Looking for OG's "legends in seed popping" to help with a very valuable seed run, amateurs need not apply......LOL

How have you been @Blueridge ? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have seen ya round on occasion, but we have not chatted it up in a bit.
Whatā€™s new?


Whatā€™s up @shag not much just the same ole story work sleep repeat lol but everything I good here how about yourself buddy everything good your way? I have some beans for you that should be ready in a couple weeks Iā€™ll message you and get your info when everything is ready.

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I see, sounds like you could use a bit of R&Rā€¦ :partying_face:

Very nice, I look forward to it.
If you need anything I have please ask and you shall receive

I am doing well, thanks, not looking forward to the long cold winter but what can you do about thatā€¦ :cold_face:

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Yeah Iā€™m ready to take the winter off lol and I believe you sent me everything lol I have a pile of what to sent they are coming after I finish up the fourway and ff fourway cross I found and damn if they donā€™t freaking stink but thatā€™s in the future also for sharing and you always have packs and @santero as well with the awesome work heā€™s doing picking up my slack. Lol


Are you doing a thread for your grows.? Hope your well

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yep, those are the males, hopefully they will show no hairs.
i am looking at them every day :face_with_monocle: girls are 10 days further
into flower and looking and smelling really nice/sweet.

so far, no problems *knock on wood * :slight_smile:




Not at the moment but I should do the fourway in one they have a ways to go.


Update from @santero
The girlsā€¦


6 is looking incredible looks way ahead of the others @santero keep doing you everything looks :fire: and @shag hope alls well and thanks for everything you do buddy you are much appreciated :pray:šŸ«”


And we appreciate you too @Blueridge :partying_face:
After all without your generous contribution, none of this would have happened. :wink:


Itā€™s an awesome thing you did for the good of the community mate! Much respect! :grin::evergreen_tree::metal:


Iā€™ll second that! Very good if you to put these up for an increase!
@santero looking great!


I appreciate that but it probably doesnā€™t come close to how people welcomed me and the genetics given or otherwise. Great group of people on here besides a turd here n there :joy:


Old thread but: 4 days from seed.



the reproduction is through and already up for grabs :wink:
i had a blast growing the trufflez and am eager for more.

any chance you let me do any of the other lines too, mates?


Are you doing a wiki? Thank you for doing this increase! Been fun following along

Had to ask about the wiki, because I figured otherwise your dm might explode :exploding_head:


So it would seem there is a bit of drama surounding these beans.

Og is a very cool place, but the fact is, there are some members here that are truly rude and disrespectful to other members.
Some act this way for no apperant reason at all.

Folks like this have caused several members to leave Og permanently.

Our very own @Blueridge was going to leave himself.
Several of his friends including myself were able to talk him out of it.
We were very happy he decided to stay despite the needless drama.

So with that said @Blueridge has adopted the no dickhead policy.
None of the trouble makers will be receiving these beans.

If you feel this is unfair, you are free to post your protest here.

So the bottom line here isā€¦
@Blueridge will be the one handing out these beans.
If you were rude and disrespectful in the past you are probably not going to be getting any of these beans.

Please do not be angry with @santero this is not of his doing and is kinda out of his hands.
@santero has agreed to honor the wishes of @Blueridge and I thank him greatly for doing so.
Again @santero is a stand-up guy with tons of integrity and this is not of his doing.
If you have to be mad at someone please be mad at me.
This is no fault of @santero

I should have made him aware of this issue in the beginning and I did not.
I dropped the ball and I am sorry for that.
So if you are still mad, please be mad at me as this is my doing.

I do back up @Blueridge due to the fact I know on a personal level that there are some real troublemakers here at OG.
I am referring to those who are rude and disrespectful without cause.

If anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer them.
Again I would like to stateā€¦
This is no fault of @santero this is not his doing and he is honoring the wishes of @Blueridge



This is ultimately up to @Blueridge to decide how he would like to run things.
I suspect he may ask me for help.
If that is the case and I have my way, I would probably take 10-20 names at a time.
I donā€™t think @Blueridge is set up for mass mailing, but I donā€™t know.

He seems a very busy man and I would hate for him to get overloaded trying to be generous to the good folks of OG.

I think he is at work right now, maybe he will have a chance to get online later this evening.


I think this sounds fair :ok_hand:
No reason to be a rude D*ckhead in here and then expect people to hand you genetics they worked hard on. My 2 -šŸŖ™s