Lots of love in the Longhouse

Yeah! :joy: I haven’t been here before! I’m pretty sure I know the answer. It’s just… I don’t wanna! Lol


Your tents are looking spot on @NDNCHILD !
Plants are looking healthy with nice structure and you definitely know how to keep them happy.
Took me a while to find this thread and join the ride… :slightly_smiling_face::herb::v:t3:


Hey buddy! Thank you! @iceman I really appreciate you reading through! I was seeing all these likes pop up. Then I guess you were topping off a couple posts cause badges kept showing up too! :joy: Thank you. Welcome to the Longhouse! I appreciate your kind words as well! I struggle sometimes but do what I can. It’s a lot of fun with multiple rewards! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:


Sooo yeah! Pineapple Skunk! I think I’m starting to see it now! :smiley:

Although this one looks more like Rainbow Skunk! :joy: Very pretty!

Apologies! I keep getting gnat stickies, brace poles and toes in the pics! :joy:


@NDNCHILD beautiful man, just beautiful :heart_eyes:

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Hey thanks buddy! @GallacreekD66
Welcome to the Longhouse! Stay tuned! So much more to come! :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Well crisis averted! :joy: Let us all say our Hvtvm Cehecares to the Yuzu Sour Auto! I’ll see you again.
You long winded bitch! :crazy_face:

Yuzu has been cut and hung. Her 7 gallons amended. 3 of 4 Frankie Fem clones transplanted to solos. 1 ISS clone also transplanted to a solo! The 4th Frankie cutting should root in a day or so. So far the old busted aerogarden is 6 out of 7 on rooting cuttings and will have a perfect record when this last cutting roots!
I have a 3 gallon pot ready to rock so I can transplant the Strawberry Glue fem from @djtrip tomorrow.
With some room in the flower tent Frankie has found a new home! So ready to see this lady flower!

I’ll be able to move the Fat Bastard to flower in a few days when the Gorilla Dawg finishes up.
With a little space in the veg closet I was able to space things out a bit so they can breathe easier.

Well I’ve been piddling since 9pm when the lights came on so I’m calling it a night on the plants. :sunglasses: Time to go read a bit and play with some dry goods!
Till next time OG’s! :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


You got your hands full for sure. Looks like you got it under control. Beautiful plants bud. :+1::grin::green_heart:

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Thanks! @Smoklahoma Yeah it’s definitely been a bunch of running around tweaking stuff but things are progressing nicely. I’m starting to get into a rhythm. It’s just all one big cycle! :joy: Until ya run outta dirt to play with! That was new. We good now though! :sunglasses: Double Grape just started to flower. I mean just! She’s gonna be nice! Thanks again! :facepunch:t3:
I’ll be circling back to her on here soon. I really need to show the auto box. A couple are about to come down.


Things are looking very nice in there, brother! Nice pull on that Yuzo Sour auto!!


Thanks Johnny! I’m not sure how much she’s gonna yield dry but I’m guessing between 6-8 oz! I have so many different strains in the tent you don’t get a blast of a particular strain when working but once moved to the other room for dissecting and hanging this lady reeks! Definitely a sour! :partying_face: This is the first plant I’ve run since coming indoors that has those long buds! She ran long but really has been a pleasure to watch grow!


I’m sitting out back while it’s still cool out. I’ve discovered it’s time for a new carbon filter! I’ve already reversed this one! Damn skunks are loose in the yard! :joy: :skunk:
These darn things ain’t cheap either in 8”.


Hey @BigMike55 I’m over here! I got a spot saved just for you bud! :fist:t3:


Woo hoo. I’m here. Ill have a look at the rest of the thread. Thanks for the tag.


Hey! Welcome! Enjoy! Or not. Whatever. You do you! :joy: seriously though good to see you! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::fist:t3::facepunch:t3:


That Choc PBB looks stunning bruh.
Did I miss the ISS harvest??? She’s my favorite smoke.
Nice stuff in here. I set it to Watching.


Dude! Yeah! The CPBB is gorgeous! We can call him mister from now on. I really think I’m gonna end up keeping him. I’ll have to keep the pollen until I find the right cross. He’ll be my first collection.
Those leaves! Am I right! :heart_eyes:
The ISS is in the auto box. It started to flower under 18/6 so I’m curious to see what she does! She’s about 2 or so weeks in.


Yes. When I first grew her I was impressed how quick she went to flower without screwing with light cycle. I love that plant.


I have 3 ISS that just went into flower a couple days ago. @BigMike55, please speak about the high, I’m super curious and can’t wait!


Wow that pine apple skunk is killer looking very symmetrical and the yuzu sour is a beast! Amazing grows

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