Lophophora's spare bathroom

A moment of silence

Alright thats long enough. Seriously though thats two for two on the Forbidden Runtz, they both died the same way at the same stage in their limited lives. Verboten indeed, some things just weren’t meant to be.

I tried everything and I’m all out of ideas…

Please note: No actual lemonade was involved in the gardening process.

Very touching. What now?

Well it’s no time to give up, gotta get back on the horse.

Not to be deterred, the next contestant is the Mi5 x Big Yield courtesy of @Jinglepot (Thank you!) (And thank goodness I managed to spell yield correctly on the popsicle stick).

This will be my second foray into Auto Reg seeds, with my previous attempt resulting in two males which were cut down in their prime. Either way I am going to keep planting these seeds until I see a lady. The fallen remains of the last seedling is testament to my persistence in this matter.

Fortunately the Mephmonster is still showing vigor. Just playing the waiting game with this one, keep you posted in 83 days.

Anything else?

Yeah, having quesadillas for dinner. Fun fact, quesadilla from El Salvador is like a cheesy sweetbread served with coffee unlike the more commonly known quesadillas involving cheese and other ingredients melted between tortillas. This evening I will be serving the latter.

You’re invited too, but you better make it here quick!