Looking for GMO

Have you seen bulb mites before? I had a case of them in coco that I was reusing, and they wrecked havoc on any seed or clone I put in that coco. Healthy cuts would have stems that turned to mush in a couple of days. Seeds would germinate and grow for about a week before the bulb mites massacred their stems. They would also exhibit egg laying near the base of the stems if allowed to live long enough.

they sell it here, its hard to find where youre at?
oreoz is the one that always tempts me at archive

and to the OP: Archive Portland (Rec & Med) - Menu Item Not Found

these are generally extremely legit sourcing. surely someone out here could trade with you guys?

The Oreoz (Illinois Disensary) I tried was quite bland and thought it was just kinda generically sweet… unless you have tried it before and love it, I wouldn’t recommend expending time or energy, bud.

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oh wow, this sounds exactly like what happened. i was reusing coir and the stem turned to ooze in just a few days. i had this happen to a bunch of clones i made myself as well in an earlier batch. ive been pressure cooking my coir now for 30m @ 15psi in an AA741 and havnt seen that problem since. thanks for the suggestion, i bet youre right!

oreoz looks amazing but has those cardboard terps. Archive is legit though, theyre rainbow belts cut is legendary.

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thats a bummer, the cookies and cream parent is in macaroon (#31) which i find highly medicinal. but i appreciate the honest takes.

you might like the Carbon Fiber cut. its cookies and cream x biscotti by cannarado. its been really popular down here for a bit.

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Cookies and Cream can be very excellent. Revolution in IL sells a terrific example that is filled will dairy, cheesy funk notes, over some sweet baked goods type smell. I would grow that cut.


I have a Carbon Fiber hybrid going right now, Weave Match from Cannarado. Both have complex smells similar to the OG (non-lemon) family. LPC x Carbon Fiber


post some pics when she is done! im super interested. sounds right up my alley.


macaroon cut out here (ive only had it in rosin form) smells, tastes, fills room after with pure french bakery and the effect is one of those immediate anxiolytic anti-depressive analgesic waves over your face. i hope if you seek those you find some in your other C&C crosses.

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I will post up results in the log I have going, fyi

Where are you located? I have GMO. Might be able to snip you a clone.


afaik, the seedline skunkmasterflex used to find the cut are still available.
as in: makimo seeds = chem cookies :wink:


I’m in Seattle

Well if you want to take a trip down to Gresham by Portland I have a plant for you. No charge.


This person has it if I remember correctly Get clones shipped right to your door

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Hell yeah we do, and we do free overnight shipping!

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I really like cookies and cream

Have to note I’m not a huge cookies fan.

Damn ! She throws down! Theirs always Fire Genetics from Oregon! I remember me and a buddy use to make a trip to Portland in high school and the boys were stellar! They were like perfect round buds lol never seen buds like that anywhere else! They were hard to keep on deck it was Stellar smoke. I reminisce all the time!