Lophophora's spare bathroom

I like when there’s lots of junk in the trunk you all know I attract big girls.image
Room for a couple 3 bodies in there.


er… we ARE talking MJ, right? lol


@lophophora.ca I just wanted to show you a couple that I bent ‘too much’ but they still went the full course cuz. Like i told you lol I’ve done a lot worse than that!


I noticed that the stem really fattened up immediately following the bend. My first thought was “you lose your gym membership or something, baby?”, but I held my tongue when I noticed her main cola has doubled in height. So she’s a curvy girl, I say let her pack on the pounds.

All in all, best mistake in the garden yet.


That bend is perfect bro, should form a big fat knuckle for you in the coming weeks. Nice work. Getting frosty already too :star_struck:


That’s the Peyote Cookies x Shaman? It’s looking great in that spare bathroom. Really glad I sent you those.


@Oldtimerunderground, that makes two of us… Thank you! Yes, the very same.

Guess I’ve been sweating the small stuff, here she is day 22 of flower.

I think I’ve been spoiled by her lustrous emerald hues, luscious eleven bladed fan leaves, and intoxicating aroma.

What’s worse is that I’m using the exact same soil for her as all the rest of my plants, and she is flourishing unlike any other. Yes, I have been spoiled.


Lo and behold, the outdoor harvest trimmed and jarred.

Managed 81.41 grams (2.8oz for those using US Customary units) from three little plants. It’s not much but should make three jars of coconut oil.

I’m not sure if a cure is really necessary for something I plan to bake then boil in oil (maybe you know?). The aroma is already surprisingly inviting, I’m curious to see how this will develop. I waited all summer, what’s another two weeks?


A cure isn’t absolutely necessary…but if you can wait then I would.
Depends what your using the coconut oil for?


A friend of mine turned me on to the topical application of reefer. He makes his with arnica and eucalyptus as well, it smells fantastic. I was skeptical until I tried it for myself, suddenly shovelling snow in the winter isn’t so bad on the lumbar. Feels great annointing oneself after a workout too.

I was so satisfied I passed a jar along to my neighbour after he had a hip replaced. Now my neighbour periodically knocks on my door, and when I answer he takes a nervous look over each shoulder and asks “Do you have any of that stuff?”. He tells me it’s the only thing that works for his legs.

I found the coconut oil keeps better than butter for edibles, and the flavour goes great with chamomile tea too. First time I tried that I forgot how to read.

I was under the impression the cure was mostly to improve the smoke but I couldn’t say for certain. Glad we reached a consensus on this one.


I make canna coconut oil all the time. Its useful for so many things. Topical, and edible.
I have made topical stuff that has helped so many people… its amazing.
Like you said, the coconut oil lasts alot longer freshness wise compared to butter. Butter has such a short shelf life compared to the coconut oil extracts.


I find the coconut oil extracts more and is more potent then any butter extraction.


When I make my tropicals, I include the cannabis roots as well. They have many anti-inflammatory properties! Try it sometime and take that topical to a whole other level. :+1::seedling:


So you mix the roots in while cooking?


I will definitely try this out, I imagine the roots will still be well preserved where they are buried.

Do you let the roots dry or cure in any way before extraction?


Yep, I just make the coconut oil with the roots similar to how you would extract the bud… Here is a link to my recipe, I don’t bother with the stems and leaves anymore as they didn’t add much to the final product. I also prefer cinnamon and myrrh essential oils to the tea tree in that recipe.


Yes I rinse the dirt off the roots, let them dry, then store them in a plastic bag until ready to use.


A wise man once told me about using the roots for tea, shared a great recipe too. It was after this I started to read up on the healing properties of the roots for treating burns. Somehow I still hadn’t thought to use the roots topically myself- totally appreciate the hints in the right direction.

Believe me, I plan to make tea but I’m not drinking anything dug up from the yard until we get that septic system leak under control. Until then I’ll stick to the roots in my bathroom thank you very much.

I’d swear they were sisters…

Look who’s been hiding this last month. I admit I was keeping her out of the spotlight until I was certain she was a lady. Allow me to reintroduce the Dragon Milk x Tangie.

The leaves on this plant are more of a jade than emerald, a very fresh looking green. The internodal spacing is really tight as well, and the foliage veny dense. This plant was 50% defoliated just the other day. Upon arrival in the spare bathroom she looked like a green Cousin It of the Addams Family.

I’m planning to flower this one in a 3 gallon fabric pot compared to the 5 gallon and 10 gallon of the LSD and Peyote Cookies x Shaman respectively. My reasons are two fold, the first being that I’m still trying out my options to get a feel for optimal plant size and density. The second reason being that this is the only other option I’ve got.

Either way, looking fine on day 8 of flower.


There is a really awesome paper by Natasha Ryze about the traditional uses of cannabis roots. It does mention using them as a poultice for burns. :+1:

You can find it here if you are interested.


Roots and stems I’ve worked with (tough to process) but I can say, @YoBigdaddy does some amazing topicals.

:sunglasses: :+1:
