Looking for advice/recommendations for breeding a 25 year old cut of DJ’sFlo

Actually @Somatek I want to do both. We have kept her this long and don’t plan on losing her. I have never popped a DJ seed in my life lol. The white widow crossed with Flo were some of the slowest growing plants I have ever done. But they are tricky/fussy indoors just like their mother. Honestly would like to get some offspring that are much easier to grow. As I plan on sharing these seeds. Thanks for the reply.


Ah if you wanna preserve her into seed form then I’d do what Somatek is saying. Find a Flo leaning male in the Flo/WW cross and then take him back to the Flo mom. Then find another male in those beans and back to the mom again. May need to do that a third time or more.

It’s exactly what I’ve been working on with my own SSDD F2 keeper. Currently trying to hunt a nice male to make bx2’s.


That reminds me @HolyAngel i owe you $2 still :frowning_face:

I really gotta get with the times and get some E-cash app.

@Caveman Since you have unlimited cuts of your Flo, I would start by STS or CS selfing both, and do a fem cross both ways (using 1’s pollen on 2 and 2’s pollen on 1)

Then you have 4 different pools of S1’s to hunt through (if you want to make a fem only line) or use in a serial Bx program. Which can be used down the line to recover any traits lost in the 1st outcross. Since, if you ever want M/F your only option is to outcross.

How many generations/how much time are you willing to commit to this?



I grew Flo back in the day, loved it and it also turns purple…


That’s a beautimous plant @PhilCuisine!

@Kavman, you’ve already kept the same Flo going for 25 years, keep it going a little longer until you find exactly what you want to cross it with… don’t settle for something else.


I have always wanted to try and self plants. Probably should try that with some other keeper strains I have. It’s kinda sad that I have not experimented with these types of things for as long as I have been doing this. I have plenty of time and patience to do whatever it takes.


That’s a nice specimen there. Yeah who doesn’t love purple.


It’s not going anywhere I just really want to start sharing it with good people so I need to breed her.


have you tried reversals? S1 are underrated. people kinda bash on them because theyre “not breading” whatever that means. if you like the cut i would make a quick s1 run to both pass around and explore the underlying genetics. sometimes s1 beans are really close to the original cut. might be a fun way of letting others try her

the other advantage of fem breeding is that you actually know what the bud of each parent looks and smokes like


No I sadly haven’t experimented with breeding other than the traditional ways. I need to get with the program.

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Want to say thank you to everyone for chiming in. I appreciate the feedback. Gives me lots to think about and I know I have a wealth of expertise here at OG willing to walk me through the things I don’t know.


Hey man. If your in the US I can send you some flo f5 pollen from two males.
This is another DJ male that i think would be good for pollen for you. Again be more then happy to collect and send as they dont really stop throwing pollen. Just gotta cut a clone and collect it.


Sorry for the off topic question, but I don’t suppose you have some of the original DJ Blueberry growing too, do you?

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Its only one. There two blueberry males my bad.

That would be very helpful thank you. I might have something in seed form I can trade or you would be the first to get some of the beans.


@other_barry no I don’t. Never grew her. Had a shiskaberry awhile back but sadly someone lost her.


Give them to the community. They will/can make more seed way faster then me. I appreciate it.


I am down for whatever I can get for free or trade. Still thinking about that temple Flo.


Holla @Miraculous Meds. He holds a lot of old DJ cuts and beans.

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DM sent thanks again

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