Longtooth’s log book

looking juicy over there!!

so healthy!

happy growing sir!

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Thank you!

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More bud shots of

Sea King f1
G13-Haze x Colin OG Rbx


Looking good :+1:, fading or Molybdenum? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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Well, It’s had a few feedings with complete ferts with micronutrients, and this one definitely can get colorful in flower, but it sure does look like that photo of the molybdenum deficiency you posted.

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Just for the novelty :stuck_out_tongue:, it must be fading … beer3|nullxnull

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Tiki Madman’s Detroit Runtz aka Runtz Bitches is a male this time out.

I am indeed the bringer of balls…

(OMG4 from Bodhi)

This one too apparently.

Still in denial.

Rosie is sad for me.


7 for luck


Almost ready in Isla Nublar.

Poppin seeds in Sorna…… Winter run taking form

But out back the survivors of Summer are enjoying the morning.

A few blueberries saved from the cardinals and blue jays

The girls are ready for a swim. Rosie won’t rest until she’s jumped in.

He’s pretty beat up.

That busted lighter in leaking off butane. He seems to like the gas.

He stayed put there for about 15-minutes. That’s like an eternity in “dragonfly-time”


Isla Sorna
site-b workshop


Current class moving into veg from seedling stage.

Started in FF Coco Loco.

Water and light feeding with 15ml-FF Big Bloom + 5ml-FF Wholly Mackerel x gallon.

Water PH (Typically) 6.5

Ethiopian Banana x Columbian Red
from Strayfox

Good progress.
Very vigorous out of the gate compared to others.
Probably a dood…

from Overgrow Spring Box 2024 - Supplemental

Good progress.
Has competed with Ethiopian Banana xColumbian Red for growth


Vale Tudo Round 1
From Copa

Third attempt to run this as smoke.
1st 2-attempts were males.
Vigorous - probably a dood too.


Triforce x PPP
From Johnny Potseed

Good growth.
Hopeful on this one.


Ghost Train Haze
From Rare Dankness

Good until watered with straight tap at about 7.6 PH. 🫢
Responded dramatically to PH shift up on watering.
Have been PH-ing to about 6.5 in coco-loco (amended coco)
Will be more careful.
Should recover.


Black Triangle
Phone Home
From Bodhi

Both are Triangle Kush crosses.
Both have struggled from germination.
Burned tips from start.
Suspect amended-coco medium was too hot for seedlings.
Moved to garden’s edge
Will continue to nurse but both are behind the others significantly.



Mandlebrot’s Magnum Opus F11 from Katsu

Rosie approves


Purple Skunk from Hazeman


Side by side w/ Purple Skunk & Mandlebrot’s Magnum Opus F11 (Luna’s Wrath peaking over their shoulders)


Mandlebrot’s Magnum Opus F11 at about 8-weeks flowering.


Wow nice show longtooth! Somehow I freaking forgot about your log I absolutely love your choice in genetics, you have the same tastes as me it looks like. I think i like that purple skunk and magus best. Beautiful flowers too on that g13 haze og. What your initial impressions on that m magnum opus? Shes quite a looker, your killing it bro!


Thanks for stopping in man! -As to the Magnum Opus, It’s a beast man. Really beautiful and great flower structure. It has a very distinct and dank smell to it. I’m looking forward to harvest,


Yes it cetainly is a pretty plant, ive never heard of it. Personally i love a good purple so it caught my eye. Looking at your previous widow grow inspired me to start a widow grow, im at day 3 flower. Mine doesnt look near as good as yours did though.


Love Shiatsu Kush. I’ve run it a few times.

Here’s a nice bud shot from a few years ago.

I have some seeds from a cross my friend made I can share too.

Northern Lights x Shiatsu Kush
SoMango x Shiatsu Kush

Let me know if you’d like to take a swing at either of these. :smiley:


Oh heck ya its our favorite strain, ill most definitely get with you later on that man :sunglasses:. Somango sounds nice, thats an old soma sacred seeds cultivar if im not mistaken.

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Next class out of Isla Sorna

still vegging along with a fig cutting we’re rooting and momma Spanish Moon In the left back corner

Ethiopean Bannana x Colombian Red - upfront

Front Row:
Phone Home
Triforce x PPP
Black Triangle

Back Row:
Ghost Train Haze
Vale Tudo Round 1

Trying a new all organic soil/feeding combo on this set:

-just sewn.

Peach Girls
Old Peach
Peachy OG bx
Peach Hasplant

Mrs. Longtooth’s new toy. -A gravity bong.


I am……. The bringer of balls….

Ethiopian Bannana x Colombian Red……dood……

Another male where I was hoping for a girl….sigh….

Nice structure though….strong growth…nice response to FIM….


Thsts a good looking male,nice branching. Are you tossing him or saving pollen? He would be nice for breeding with a slow variety i bet.

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