Looking for testers **Landrace poly hybrids • Bodhi hybrid • Chupacabra F3**

Great! Send me a PM and we’ll go from there. Welcome back to the grow community! Glad I can contribute to your re-introduction to growing

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Thanks! I’ve had Golden Goat a few times, I was hoping to get a pheno leaning in that direction but ended up getting the phenos reminding me of Romulan when I popped the F2’s.

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Lmao! Thank you for catching that, I should probably not post high because I edited it enough times due to all the other grammatical errors I made. You interested in the Colombian Gold cross? PM me!


Thank you! Re-visit this thread when you find room, there’s no time limit on these


Thank you! None of these were particularity long in my opinion, the Iranian mother was about 10-12 weeks as well as the Colombian gold at 11-12 weeks. PM me about which you’re interested in, trying to get these out by the end of the week

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Only regs for now, sorry!

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Thank you! Appreciate the encouragement. I’d say the El Chupanibre and the Iranian cross although the Congo poly hybrid has a few phenos that finished closer to 9 weeks when I grew them out so all of them may fall in a range 9-13 weeks (the Colombian cross being on the high end)

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No problem

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And of course I will keep you informed of grow…they won’t be going in a Vault…



Really appreciate it, let’s get it :muscle:t4:


Damn they all sound amazing! Wish I could grow em at the moment. But I’ve got my eye on Mountain Temple to start up in another month or two


Yeah they all sound really great, wish I had more space and time but with the outdoor plus a seedrun coming up on top of my indoor I’ll be busy for the next 4-6 months. Starting to plan out winter projects already too. Never ending lol.

Great work @District_Flora, I’m really looking forward to everyone’s experiences and reports on these.


They’ll be around, just check back in the thread or something and ask.

And niice, I love me some Bodhi gear. You’re gonna have a thread on it?


Ohh yeah, I feel you dude we all got stuff we’re working on which is why I haven’t even gotten around to these yet.

Thank you! I’m looking forward to the feedback/reports as well. If you like what you see after others grow, I can still shoot you some seeds later


Yeah I’ll make a new thread when it happens. Currently wondering if I should pop some Acapulco gold with it too and run a pollen chuck to cross the two


Hell yeah, I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Hell yeah, chuck that pollen! Is it his Acapulco?


Yeah it’s Bodhi’s Acapulco gold. On the other thread labeled Mass Medical Strains, we reached out to Woodstock and he sent me two packs as well!

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I can run a few of these in my next photo run, after the Auto’s I just popped finish…

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@Dirtron Ohh yeah, you can go ahead and hop in my PM’s to let me know what you want

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Thanks man I appreciate that :pray:

Same here. I already put some beans to the side for you :wink:

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