Lophophora's spare bathroom

Shoot, I think I missed a step.


any update on your black snow x alien og cross? did they germ better than the black snows?


don’t sweat it, everyone has dried seeds out and killed them


I can’t speak for the Black Snow’s firsthand as I haven’t had the pleasure of popping any yet, but the Black Snow x Alien OG seeds I germinated exhibited 100% viability. In fact, they were the first to sprout out of all the different seeds I germinated earlier this month.


awesome man. i’m not sure if i forgot or just didn’t know you started them. i’ve set your new grow thread to ‘watching’. i look forward to your updates. :+1:


Still not convinced?

Still not convinced.

Did you say Black Snow x Alien OG?

Nope, that was @anonymous4289. While we are on the subject, check 'em out!

I’ll bet the farm the tall one is a Bruce, and the stout one a Sheila. Photos aren’t very flattering but hopefully you get the idea.

I germinated 6/6, planted 3/6, and killed 1/3. Given my uhh… history, I’d say that’s not too bad!

I haven’t been too forthcoming with seeds yet but not to be greedy or anything, I just figured after the successful germination test that a test run was in order. I even picked up a couple books of stamps for the occasion. That said if there are any wannabe canaries in this coal mine I am more than happy to oblige.

You may also notice I planted the suspected female in my DIY SIP. I’ve had big plans for this pot since June but only now bringing some follow through to my ambitions. Hopefully this pairing will do some justice as opposed to my usual unique take on success.


In the far reaches of the galaxy, deep within the heart of a frozen planet there lies an advanced alien being, capable of surviving in some of the harshest environments this side of the known universe!

The last of their kind, Black Extra Terrestrial!!

Or BET for short, lol.

Thanks again for the beans Loph :pray:
Are the stem rubs on yours as dank as mine? :drooling_face:


I told the wife I was going downstairs to rub my stem, and the door wouldn’t open on the way back up.

To answer your inquiry the stem on the tallest plant has a dank peppermint aroma, the other just smells like weed. Thats not a bad thing either.

Funny though, I don’t remember there ever being a locking mechanism on the door…

Fortunately while I was downstairs I had plenty of time to take care of business, if you know what I mean :wink:

Uhh, what?

Yeah, I finally got around to trimming the remainder of the Mango Smile x 24 Carat. That job had been on the list for a week… Maybe even longer.

There you have it, twenty nine grams. Just over an ounce of the fluffiest, stickiest buds ever known.

Turns out the extra week or so between harvests did little to fatten up the lower buds but they definitely look and smell way more ready than they did at the time of first harvest. Don’t look too hard at the trim job, I’m not going to be making the cover of Better Nugs and Gardens with this harvest but I will be making a deadly batch of cookies with this ounce of chronic.

As for the final metrics, my numbers are a little loose considering how much I had knowingly and unknowingly dropped in the drying and trimming process (RIP bud that fell in between the washer and dryer), but I definitely cleared four ounces. My goal was to beat the Fog Dog (118g) and going forward I hope to perpetually raise the bar. No complaints on this grow, I got three ounces of solid top buds, one not so solid ounce, and more than one “Wow” from those with whom I shared some herb.

Taking care of business indeed.


Any luck?

Still no luck! I can’t seem to crack this case. It can’t be the towels considering these paper towels have three times the absorbency of the next leading brand, see?

Any guesses?

Where do I begin?

No need, but I do appreciate it. Speaking of beginnings, check this out

The seedling with the popsicle stick is a Forbidden Runtz auto won from GorillaSeeds (Thank you!), and the seedling with the unmarked plant label is a Mephmonster courtesy of @estab87 (Thank you!).

After all of my previously stated germination woes I just popped these seeds the old fashioned way, right in the soil.

In both my 15 gallon no-till pot and 10 gallon future no-till pot I dug out a little divot and added a handful of sea compost and a handful perlite, and dropped the seeds into the newly blended medium.

That’s not technically “no-till” now is it?

Easy, easy. No need to split hairs.

Yes, I technically tilled and filled a tennis ball sized cavity. I guess that’s technically tilling if you want to be that way. The real point is that the seeds sprouted, sheesh… Some people.

You were saying?

Right, right. In the spirit of new methodologies I have also taken to a new feeding regimine, for both myself and the plants.

While it may not work so well for germination, I’ve already gained six pounds in the last month since I started drinking this junk. Just think of how much weight these plants stand to gain!

Am I ever looking forward to these results…


all right now I think your just tryin to kill em :-/ why WHYYYYYYY lol


LOL, better check the pH of your Lemonade before you use it… :vulcan_salute: :wink:



the seed humanity of it lol try spittin on it


Okay, okay… I’ll admit it, it was just a joke. I didn’t really gain six pounds and I’ve been drinking that garbage for more than a month. Not sure if it’s the brominated canola oil or the guar gum, but I just can’t get enough of that stuff.

Funny you mention that. My usual feeding routine consists of strawberries, banana peels, kiwi bits, and assorted kitchen scraps blended up and poured over top of the soil. Sometimes I even water down the sludge for a more even distribution. Never once thought to check the pH on my inputs.

I must be accidentally doing something right if that Mango Smile x 24 Carat is any indication. Also the worms must like it, or at the very least manage to survive on it. Here’s a photo taken at the time of planting showing a worm coming to the surface to investigate all the action.


A moment of silence

Alright thats long enough. Seriously though thats two for two on the Forbidden Runtz, they both died the same way at the same stage in their limited lives. Verboten indeed, some things just weren’t meant to be.

I tried everything and I’m all out of ideas…

Please note: No actual lemonade was involved in the gardening process.

Very touching. What now?

Well it’s no time to give up, gotta get back on the horse.

Not to be deterred, the next contestant is the Mi5 x Big Yield courtesy of @Jinglepot (Thank you!) (And thank goodness I managed to spell yield correctly on the popsicle stick).

This will be my second foray into Auto Reg seeds, with my previous attempt resulting in two males which were cut down in their prime. Either way I am going to keep planting these seeds until I see a lady. The fallen remains of the last seedling is testament to my persistence in this matter.

Fortunately the Mephmonster is still showing vigor. Just playing the waiting game with this one, keep you posted in 83 days.

Anything else?

Yeah, having quesadillas for dinner. Fun fact, quesadilla from El Salvador is like a cheesy sweetbread served with coffee unlike the more commonly known quesadillas involving cheese and other ingredients melted between tortillas. This evening I will be serving the latter.

You’re invited too, but you better make it here quick!


:joy: for real.
ezgif.com-gif-maker (1)
Crazy that what once was a popsicle stick plant marker, is now a tombstone :skull_and_crossbones:


I made my wife and kids the same thing today :laughing: it’s a small world. I got tired when it came to making mine and just put the rest of the toppings in 1 tortilla and had it fajita style. The thing was enormous.


Cancel that, dinner at OTUG’s! See you there!


ummm, where is mine???

and how about that squirrel viking @lophophora.ca ?


That’s a great question, @CornbreadJunior!

Did you hear the one about, uhh…

Are you stalling for time?

No, no no no.

How long do you think pollen would last in a room at 22°C and ~60%RH? Around four months?

Highly unlikely.

Are you sure?

Say, do you like humour? Why don’t you go ahead and pick an ethnic group.

Absolutely not.

Oh come on, you don’t even know where this is going!

Get to the point.

Alright well, remember that time back in April when I pollenated a Black Snow with some Alien OG pollen using a little nylon brush I got out of a kinder egg? This brush right here:

Note: For U.S. residents that may not be aware, in Canada little hollow chocolate eggs are sold containing a plastic capsule with cheap plastic prizes. The chocolate is delicious.

When I was done pollinating the plant I rinsed out the bristles under the tap and left the brush on the spare bathroom vanity.

The water would have deactivated the pollen.

Ah yes, the hubris of man. See I would have thought the same thing, until last month that is.

After washing my hands in the sink I picked up this brush sitting on the countertop and though I can’t explain why, I idly dragged my thumb through the bristles.

Dramatic reenactment

Immediately upon running the bristles past my thumb I witnessed a small cloud errupt from the brush, get sucked past me and through the gap in the panda poly, right into the back of the oscillating fan.

Spurned to action I grabbed the nearest water bottle and started spraying. I soaked every last pistil and square centimetre of that bathtub with water- because that deactivates pollen, right?

Theres no way a brush I had used and washed four months ago could still contain any sort of viable pollen, especially after such a thorough soaking.

Well guess what.


Go on…

Alright, alright.

I could not have pollenated these plants so thoroughly if I had tried to. Every last bud on every last branch is exploding with seeds.

Who likes seeds because I have some great crosses coming up:

  • (Squirrel Tail x Viking) x Alien OG
  • Lemon Haze x Alien OG
  • Black Snow x Alien OG
  • C99 x Alien OG

After all of the bleaching, scrubbing, planting, potting, sexing, topping, training, and growing I managed to destroy an entire crop in less than one second. There are no runner-up prizes in the sinsemilla game.

Now that is funny.

Well I’m glad someone is laughing. And just before you get out the pitchforks, the “pick an ethnic group” joke wasn’t really mine, the original can be found in this YouTube video. (Full disclaimer, no actual ethnic joke takes place in the video)

Glad we cleared that up.

Oh man, have I been talking to myself again? How long was I out?

Sorry @CornbreadJunior, to answer your inquiry the Viking squirrel is going well. How’s by you?


Dang, that sucks. I had a recent pollen escape as well.
It’s not what I was planning either. But we roll with it. lol

Having said that… I’m thinking :thinking:… Yeah, please keep me in mind for some of your

That sounds awesome!


check out @JohnnyPotseed 's worm casting method for starting seeds. might be just what you need :slight_smile: works a treat for me!