clone : soprano told me to don’t feed the clone until a very long time, it was real i almost burned it at one point and was forced to transplant in hurry after a swim in a bucket. I put it on the type of grow used to produce clones or maybe a preventive shot. It’s new for this cut.

  • gen2 clones : it’s handling directly light schedules on their fresh clones. On coco pellets, the clones reached the 100% base within one week. To stay insanely hungry until death. It’s not new at this state.

  • 12-14 days in coco pellets, 17-20 days in oasis. On PH drifts under a PH free law, there is no fundamental difference. Against the apparences, the foam isn’t an acid medium like rockwhool.

  • I don’t forced yet a batch of clones in seedlings pots, but the cut is a good root mass producer. Perform as well in 2 liters a than 10 liters.

  • the majority of clones renewing the motherplants (selected for) for now have more nodes on their length. Clones aren’t as big that i want, in spain i maked 1 feet one on the SD and ECSD and it was a breeze. Maybe something to dig there, with the hydro cloner.

To be continued … ^^



Mendelize the Dank

Strain reports


Orphans buffer

Filial Generations - 002


Filial Generations : F1, F2, F3 ... it's never relative, bruh.


I even feel guilty to write you anything more about this; like a fan without blades. But i see that the concern is real and i’ve to find a way to help people to stop to waste their precious time on it. Let’s find a way to give the keys for good.

It’s ambivalent with the title of this wiki but you have to totally dissociate the mendel’s laws from the filial generations. It’s very important, even if it look crazy at first glance.

They are interlinked yes, but starting to consider the filial generation by the spectrum of the mendel law will just making you a limited chunker in this game (said negatively). It’s all you will got from this, no evolution to expect from your failures if you stay in this philosophy.

I will take the time later, in another wiki, to talk about the Mendel’s laws more in details, when i will be ready for this. Because it involve to speak deeply about the selective process and i hate it for various reasons. It’s also very hard to vulgarize without sending people to hell, you have to think about the possible interpretation of each word you use and to stay accurate to stay practical, in the same time.

I’ll give you a treat to shut down this fire that can make crush your potential with a bad start. Because just after i’ve a thing to say that is not sexy.

For now and at this step of the discover, you don’t only have to accept that you will break your teeths many times. You have to want it badly, like a fucking stubborn moron.

If you have readed this weird wiki and that you found only one single thing that you wasn’t already knowing with your hands, it’s the proof that you don’t passed this fire test yet. Who care, it’s always at the bottom of the wall that your meet the most important mason. The one in charge of the foundations.

And it’s all about it, how you build yourself during the journey. It’s very important to take all the risks and impossible bets at the start because it will never happens again. In front of the hardiness of the game, the more you get factual and reliable skills (those that reproduce results on demand) and the more you tend to the comfort zones that will define your signature later. If you don’t make your prime exploits by the leverage of the luck and craziness first, it will simply limit too much the spectrum of your sight and it can neutralize your evolution at a too early point. Don’t be this breeder jailed by an unique cut, but the one able to generate your own. And for this, you need this foolish sequence.

It’s why for now you need to only use the filial generations as a chemically pure notation, not as something that influence your decisions for your project. Just rush and don’t give a fuck, and don’t waste your time in front of mids you will generate this way. Burn them in a blunt, make your conclusions and find the next move : more risky, more foolish, more hard than the previous. Until you make your first crazy exploit, don’t worry you will identify exactly when it will happens and you need no one to tell you it’s the case.

From there, you will be enough mature and frustrated to stop to play then to enter in the building of a true methodology in knowing the battleground where you’re shining the most.

So yes, F(n+1) … what a roman for this lol. “I have F1, i make seed so i have F2”. +1 … and dang, from one failure to another you discover that the F4a is absolutely not following the rule of the F4b of another failure. It will be the sign that you’re ready and enough elastic to handle the mendel’s law and to integrate it in your method. Simply. Before this stage, just have fun and never blame yourself to fail. You’re prototyping a method and it take time. And keep in mind that being lucky too soon is not necessary the best start, but also a jail.

Keep pushing, those that really win are those that last. Not those that pass their time to make the world know that they win ^^ You can be sure that they don’t have the time to even touch a plant, it’s their job : to incarnate something. And you’re not taking the time to read all of this to learn how to sell bibles door-to-door, right ?

Generations & Notations - 003


Generations and Notations : yeah ... not that simple.

Now i’m entering in the den of the weed nerds (i’m not one of them), often mocked for their way to digest a shit ton of informations but not often used at their right value. I’ve the chance to don’t have this generational bias, i just don’t give a fuck. If there is something that can help me to improve my kung fu, i just take it. In this era where egos are more breeded than plants, i think it’s a wise advice to share.

So to the weed nerds that will land here by error lol, don’t judge too hard the little demonstration i will do. It’s just to show the cognitive mechanism to adopt and that can avoid to build goals and their breeding plans in a way that make them doomed to fail miserably ^^ Collecting failures like a fool ok, but only the useful ones.

Beside the will the reinvent the wheel i read often, the methodological notation can be resumed to three grand axes : BX, S and IBL. I will make a graph as a reminder, just in case.


More simple to handle it’s not possible. Just sisters and brother making seeds during a given numbers of generations. And that you note just with the filial generation to keep a track of the depth. Just the F(n+1).

The natural way of propagation of cannabis overall, even in mastered hashplants cultivars. Since … humans burn dankness to feed their soul. But also any repro, whatever the depth.

There is a bunch of bullshit floating around this, i’m just sad that next gen stoners today forget often that it’s not a consecration or a hierarchical value. Also that most of landraces are IBLs before becoming modern cannabis hybrids at the genesis of cannabis breeding.

But the most itching for me is the concept of “inbreeding depression”, like a fate that any grower should take in count in his breeding plans. For a given cannabis genotype, a single human have the lifespan of a mosquito at the level of DNA.

There is a funnel where your selective pressure take exponentially more importance past the F4 (so your failures too), but that’s the point right ? When i fail, i fail. I don’t need to call it a natural phenomenon to please my ego.

And to avoid late failures that can’t be fixed, you just create parallel lines as fail safe. Simply, no need to reinvent the wheel of the applied agronomy.

There is no rational limit to call a line an IBL. It’s important for the transparency but also the tracking of what you’re doing.

On term of conventions i’m bastardizing one since decades and it’s the use of the # character.

Fire Strain #3 is supposed to mean Fire Strain IBL3, that eventually mean Fire Strain F3. But for this last mention it’s relative to the starting point of the line, so it’s not an absolute rule.

I use the # for the nametag of the plant but also to identify different parallel lines. It’s not conventional, but i never use it outside the private context. Just for convenience and by habits, outside the lab i use the right notation for the sake of clarity and respect.


No matter if it’s a male or a female that you use recursively, you cross the successive progeny with one initial P1. It break the dynamism of variations around a single set of expressions and it push the genotype to have a restricted manner to deploy its diversity.

Mostly used with very recessive phenotypes when an isolation in IBL is not possible or too long for the planning of the lab (often the last case).

My little graphic don’t take in count all the ways to make a BX, just the most common one.

In term of convention, it’s BX(n+1) just like the filial notation. I advise you to cumulate them : filial + BX since the start, so when you’re ready to play with Mendel you already took a very good habit that help you on decisional level for selection.

Let’s say you repro (IBL) a line and finally find a stunning female in F3 by luck and that you decide to fix her on the fly. You will note the next gen : F4/BX1.

But our little green world love so much bad habits ^^ : Most of the time the BX notation replace everything : BX1, BX2, BX3 as the only information. Not big deal for your hunt, this amputated notation isn’t drastic for your strategies.

The mention of recursive line can be a specific BX strategy but also a true frequent trap when you’re sourcing your seeds. I will develop more in the demonstration don’t worry.


What a surprise, this additional notation take the S(n+1) structure ^^

I’ve to show my colors first, it’s a question of clarity at this point. Because it matter for the demonstration also. I’m radically against the use of reversal outside the field of the experimentation AND against the use of a reversed line as genetic material. Simply. I say this with a Skunk VA Chem91 S1 in the fridge that you will see this year over here. Ambivalent right ? Sadly sometimes you don’t have any choice, it don’t change that i will not use a sprayer during the whole process planned for these seeds. But it’s enough to give a grid a reading and a disclaimer at a time. Back to the subject.

At the image of the BX subject, the graphic again is not showing the only way to use a reversed plant to inbred it. But the most common. To keep your mind elastic, no one say that you can’t use both technic at a time by example. Making your S1, then BX it to the cut of reference during a few reversed generations … that’s breeding son, the only limiting factor is yourself.

The effect have a similar effect that a BX program : breaking the dynamism of variations. At the difference that you don’t narrow progressively the expression of the genotype, you’re creating a new from one unique phenotype. It’s why it’s interesting for the experimental field : it show you what kind of surprises is in the vault of the specimen. If you read between the lines right now than an unique specimen on itself can be unpredictable … that’s a good sign for your potential ^^ I told you, the game is hard and only a hardened off method can lead to control, predictability then … reliability.

The product used is known in the cannaweb as CS (colloidal silver) or STS (silver thiosulfate), but it’s no longer used by the (EU) industry since a while. By the exponential demand, the volumes concerned, the fastness imposed, the “make fems of everything for yesterday before i change my mind tomorrow” … the product really used by professionals are more close to a “super STS”, mix of STS and PGRs. Prices of this kind of product and the formulas are quite diversified, the most effective formulas generating the less holes in the planning of production are obviously the most expensive, and some don’t even hurt and/or stop the plants.

Wide arrays of clones are mechanically sprayed in hermetic and very controlled environments (temps/rh/co²) then females are placed in between when the reversal is finally kicking. The evolution of the technic mostly due to productivity constraints, it don’t affect much the quality of the end product.

Including the production of fems in the selfing is quite borderline, you can make fems F1. You can make BX etc … but the pivot point stay the spray and it permit to extend the subject to what is almost a question of survival for all labels today : offering this kind of product.

Hunting genetics - 004


Practical use : Hunting genetics properly means knowing where to plant your claws and fangs.


I just found an excuse to write a nonsense motto of my regretted grand pa ^^

Now we can finally make cry the weed nerds and to invoke Seedfinder for a little demo of hunting. I will choose labels i don’t know and lines i don’t know, randomly, so you can see the precautions to take while you’re setting your strategies.

Well it’s more long that i was thinking to randomly take strains because there is a lot of recurrences in pedigree damn ^^ So i will change the strategy and to give the change with more contextualized examples. More exhaustive but more fast for me to build.

Let’s say for the first example that you want to hunt two lines to make your F1s.
One strain choosed for the structure : the Grape Stomper
One strain choose for the weed : the Grand Daddy purple
I know, it’s not very original ^^

Grape Stomper (Gage Green Genetics) :: Cannabis Strain Info

Let’s synthetize this now with the pedigree list of seedfinder (trustfully) : Purple Urkle watered down X (Headband X SD).

You realize fast that half of the genetic is purple urkle and that it’s carrying the line. For real the blend is nice and the heterosis quite qualitative but the singularity of the line is not specifically Diesel in any way (at most,
a little bit in the leaves shapes) and not specifically PU either. It’s really a blend on its own with a good balanced structure, very nice plants, but in term of weed it don’t really offer more than a classic weed.

Info about the unknown or legendary cannabis strain "Grand Daddy Purple" :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info

For the GDP, it’s close to the opposite. The weed has funky character but the shape is quite stretchy and not as easy to grow that the Grapestomper. Quite diva on nutes to maintain a good rank of the final product.

Now the efforts of synthesis : you know the parts and their place in the sequence, you have to evaluate what the genetic pool of both reunited can give in term of weight. It’s more easy than it look.

A simple list of the main axes is enough, based on the Grape Stomper x GDP project. Don’t mind about the pollen donor and dominances, it’s just checking if the idea is enough sexy and cocky to be worth the ride.

(Purple Urkle watered down x “Diesel” watered down) x (Purple Urkle direct x Big Bud direct)

The F1 and their heterosis then will not follow the usual path that streamline the progeny, it’s an indirect BX on the PU that generate a “conflict” to choose priorities. The genotype have to deal with it a bit before sit somewhere. It mean F3/F4 whatever the selection is. It can’t be a direct banger structured in a given balance, this lady will need cares before being used.

So we have 50% of the F1 (in weight only) that is PU. It’s the lead, because even if recessive in both lines it’s suddenly reinforced. An artificial stack. Even if in the Grape Stomper, the PU is discreet by the intermediate step. What define the PU is the potency profile, so mechanically it will become the first priority of the line.

We have 25% of the F1 in weight that is Big Bud. Quite dominant in shape on the GDP but also giving a body to the nice terps.

We have 12.5% SD that don’t really passed initially, structure is not present and the weed isn’t there. But that make the GS a good eater

We have a repetition at 12.5% headband, that output quite the same deal. (not really “dieselishing” the weed of the cross)

Reduced we end with a PU/Big Bud hybrid for the dominant weight that don’t really have a justification considering the initial GDP. Without being patient and working his ass, we just rebalanced a GDP that promise to be quite unstable.

It’s not a bad thing or a good thing, it’s entirely related what what you’re able to handle and your goals. If the concept is to extract a given combo, this instability is your friend even if a bit worried by the BX restricting the spectrum. If you wanted a good heterosis that balance the cross by the averages and near to zero work, that’s not a good new.

On creativity side, inbreeding directly the GDP to fit your taste is a better plan.

By this effort of simplification you can’t judge at this point the true value of this project and you can’t judge at this point any predictive ratios of specimens. But you can evaluate what kind of work it is and if it fit what you had in mind in term of weight in the cross : an hybrid with the PU lead and its constraints.

Even if i’ve already made this cross in the past, this little demonstration isn’t a recipe but more to show that the discipline start very early. Also the importance to know your classics by extend.

If you want a balanced blend, you need the heterosis and to dodge anything that can worry it.
If you want to extract something, you need to know the depth of the mine : the dominant weights in game.

Now you can digg seedfinder to make your own exercises and to find a combo that can really follow what you have in mind. Don’t forget the concept of distance, don’t forget to weight of the final blend and don’t forget that you should have a defined goal …

Better to find the right strains for your goal that searching the right goal for your strains ^^

See you around ;o)



Just a fake-true update to encircle the Summary ^^

I find her pretty for many reasons, but outside the high darwinian leverage on one of the most shitty season we got her … there is some details and a trick you won’t believe ^^

The details is the floral mass in construction, i killed the male aside not so a while ago and she use all N she find to enlarge the top colas. I like the extra layers she add, while producing a good load of seeds.

Let me share the more stupid trick that exist for outdoor … inherited from my prime growrilla times lol

I use the regular ordering errors i got with FR growshops to feed the plants when i throw some seeds outside. When I’ve nothing, i use my GHE Micro bottle (purple one).

It’s as stupid as it’s looking. Biobizz is cat piss, regular dose are 4ml/L-5ml/L like many others (AN included). So in this case i use proportionality and it always work ^^

1 cap per ml/L advised poured on the remnants of the sheep poo pellets, at the base of the trunk.
BUT, just before a raining day ^^ If you’re playing minimalism outdoor like me, it can last one to two weeks without pouring again some pure nutes.

Let’s make some PDFs now ^^ I wrote the majority of the wikis during an hard recovery, very tempted to rewrite them more efficiently. But for the posterity i will not until all is structured, so i keep the “original version” around for each.

Some are hard to read i assume but i must confess it’s voluntarily. The actual wikis are true drafts that i write straight, “i made all the repros first” ^^ Big efforts will be made on english/grammar for revisions, it will help me to level up a bit on some of my most frequent errors ^^

I want clean foundations and bases available before entering the pure mendelian chapters … to this day i always miserably failed to introduce all my padawans to this. They all got the practical point at tactical level but never got the point at strategic level. I will challenge the fate this time, plenty of idea to bypass the aridity ^^

Roll a fatty for me



It’s always looking like shit when breeding is in high tension behind ^^ I’ve just the impression to hold my breathe with the whole lab. But it’s official it’s now that serious things are starting.

For the JH it’s now an automatism to get my weed, i just don’t expected a BX program.
For the SD … the hell of a pressure. It’s different , it’s like tagging a monument.


The place of the SD is growing in the R&D like a rocket, it’s on the rails. So it’s the SD mess everywhere. For now the planning is under control, i’m just frustrated to don’t have accomplished a personal record : flowering aside the orginal clone, it’s direct clones seeded and … the first batch of these seeds vegging. Maybe for the next gen, i want the head of this high score on my wall.

Let me check a pure heresy, if a couple of SD nugs in the dehydrator is ready to roll ^^ It’s a pure ignominy but … the weed is so intense that it’s not even a big deal lol : “The SD, dank no matter how you’re raping it”.

Yeah nice ^^ For my fake defense, its pure gluttony, the dehydrator run non stop since days to process the pollen of the outdoor male. It was too easy to just throw a couple nugs inside. God even fucked with a fast drying this shit is kicking its terps no matter what. And the high ^^

So she’s down / harvested /trimmed. Smoking some again bring back a lot of spanish memories as well that past frustrations. And the singular SD-smoke, on fire and in peace at a time.

It’s always something to say goodbye to a prime cut. She had a story, a travel, a previous quest … its propagation is more a productivity duty. Only the somatic experiment attach me to the SD mothers now. Farmer’s domain, and the farmer have to blow the mind of the stoner with attaching plants now. All a painful program i will share ^^

Very tempting , but i don’t want any lag when the dogs are unleashed. But it’s close, sample seeds are quite advanced now. I never tried a synched pollination with the SD before, i must say that it’s a breeze and that she like it.

The four mothers are working very well among different shapes of clones. All sogged in two liters. F1s are on the go and it’s an opportunity to share a point with those frightened to operate a BX program.

The pressure that i feel by the F1 maturing in these flowers is quite big. And i must admit quite pleasant for my kind of mind.

But 60% of this pressure is due to the inherent constraints of a BX program. Between right now and the BX1 seeds … i’m almost useless and powerless as breeder. Just focus and patience until the race really begin. So in waiting, you care about the genetic engine and make it well hot for the race. Half “can’t wait”, half “oh fuck”.

On “secrets” that don’t fucking exist, i choose this cut for his sturdiness in term of structure while i made fems with it.

The Chaco (ECSD) was used for everything “impressive” and fat. Typically, skunk/afghani pounders. The Big Bud model and the Super Skunk model, to polarize. Fabulous toy, as is the Thin Mint.

The AJ (SD), for all labels not wanting to listen anything else that the AJ as SD source. It still running today lol Like … 80% of the fems ordered wholesale.

The Untagged (SD), the one you see here now. It’s the one i used when i cheated the system a bit, close to the end of the journey. It’s the more raw and savage of the three, but i love its intensity. I generated interesting genetic shocks in fems that i was unable to do with the others : blueberry STS x SD, a fucking insane papaya STS x SD and a SS2 STS x SD who made the horns of the bulls fall (^^). Then i take my retirement, washed.

I digressed the fuck, why. Let me roll some of this terpy outdoor to boost the system. End of cycle, mid season, it’s a long update to read again three months later for me ^^

Maybe to show that i’m ready to transplant a bunch of seeds and to force them a while ^^ Supermarket soil again, this one is a good promo. 120 liters for the price of my usual german 70L. Quality is lesser but the coming round isn’t for pussies either. Big screening.

Yeah i know, it was to say that i will not operate the same BX program with the three cuts. And not even the same outcrosses. Take care when you’re following how i’m dialing this cut. Take always a step back and separate the main BX method from the specialized selection.

So yes, i will live plainly the heterosis of the SS2 x SD like any stoner. Both are raw genetically, it’s moving a lot if your’re not cheating the dices with STS. I take the hard way this time, the explosive one lol

The remaining SS2 pollen i have is just enough to finish the repro with one SS2 female. I will not create more F1s, all-in for the heterosis. SS2 is a good outcrosser, offering early sreening and all. I’m confident, but i hope secretly to get one specific pheno to start the segregations. What i say is fucking ambivalent and a true breeding concept in fact lol

The principle of a BX is to break specifically the segregations. The first step being to cross the F1s with the same P1.

The segregations generated this way are very differents from :

  • a F2 (gen2) BX1 : that segregate by what the cut is “rejecting” genetically
  • a F2 (gen2) IBL : that segregate by the mendelian sub-groups, by affinity more.

Got it ? ^^ All of this represent yet … a first checkpoint in Feb2025 i think. There is enough to speak about inside the process while documenting the stuff ^^

Still can’t wait to germinate an hell of SD F1 hybrids seeds batch ^^
God it’s almost a wiki for the SD motherplants … i store photos to make one on training, scarifications, fibers manipulation and pinching. All-in-one as symbiotic method. So … don’t freak out lol

On left the “somalow” motherplant pruned but not trained and tortured.
On right the “fuel” motherplant quite tortured the fuck with SAR at max alert lol

Some spoilers but it will be too long to describe right now. Big wall.

It’s not specially to have fun but to map the hell the problematic of the yield and some points i never had the time to dig. I’m demultiplying as well the somatic experiment for the weed that these two ex-motherplants have to produce. Always try to stack something on the mule, it’s rounds to don’t do later ^^

On a more generalist note, you can note on leave’s shape the difference of development of both clones after the same pruning. Just one was trained and defense at 100%. The renewal is not at the same tempo and the size/time either. It’s also in general a longer flowering time for the same yield … it’s why i use training but sporadically. That’s a bunch of practical datas that are coming on this SD ^^

I’m waiting the vegetative restart of two gen3 clones transplanted to place them in flo.
I guess a week. Transplanting them in the same volume that the initial clone, 10 liters.

The F1 seeds and the SS2 females are annoying in my planning. The two units are filled the hell, i was very tempted to mount the 6400K bulbs and to give a 24/0 in the UFO to the motherplants. Maybe a dozen of days, they knew only the LED to sturdy their structure and i smell something funky. She have hard time to become woody past the 3-5 nodes, wich is not usual.

Maybe just a slice of parano, but i don’t fixed yet the canopy problematic past the feet below the panel. Now I’ve more marks to turn the potentiometer rightly with the development of the plants, less necrosis, les chlorosis, but i don’t like this pale camo army green.

The difference of resistance to this “light burn” between the somalow and the fuel is very pronounced now. On scents, only a planned stuff … the tortured one smell a lot less but it’s another obvious verification ^^ Can’t be linked with the clone’s line.

What a fantastic nursery right ? ^^ Some start to be transplanted and selected, one of the somalow rooted … it’s moving in a better direction that it’s looking lol Failed batch by experiments, it happens. Let’s keep the mothers feeded the hell now, but in cheating. I will blast them with root booster just the day before taking the cuts :japanese_goblin:

On the right, maybe the start of a prototype to externalize the cloning from the units. But hydro cloner. Nothing fancy, still thinking the stuff.

Wifey want a revenge on the cloning, pure competition this time ^^ Pruning, oasis dip, her ice cube greenhouse concept to the cares … she knew i always perform well in hell lol But she don’t accept that my clones rooted first in hell ^^ I even gave her the two important somalow to make as proof of its dominance on me at cloning. But no … womens. Next match, next month for the gen 4.

STS procedure on hold, just refining calculations. I prefer to dial the intense first weeks of the SD x SS2 the mind clear for the selection. S1s will wait even if it make crazy someone in Spain ^^

A dozen days to wait after the sogged clones … fucking torture. I think i will extract the most i can to reach 100 seeds asap. Forced ^^ So I’ve a decent batch to launch the engine the time to re-stock the seed sprouter. I like the idea, i hope i will not insult myself within a couple of posts ^^ Don’t quote me bastard.



The JH5 finally decided to produce again auxins lol What a joke for a tall lady like this.
I store photos on reveg too … little spoiler to show the obvious auxin spots that are changing slowly the canopy for a vegetative one.


Well the Dam bitch is no longer the diva it was, already at ramification, both clones ending the process.

It’s already a pain to have the JH jars empty … even in smoking the funky SD ^^
Can’t wait to fill the 4x4 with clones. Today, they are at ~75 days of reveg. Quite long, even if it was a cloning of the last minute.

Not much more to say, i’m in the inverse situation that with the SD. I’ve tons of seeds to germinate … but not the clones to BX ^^


Yeah, another project. Not really new but started earlier. Outdoor line that can survive Oregon is the goal, the initial backbone was supposed to be a CaliO worked. But i like the idea to see this part at the end. For now let’s play with the clay.

But I have a simple explanation, and it’s this :

Some early immature weed, quite leafy in september you bet, to sample fast dried. How to say, damned terpy. Very fruity but, alien fruit. It’s early sample so i don’t develop much … but worth the hell to start a line. The chemotype is very entertaining, ON/OFF. You enjoy the terps in sipping the cone quite high, very bubblegum-ish as fuck, quite euphoric. Then at the end of the cone, the stone come suddenly in one heavy shot. Gravity X2. The potency is quite high for the maturation, with a bit of sharpening indoor next round it’s going to be a very interresting start of a backbone ^^

But i don’t know, i’m feeling quite punk with this line that born. Not wanting to attach to a round more than another, until this dank shit is impossible to kill. So not really going to a stabilization but more giving sacrifices to mother nature of the on-going rounds. I will be in the shit with JH seeds calibration waste … these phenos are totally insane outdoor, even in pruning the hell. But yeah, just injecting some zeitgeist on regular base screened the hell by mother nature without intervention until seeds are made.

Oh yeah, the seeds actually forming in the female are (AK47 x Shishka) x Big Bud F2 ^^
Super terpy is an euphemism. I don’t planned to burn the AK and the BB for this initially, but let’s see how it’s going. Maybe just firestarters.

This trim jail last since days … the fault of the best fertility tests i’ve made for this specific stage with pollen. I reproduce with what i have but i need the fuck industrialize this more.

I will come back on this later in details, but the problem here is problem of rich. I just have the perfect RH all the year and its variations to dry weed like a champ without being a champ and in just hanging the weed around ^^

BUT for pollen it’s another story. The time you dry a batch and that you sift it, the stock rehydrated. So it’s a continuous flow between the dehydrater, the sift tube, the remaining stock to refresh with dry one … and with cares. Slowly and gently.

But the process is well oiled now and offer the best stats. Short :

  • harvest the male, defoliate totally fresh
  • keep only the bud stems and remove the true stems, dehydrate directly
  • keep temp below 50°c/122°c, i use 45°c for best viability
  • sift in hash filters continuously, 150µ
  • package vacuumed, absolutely not packed in anyway.

It permit to keep a continuous dry cycle to the vial if you have a weather that can fuck up it within an half hour ^^ But damn what an hell with the experimental tools, i have to refine this.

It’s 100% to keep some emergency pollen in case of. An new habit i’m working.

I’ve a bunch of others things to update but … this mortal-kombat-finish-him-stone at each end of a cone is not capped ^^ So early it’s promising.

Let’s make some weed that have a sense bro ^^


You went in a rampage of posting last week smoking your stash of JH!

Remember I’m smoking an afghani meanwhile, not the same pace! Could not follow you :laughing:

But I see it fuels you to go on with the wikis. it’s useful to have a summary. If you need help to correct the frenglish, tell me :smiley:

I didn’t want to admit the screws were going into a trunk, even if I knew it. I prefered to think it was to fix something on the pot. You’re a barbarian! :laughing: Poor plant.

I’m sure you sabotaged her snips :smiley:

Yeah I guess it would be time for that. I’ve nicknamed the cut “margarita” for the effect. Will think about that.

If I manage to dry it correctly, I’ll send some for sure. Won’t be the best grown, but will give an idea. Being tight on nutes definitely makes more sense in this cases. Paying it a bit with the AH. :smiley:


Yeah I wasn’t expecting the lost grown-for-terps weed in that blunt. :smiley:

There’s only one truth.

If you are curious of something just ask, here or in PM :slight_smile: I’m not really shy, just trying to stay low fingerprints and the limit is sometime narrow. I don’t really care about all this network things honestly. But don’t have lot of history to tell apart the one all growers have.

I guess uplifting is the thing. It’s a bit uplifting vs stoney (or european vs american if I wanna troll lol).

That’s a good description. Warm and sharp.

C’est noté!

Did you made up your mind? I saw you were hunting for some seeds on some threads.

Yeah sure, but you need the place to put it in. :laughing:

Looking good otherwise. Can’t wait to see this tent filled again for the multiple BXes to come. The little clones in there are looking good, but sooo alone!

Take care!


Hi @Fuel :wave:
Really nice here I sit down, I roll one and I contemplate :face_in_clouds:.
Good culture :green_heart:
See you


Thank you buddy, and welcome in the eye of the cyclone ^^
You wear the nickname of one of my favorite skunk ever. Now it give me the envy to add a repro on top of repros already in late ^^

^^ This weed put my brain on fire lol
Just before i quite disappeared because fed by NL5H ^^

I must say that the SD is on the JH range, but i still refuse to mix these references absolutely in everything lol An hybrid of both is just an awfull smoke i swear. I think it’s the fault of the skunk in the JH.

Actually on the template and first PDF, it’s longer than producing the others after. But hell yeah buddy, because the PDF are rewrited versions of the initial post. More concise but also more structured.

I don’t fucking know when i will publish the very first proto, it will the one on heterosis. But it will be the signal that i need help as fuck to polish the grammarian mess.

That i screw in each day by a 16th of turn ^^

I don’t use any screw, but the one specifically for the wood that are coated to dodge oxydation. The recovery of the motherplant is below what i expected, she really start to age now. I’m glad to be able to work on her not a decade later …

The other motherplant (somalow) will stay untouched for comparatives datas on linked traits. Just pruning on both to reduce to two main flowering stems only. Colonization and spiraling intel on flowers is aimed this round.

For her it’s sure ^^ 5 clones transplanted in my greenhouse, 1 in her greenhouse.
Really same care lol But the starting point was biased, a starved motherplant was a bad idea to speed up the rooting. Damn i started a parano with LEDs now, i’ve to mount a CFL 6400K 250W in the unit i use for clones. It’s eating a lot of space it sux but, i need to be sure ^^

why i think about a pizza. the SD munchies, i only want salty stuff with this weed.
got it for the cocktail ^^ i like the idea

Dope. That’s the point and i’m very curious about it. When Jah will bless a round, then you will present me the potential. Just like the JH.

But for the SD … i’m proud for a retrouvaille. Not much grammers but hell the grade is here, the soul is here and perfectly matured. I was scared for nothing to can’t reach 80 days. After this week i think i can send you a competitive blunt, the true league lol I will improve with rounds but this one is respectful of the soul, and more than decent to present you my fav SD. I don’t remember if you prefer to stay on shaded leaves or an oscuro by example. The SD fit anything, you will understand why quickly.

She’s similarly a diva in nutes with the JH in my opinion ^^
There is low below you live the hell to get back the regime without injecting N directly in intravenous in the plant lol

It’s a formal curiosity, not hot. I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a problem.
I try to catch the moment / group when the grow started to go beyond the stash. The influence that changed the angle of perspective. Even breeder fanboyism if any, i had my dark ages too ^^

And … the US stoners are today all-in on stone hammers, preferably heavily narco ^^
It’s an ex-friend from colorado that told me something that i don’t digest fully, but wich still relevant. He said that the influence on the sudden change of profiles of weed in US is linked wih the waves of opiods problems. Making an absolute link is obviously fancy, but i think it shouldn’t be considered as minor factor either.

Actually it’s a good stoner’s debate … US / EU trend, real time. Usually i follow a bit with the last cups and all but with the repros … losted island syndrome lol

Still not, and the pile of SD seeds is growing so i think it’s played.
Not real hunting, catching the opportunity to test works more and to discover new hopes ^^ The slot was there, it’s no longer the case now.

I still have a side slot for a side job on one line. I’m really curious to test the NL5H x ERSB F1 as well lol And frightened to discover that any further IBL is pointless because heterosis is near perfect.

I’m breeding the planning and the pollen synchro atm, without the plants ^^ Let’s play ultra focus on the BX1 coming very soon.

Take care ;o)


Looking at your postings since you stashed it seems to confirm that :laughing:

Or the skunk in the SD :smiley:

And have seeds now.

Yeah not my experience too. Or be ready to mist them with nutes a lot to compensate.

From the limited experience I have it’s working well with leds. Let see what your test concludes.

Didn’t think about this double meaning :smiley:

Another deal again then!

That’s the best compromise, grade before weight.

I don’t have such an expertise on tobacco blends, so maybe you can choose the one which will complement the SD better? A different one than the last time would be double win: new tobacco + new weed :smiley:

Yes probably. It’s also light sensitive I think, prefers lower side and a shading at the end to understand it’s time to die.

It isn’t!

Yes, I’ve seen several US people talking about that this way. But that sure can’t be the sole factor.

I think there’s been a moment in the US too where the import networks of mex/thais/etc slowed, together with the heavy grow ops repression in cali, forcing the production to go indoor. At that point there seem to have been a big shift toward indica or indica leaning hybrids on the market, both in terms of buds and seeds. But that’s just my remote theory.

yes, I find the difference in taste/effects/breeding goals between each side of the pond quite an interesting topic. Not enough time to search about that too though.


Told that because I was also considering trying some hyp3brid’s work since a while :laughing: Pretty original work.

BX the hell of them!


I guess ^^

SD have a light euphoria undertone that i’m appreciating better as daily than 12 years ago. Different lifes also. It’s not the one of the Bubblegum, it’s not driving the high and it’s less “realistic”, more a background spine that never level up or level down at the sweet spot that make it not tiring.

To really distinct the JH from the SD (beside the potency), it’s the main point.

You got it. Skunk is a bulldozer quickly when you wake up the dragon.
Specially with an indirect BX. It’s the risk with my JH BX program. If the NL5H outcross stir too much to the spine, i’ve to reinject the skunk#1 to relaunch the engine and re-fit the potency. I hope i will have just to make clone in chain ^^

The oscuro i shown previously offer a genuine taste of NY ^^ Even if most of the time it’s in flavored backwood over my kind of stuff. You can’t even blame when you know the weed and its ease to become a daily. It’s my safe personal choice for the most actual “taste of NY”.

I have a new dominican leaf but it’s risky, i’ve to test. It’s my quest to find similar render that cohiba high tier cigars. Addictively choco. On the nose the one look like a nice shot, but binders give body to cigar … it can be a facepalm at degustation as well ^^ I’ll throw a little cigarillo for a feedback.

We are far to understand all the factors of the equation yes, even if the change was quite radical. But yes the commercial leverage seen this way make sense, maybe at a point when good dealers were rare and gave them the power to push more lucrative lines/weed.

But yeah i often forget that the mexican bricks of weed have a big place in the culture too, it sound just crazy from here ^^

Even if there is hash everywhere here, i don’t have the impression (even seen on long term) that we are particularly turned on stone-hammers like americans. But more on modern hazes, even in the streets.

Cycles in genpool too ^^ It’s facinating subject i hope i will have the time to treat rightly in a wiki. But it’s the kind of “big one” this type.

After two tries to test OGer genetics, the Hyp3 thread popped and i remembered his bookmarked catalog. So i directly asked what was the more representative work, the question of the death that get me ghosted all the time lol

But the guy played the game and have put the balls on the table : SAWA V2. Prices aren’t cheap for a relatively absent label from tents, but i will give it a shot.

The catalog please me too since a while, cocky hybrids, smart pairing for blends, efforts of documentation and datas … let’s try the plants and the weed.

100% sure this bitch kept its jam double-flo, it can generate unpredictable maturation until enough inbred. That’s one point of my hazey JH BXs homeworks in selection.
It’s dope for the yield without out-crossing it, but it have to be domesticated a bit ^^

hell yeah ^^

Annoying because the perpetual cloning of all, but damn what a chill start also.
What i like with BX programs also is that you do most of the work in seedlings pots at high density. The culling process is also a true holidays : you care only about the males, you care about only one set of expression. Something industrial was missing i guess ^^

“to stay healthy, each day : eat vegetables and fruits and make a BX.”



I think I already told you a bit about that. I’ve lurked a lot on the french forums early 2000s (LMV, FCF, then cannaweed), When I finally joined the French Schism just happened, so I went where some took refuge, cannabisonline and cannaway mostly. The french community has always been a bit secretive and difficult to get into the more private parts. But there was some post vibes co. atmosphere there and I’ve met people that did their crosses, shared and tested each others, professionally or just for the fun. Kinda the same spirit than here, very welcoming. At that time there were people like JGL, a few old names like kaiki, rapha or mario from OD, as well as from the french scene. There were also discussions about genetic, I started to learn from there, but that was pretty basic. One thing that I liked was that people were trying to output new original things without relying on crossing always the same sought after cuts (well, not always). But I had too shutdown everything at some point. When I joined back, most of that had disappeared sadly.

I have to admit that the ERSB surprised (and impressed) me :smiley: And I’m afraid you might be right, but that would be a good news and good stash.

Oscuro sounds nice. The dominican too but is probably does not ix so well with all weeds. I’m gonna see if I can get a hand on some cigarillos to educate the palate. :slight_smile: I’ve also seen website proposing mixed packs of leaves.

Yeah, in EU the sativa is really the queen. Might be related to the population here and the proximity with africa and what it means in term of population exchange and “silk” road, compared to the long US presence in afghanistan for exemple.

Sometimes when I look at plants described as sativa dominant in the US, I’m like :thinking:

Even what is considered the best hash here is not so much a stoney one.

Exactly what had appealed me.

Yeah, it’s pretty wild and rough :smiley: I messed that grow too much, hope the clones will make it so I can try a real round with it.

Turning into a machine. :laughing:

1 Like

Damn ok. You’re quite hooked with various stuff in breeding, and at different levels, so i was thinking about a mentoring or something in this vein. Just this, so I insisted to know.

Yeah ecliptic scene, our fate. My obsession for constancy is not innocent ^^

Talking about this, it’s starting to be really hard to just let mature the 4 seeded clones. As hell. ~15 S1 so far and a dozen of F1. Not enough to launch a BX batch it sux. Patience.
Clones are fucked by i will save the honor ^^

Big frustration to don’t had anything but the seeded weed, this smoke just doesn’t have any sense and i will be glad to know others feedback ^^ I smoked weird stuff, but this one is choking because it’s as potent that a JH. You can be sure that a blunt will fly when i will make the F3s, true challenge to tell me how the fuck it’s smoking lol

I think that it will be just legendary. Weed 60% dry. I’m glad to announce that it’s not breeding weed at all ^^

Try the little cohibas in metal box. They aren’t expensive and offer a good spoiler on their more graded leaves. They have the particular undertone of the label.

Yup, a bunch of french webs now offering this. And you understand very fast that they have the same provider, at one or two exceptions. Best is going cheap to becoming familiar with the leaves, not stressing to waste some.

It’s an interresting parralel.
In this case I think it’s more : USA/south-america and EU/Africa

Not lowering their unconditional love for afghanis, but admit that the starting point is quite disturbing lol Maybe the mex and colombian they got were just too weak to reinforce over a generation any sympathy for this kind of plants, too ^^

If they got zamal instead mexican bricks, the whole history of american cannabis will be changed. So i will not be at the point to roll some SD. So fuck it.

God she’s really good bro, j’en éclates un avec ces satanées OCB unbleached. Je supporte vraiment plus le papier, et pourtant celles ci sont plus discretes que les raw.

Or skunks as semi-hazes ^^
Caricature but yeah, you can see clearly the trend in the fresh meat.
Maybe everybody think the SD is indica so they harvest at 50 the cut and blame its fake ^^ Who know ? lol

I’ve serious lovers around. Certain fresh morocco grades are no longer in the stoney zone but in the hardcore narco one ^^ On parle plus du mousseux mais d’un savon qui colle au mur si tu le lances. As greasy/oily than sticky as well.

Now in term of torque, a good traditional hash get me down more than a high grade rosin. I’m saturated instantly with rosin, so my system is in red alert to still get more. With a good dry sift i don’t know, it’s deeper and the next cone still continue to hit. So i’m more stoned in fact.

On a match “super stoney weed” vs “super stoney hash” … it’s a match i want to follow lol Sincerely i don’t know if it’s not a case of infinite battle, with ping pong victories. On the highs there is no question ofc.

Autumn is here, next week end we will got 75%-90% RH for two weeks. No fear.
But be prepared ^^

A fuckery of this round is stressing me as well, the failed batch of clones. It’s slowing down the whole a bunch, i’m going to write a high score but in marathonian cloning lol
For now the motherplants are renewed with the opportunity to make a second batch of gen3. Let’s focus on this and not on the lazzy asses in the greenhouses ^^

It make it even more rewarding lol But past the BX3 the fiesta is ended and you need to work again and crush your mind ^^ I will sip the duration of the program lol

Stay green bro, can’t wait to pass the blunt

1 Like

Well, mostly incomplete theorical knowledge, zero practical one, so a bit of help and guidance is welcome :slight_smile:

Yeah mostly empty tent is a hard show to see

Fsck. Well maybe the 4 maturing will round those numbers a bit better.

Yeah it seems so from your report. Kush plant with thai effect, disturbing…

Well so that round was a bit disappointing in seed numbers, but not quality weed then.

Thanks for the hint, I’ll hunt for that.

True it was the starting point. Might be that the war on drugs has worked and the flow coming from this country dried. There were big US ops in mexico against weed production, spraying chemicals and all. And maybe the shift to massive cocaine grows in columbia reduced the weed production.

uhuh yeah zamal would have kick their asses.

Pourtant j’aime vraiment pas le gout de ces feuilles la. Il est vraiment particulier et colore tout, difficle d’en faire abstraction. Mais des fois y’a pas le choix.

hehe. But I also remember some I had in hands and lungs that were nothing narco/stoney. Had one once that was yellow/white, very dry. Was sold as “double zero” and hard to find (expensive too), but that thing was pure sativa effect. Potent and long duration, you’d jump everywhere for 4 hours. I miss that kind of hash.

Yeah I think if the only comparison element is the stone, it’s a difficult battle. When it comes to high complexity, I’m with you, there’s no questions.

Just checked, fsck you’re right! Will be tight for the jamnesia.

That sucks! I’m sure you’ll get around this, just need a bit of patience but I get you don’t have much when you want that project to go forward fast.

Yeah, but you spoiled the duration in another thread already :smiley: I also have other projects, so I have to think how I’ll organize that in a longer term. Maybe alternate between them. Don’t want to get bored. We’ll see. I’ve thought about considering the cab as a two sided one, with 2 projects in parallel, but I think it’s to small to do that.

Best of luck with the clones mate, keep rocking!

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It’s time to roll a digestive one ^^ I’m surprised by the behavior of the SD as daily, now i’m 100% on the weed. Still not capped, still not bored. But hell i hate so much smoking with paper … it’s a kind of heresy to smoke some SD this way lol

Still sifting this damned Darwin pollen. A quarter of kilog remaining of male’s flowers to sift, it’s exasperating. I don’t see the end lol

The female is pollinated, no longer the case now ^^ You’re on the loop now lol

They are from them in fact, i’m so not in hurry that i extract manually the mature seeds one by one ^^ To reach 100 asap lol

The seeded clones will give each between 100 and 250 i think. I’m safe, I expected around 50 each with a synched pollination.

For the details and i’m not even sure it will not change with a different person ^^
My challenge is first to know if it’s the haze of indicas or the reverse lol

I just put the nugs in jars 10 minutes ago. I was sure to handle the yield like it was yesterday, and not the grade. The reverse happens ^^

A friend just come back from maroc and he don’t forgot to got me new clay bowls for my pipe ^^ An opportunity to test something lol I fucking hate to smoke in paper.

Well packed, it have to be used as one-hiter with weed. With hash it last longer, you spi more.

The fucking paper cone win ^^ What the fuck i was thinking, smoking a weed that taste like a garage in high temps bowls … just awfull. I have the impression to have kissed with the tongue a pack of burned tires that were swimming in gas. I have to extend to a bong someday, by curiosity. For me the SD was always cones and most of all, blunts.

You’re right, i remember this from a documentary. They were promoting “regular” crops and all but the farmers were unable to live from it, worse than with the coca in being exploited by the narcos. Insane situation.

All in all … it wasn’t a fertile ground to link good memories with sativas in general ^^
After all i’m smoking an american cut, but made from dutch genetics lol

That’s my kind of regret, i haven’t much explored the south americans strains. Colombian and Mex. The agronomic lines i mean.

Moi non plus, ça fait carton. Mais ça arrache moins les poumons et goute moins le papier que la blanchie je trouves. Depuis que je roule en cellulose de toute façon c’est l’horreur … j’ai même l’impression de gacher de la weed de ruler du daily avec autre chose.

Faudrait que je me motive et que je me roule plein de blunts à l’avance.
Pour être consommable faut attendre environ deux jours après le roulage. Du coup je roule au papier comme un con ^^ Si la weed étaient pas aussi parfumée j’aurais craqué avant.

Je me lamente en fait lol, car l’envie de binger de la SD est forte ^^

I see which one, sandy trichomes / sand color. It’s early/prime harvest, it’s why ^^
You have hash known for its racy high it’s the lebanese too. Maybe not today with the shit storm over there lol

With the outdoor female i will make some old school dry sift, good reminder lol

If i was organizing a cup … i will create a challenge just for the stone cup “weed VS hash”. Not concentrates, isolates … only real products.

Same here with the sogged SD, gen2 already offer better yield in bonus. I topped the apex (just the very last node in formation on top of the central bud) to accelerate the maturation of seeds. On a big plant it’s not very efficient but on a sogged clone, it kick their asses.

I’m still dubitative lol The only thing i’ve done is just to lower at minimum the feeding.
And it’s crazy, let me count. And to roll another one ^^

27 days today, it’s just enough crazy to generate curiosity. The majority are still in the greenhouses, unrooted. Just plainly WTF, they aren’t even supposed to don’t mold at this point lol Let’s say that it’s an exotic mapping.

lead breeding

breeding plans ^^

If any you feel that you’re bored a day, better to take a pause from the line/plant and to restart later with the right mindset to drive objective selections. It’s just working ^^ More than forcing you to switch with rounds that are never the same, traps included.

Just to reproduce the JH from the F1 … i will finally need 5 or maybe 6 generations ^^ You bet it wasn’t planned lol

I invented the pollen jail lol Let’s burn a fatty in the harden with the moon, maybe i will see some hues of the tempest. Then … sifting sifting and sifting lol

see ya