Looking for Blue Dream

Double dream was a socal staple early 2010s and again 2020s. Not sure who made her originally but purple city genetics had it on their menu for years. I grew the Santa Cruz cut and DD side by side for a few grows, the DD is so similar but overall slightly better because the canopy is so much easier to manage. They look identical in the bag and have pretty similar terps.


I grew a few white label blue dream from North Atlantic in 2022, one pheno really nice what we called church incense terps like from a Catholic mass haha. Other phenos bland typical hybridā€¦big yielding though which is a common trait

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I am growing out some sts reversed blue dream from HSO (I know). The original was quite good, actually had blueberry terps. I let the seeds get old so I am having trouble finding a keeper but if I do I will reverse again and preserve. Iā€™d rather have a real santa cruz cut to work with but this is what Iā€™ve got.

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Also, Santa Cruz Goat Farm has S1 blue dream on Great Lakes Genetics. $150 a pack iirc.

Ha you were anticipating somebody criticizing Humboldt organization? Yeah itā€™s some Spaniards pretending to be from California from what I knowā€¦but doesnā€™t really bother me. As a home grower I just try to produce quality flower and avoid coming across as morally superior bc of a certain breeder. Yeah obviously I donā€™t willingly support thugs and con artists but once the seed pops we are off to the races and honestly nobody gives a s*** at that point in time.


Iā€™ve had too many arguments on Reddit about the morality of certain breeders and all of that crap haha. Seems to me people sell beans and clones for profit most of time and arenā€™t exactly saving the world

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Thank you. I rather liked their blue dream. I agree, if the plants are good who cares as long as they donā€™t rip anyone off.
I did buy their mango sapphire and the first thing it did was hermie. I liked their bubbas gift quite a lot. Ironically the blue dream and the bubbas gift were freebies.

Sweet thanks for the little history lesson

Yep, they are a nice smoke as well.


Got a a few extra rooted Blue Dream plugs if anyone is local in CT.


What part of CT you in and how much you asking? Willing to drive up from Nyc. @CruJones .

Did you find what you needed,? Iā€™ve seen a few hso grows that looked rather good as well for a seed grow. Not sure if your in a med state, but Iā€™d think a clone shouldnt be too hard to track down. The real scbd may be a diffrent story though. Seems it also fell out of favor a long time ago for whatever reason. Personally I love it, and think itā€™s a great strain. Try strainly

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I believe @JohnnyPotseed has a blue dream cut as well, too hot to ship now but once the weather cools down heā€™ll start sending clones, from what Iā€™ve heard.


Good point itā€™s crazy hot this summer.

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Im not sure what cut it is, but i just picked up blue dream from Rarebuyer. Its supposed to be killer.

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JPS is in the hospital @Kyleromero94 . Broken hip, then a heart attack. Something else. Check his thread.

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Noooooo way, thatā€™s awful. I had just bought something from him a week or two ago, and he was doing just fine. Crazy how fast things can happen. :pensive:


Might have been @DougDawson getting some kind of fundraiser to help him and Rose. Heā€™s been posting, which is a good sign. I think. You must have got him right before he initially. Heart attack in the frickinā€™ hospital! Tough go of it for sure.


Fundraiser for JPS will go up around the 9th or 10th.


Thanks @DougDawson . This gives me an excuse to get some JPS genetics. Good cause for a good guy.

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