I have splitted the discussion from @Baudelaire’s promotional topic and reverted (hopefully all) edits so you can discuss freely this topic.
SolStrip LED lighting: Product info and announcements is a topic in Sponsored category and as a such it is self-moderated by its creator. Usually OP (Sponsor) has to turn to our staff with request to moderate any incident and staff decides how to proceed (deleting the post or splitting it into separate topic). Editing posts is the least preferred approach. In this case @Baudelaire had historically Leader’s privileges so he applied them on his own.
Sponsored topics are marked by this disclaimer in original post.
This is official sponsor’s topic and it is self-moderated. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic.
If you are not happy with reaction of a Sponsor just start a new topic outside of Sponsored category to continue with discussion.
Thank you for understanding.