Looking for some new fire to grow, anyone in the 207 area looking to trade hit me up

looing for the flavors of destiny


Southern Maine here, and a very well stocked :honeybee: is also around. What are you looking for?
That said… I’m hoping you have your name sake in your possession and are willing to part with cuts… I currently I have a few strains in my small collection that I have enough to do trades with.

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Welcome to my ole :honeybee: Hive!!! Northern Maine here (The County)…what’s your strain of choice? I MAY be able to do a deal, who knows. Do take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee:

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i’m looking for a strawberry cough cut i had years ago that tasted like pink starburst. otherwise looking for things that do well indoors


I have Ghost OG, is it the real first OG not from what i have seen but this clone is in a league of its own forsure.


I may be able to help you out. I’ve got a few strains to pick through (+275 strains)!!! Let me hit you with a mixed listing and you let me know what interest you. On the S. C., PM @TheShowMeHomie. I gifted him some S.C. beans. He may have grown them out and, MIGHT have cuts. Not sure, but worth a shot, he’s one of the MOST trusted members here. In fact, I think he was looking for that Ghost OG. Tell him I shamelessly threw his name out there. Do enjoy a good week, take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: I’ll get back with you on that List.


I do not believe I have strawberry cough seeds but I do have the original kushman cut


got any pictures of the flower from the kushmans cut? i grew it for 3 years i’ll recognise the traits

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No I haven’t flowered it out it really ain’t my kind of plant I took it in for another member who was looking for it @Baltimore but the cuts all died so I grabbed a rooted one and it’s in veg now :smiley:

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how about pic of it in veg

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Man your collection of cuts has me drooling :drooling_face:!

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No but I guess I could get one though next time I’m in my veg room I’m doubting it’s the same one you have though I’ve never heard it referred to as pink starburst

Well that’s thanks to a local collector who’s mother room is silly with some of the stuff he has

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Good person to know, I hope to be that person one day hehe

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Yeah the idea of selfing the strawberry cough and ghost have definitely crossed my mind just a time and space issue

Well when you do, make sure to dust each with the others pollen too, strawberry ghost hehe