Looking for testers **Landrace poly hybrids • Bodhi hybrid • Chupacabra F3**

Chupacabra F2 [Male] x Wookie F2 (Ginger Beer Pheno) at I believe 9 days from planting will have to double check could be from sprouting as all 4 showed up same day


Do you still have any of the Colombian gold cross left.
Really I’d take anything you’ll let me grow. I’m not breeding and selling seeds so you don’t have to worry about me claiming your work. I’ve been wanting some Colombian gold so a mix will work. Thanks in advance.


Send me a few of each, have MANY local growers who I feel I can get them to do a Fall/Winter Indoor Run. Just throwing my hat in the Ring. Thanks for the OG outreach, Bro. No problem if uninterested, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :honeybee: NOTE Best wishes and success for your projects!!


@District_Flora Interesting crosses you have been working with there bud, good job!


Thank you!


Those are some hearty leaves! Wish the germ rate was 100% but I’ll take 4/6, will have to germ a bunch when I get around to them and see if it’s overall. Thank you for posting, really appreciate it!


You still have not been able to pop any of these hmm? Always sucks when you run out of space heh.


Pm me please

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Hit me with a PM please

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Nope! Started on something else as soon as I chopped them and then I committed to a co-op grow, a test grow for a friends breeding project, and a freakers preservation run at some point. Lol definitely overwhelmed with my minimal space but I’m hoping to change that soon so :crossed_fingers:t4:


@District_Flora Any that are done in the 8/9 week time frame?


Aah very nice. Glad to see so many people messing with those weird mutant strains. If you need more people to test out those strains let me know. It would be around a month till I could pop anything landrace/long flowering though, but that timeframe may change after I find room for this other tent.


Well if you like how things go with these I would more than happy to try and grow your other crosses will also drop the other half of the testers but will add domes to them this time keep the moisture in the coco for longer


Huge interest in that El chupanibre if you wanted to sell/trade any, I’d be honored. I won’t have the availability to run it immediately but I can’t pass up trying to get something that cool to grow for myself one day.

I do plan on learning to breed but also have mass amounts of respect for other growers and their creations, would never try to cross someone’s personal stuff or pass someone else’s off as my own.

Just thought I’d see if you’d let me appreciate your art one day, thanks for the time and energy in the work you do.

Even if I never get to touch it I promise those names and crosses will stay in my memory, they’re very… Exotic, but that’s not the right word, idk but you know what I mean.

Anyways, good job!


I won’t lie depending on how she smokes was totally going to ask permission to collect some pollen lol :joy: you never know just how good a strain may be


The Wookie cross and the El Chupanibre probably finish between 8-10 weeks

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Yeah, I’m really looking for long term testers that can document results. If these go alright and you like how they came out, we could definitely discuss further testing. Got plenty of pollen chucks in storage that I’m still getting around to

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Go ahead, only thing I ask from testers is feedback, acknowledgment (credit if you work with it further), and a good cut if you find one. Otherwise, they’re all yours!


For sure, I’ll update the thread or make another one if I decide I want some of my other gear tested or still wanna get more input on this current batch.


I could run something with a finish time around there if your still needing people . Thanks