Lots of love in the Longhouse

Thanks buddy! Oh by the way the Fat Bastard made its way to the flower tent last night! Lights are on now! Let this evening’s games begin! :joy:

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My little mutants by @middleman and a cross @FeloniousMonk made from his gifted beans from @middleman ! Just chugging right along doin mutant stuff! I just stare at these things in amazement sometimes! :flushed: :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Wow. Can’t say I ever seen anything quite like that. I’m definitely going to start paying attention here after seeing how that yuzu sour turned out. I’ve tinkered with some autos with some success but I’ve yet to get one to fill out like that. Very nice @NDNCHILD :clap:

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Thanks man! I don’t even know what to tell ya on those! These are my first mutants and the Yuzu was in my first autos run! The mutants are just cool as heck! I’ve never seen anything like this either!
The Yuzu Sour was in the auto box. She started flower with the other 4 right on time at 3 1/2 -4 weeks. Then she just started to out grow the others then the box. Her flowers weren’t developing as fast as the others at all. I put her in the flower tent on 12/12 and she started to thicken up almost immediately to the point I had to up pot mid flower.
Not at all like the description given for this strain by Tastebudz. Fast flowering Indica dom shorty she was not! The smell is on point though! She is a sour! Mostly 3-5 finger leaves with some scattered 7’s. I think she ended up going around 16-17 weeks from sprout.


ISS is my current favorite smoke. Definitely Top Shelf
Of course Phenos vary. But the mother plant to the beans was s slightly sweet, but not overly so taste and smell. The buzz always seems to get me right between the eyes. After just one bong rip, I find myself like five minutes later staring off into space and haven’t even put the lighter down yet.
After the initial buzz I can feel it smoothing out any aches. Specially in the legs. Smoke to much and you’ll be looking for a couch.
I believe anyone trying it will like it very much.


Your fat bastard is about 2 wks a head of mine. Gonna up pot and give 10-14 days then going to forever home outside if I don’t kill it first lol.jk. It will give me a nice heads up kinda.

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Good hearing your experience with ISS. Thanks! Excited to fire her up in a couple months and counting.


Yup you’re probably right on track. They looked of similar size! Not for long though! If you’re goin outside you’ll probably have a monster! Mine stretched 3 inches overnight on her first day in the flower tent. She’s been pre flowering for a few weeks so she’s rearing to go! Frankie has been in for a few days and will probably run the others out of the tent! She’s gonna need some training to play well with the others! :joy:

She flowers easily! I put mine in the auto box and she’s still flowering just fine on 18/6! Probably gonna leave her in there for science. I also took a clone for science. I want to see if it will grow or produce a gram bud like a true auto.

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Blueberry Diesel x Black Cherry @Rhai88

Black Triangle Kush x OG Kush @Foreigner

Sweet and Sour Cindy just shot a couple pistols!:partying_face:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls throwin balls! I think I’m gonna keep him if all goes right. He’s just too pretty not to! @Pigeonman

Sorry no real Auto Box updates lately. It’s still up and running! Here’s a couple shots.

Tequila Sunrise

A couple Rainbow Kush nug shots.


Looks so good…

Man I am really wanting to run them indoors now. I’m so glad to have this ringside seat in the meantime.

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Bro! The cross you made is really branching out! They’re both doing nicely but the one with PAB in it will probably be taller and fuller bodied. :facepunch:t3::muscle:t3::+1:t3:

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I just got done trying to get a good sense of the smells coming off the Pineapple Skunks. My favorite is the one! I should have cloned her! How many times have we heard that?! The two I did clone are very nice! More on the fruity, berry side of things. I may have detected some pineapple in there but it’s more in the fresh fruit category if I did.
The winner in my book however is very different! The stem rub smells to me like the pineapple ring on top of a steak! Grilled, savory with hints of, I kid not… steak. Sitting outside writing this the pineapple has worn down a bit but my hands are smelling of grilled steak and grilled green onions wrapped in thin vinyl! Neither pheno is producing any strong skunk aroma close up but the cacophony of smells wafting out of the exhaust smells pretty skunky. If she smokes half as good as she smells I hope to find my lady again! 5 beans left… may order more.


Lst the hell out of Frankie might have to super crop she grows big. Also noticed watch the lowers for first 3-5 weeks might throw a banner or two. It’s happened to a couple of people just a be on the look out otherwise vigorous fast growing big bud making plant. After 2 wk cure couldn’t stay out of my stash was gone before the 4 wks cure.:rofl::rofl::rofl:. Not because I had to smoke a lot but wanted to it’s fire and get you HIGH!


I like to bend and break! I’m glad you mentioned the lowers because I forgot to mention that 4 of 4 Frankie cuttings have now rooted! That makes the Aerogarden 7-7 and we’re working on 8 with the AC/DC top that I cut last night!
All of the Frankie cuttings came from the lower nodes but I’ll keep an eye on everything else down there. Thanks for the tips. :facepunch:t3: Nice to hear yet another great smoke report. I’m looking forward to having some of her bud around myself!:grin:


Outta likes still! Looking great @NDNCHILD !

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Thanks for including the ssc reproduction seeds. Should be interesting.

I have one od, and she’s a branchy beaster


Wow! That’s Beauty and the Beast all in one! @Cartwright Gorgeous plant! :green_heart::fist:t3: Thank you for the beans! I was so happy to see female preflowers! :fire:

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You are very welcome, good luck,

I will keep an eye in here;)

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Sorry to keep harping on the Pineapple Skunks! :joy:
They are just finishing out the most colorful and the Pineapples were the ones I was most excited about in this group of nearly finished plants. I’m pretty happy with them!
Here’s a few more shots of buds on the two colorful and topped models. They may need support for the last couple weeks. One was leaning on the tent flap when I opened up this evening.:grin: