Lophophora's Peyote

I thought this deserves an honorable mention:

Just gorgeous.

One of my biggest fears is having my identical twins burst forth from my nipples. It could happen to you…

This is new to me. I never realized the thicker brown callous tissue that builds up around the bottom of grafts and around the base of plants has a fresh green layer waiting underneath.

Is it because of the pup trying to force itself from the base of the graft that the callous is breaking free? I’ve read lots of accounts of cacti developing a thick brown corky flesh when exposed to pesticides, but none of those stories involve the outer flesh cracking off to reveal new cactus underneath. Never used pesticides so this isn’t applicable. I just figured the flesh calloused from lack of light or constriction.

Here’s some shots of my outdoor collection taken today at high noon:

We had some solid rains in June, I had to dump out the tray two or three times because it was flooded to the brim but haven’t had any real committed precipitation since.

It’s still not in my interest to intervene, they look fine. If you notice the red colouration around some of the lower areoles that’s the cacti outgrowing their early summer sunburn.

I don’t have too much to share otherwise, things move pretty slow.