Lophophora's Peyote

Ahhh busted… I’ll admit I’ve been slacking with the thread, hesitant even. I’m going to do something a little different and preface this post with a disclaimer.


What you see before you is half of a lifetime’s worth of work, this is no trivial pursuit.

I do not know anything about peyote vendors. I do not know where to buy seeds, you might as well ask @Oldtimerunderground where he buys his pot. These seeds come only a few to a pod, compared to reefer which come by the dozens in each bud.

If you are in the US asking me where peyote comes from- you are way closer to the desert than I am, and I’m not about to violate any international laws.

Hopefully I didn’t hurt any feelings, just tearing that band-aid off now :adhesive_bandage: :pray:

Here’s a handsome little cactus. I love those tufts and big boisterous flowers. If you look closely at the pistils/stamens in the first picture you can see I got a little rough with my pollenating brush. Sometimes these things are automatic and sometimes they need a little coaxing.

I think there is a meagre fruit lost amidst the fluff and flowers, I will soon find out. I have a collection of tiny combs and brushes I use to gussy up my cacti. This one is in dire need of some primping, fluff all tangled and matted.

Fear not, my labours are not all fruitless. You can see a nice fresh juicy fruit forming on one cactus which appeared about a month after I last saw any flowers. It can be a slow process at times.

Although not clearly visible in the picture the multi-headed cactus is bearing a little fruit, drying out on the vine. This goes to show that the cactus will in fact self-pollenate, though the fruit was more whitish than the ususal pink colour. Who knows what this means. Another taxinomical rabbit hole for the time-wasting inclined.

The other two cacti show little baby fruits. Probably only one or two seeds tops but the important part is not the seeds, its the journey.

So many memories. Each little green beauty with a story of their own to share.

:phone: :wink: :wink: