Lots of love in the Longhouse

I’d go check out a Western Sizzler though. A Sizzler where everyone dresses up and does some western dancing and stuff. I would’ve been interested to see that. Haha

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Yeah there’s one where I live. Good stuff

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But don’t tell anyone in my family it’s not a high class joint :joy:


But are your plants supposed to smell like that? :joy: I swear it makes me want to grill a steak and throw a pineapple ring on top every time I go for a stem rub!

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lol We even put a pineapple slice on top of our burgers!

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Word! It was a special occasion type thing! It was just an old joint! Lol. How bout Shoney’s. Lol
They around?

Yep, they’re still kicking. They dropped the ‘Big Boy’ part tho

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I loved the salad bar! You had to pull me away! :joy:

Used to have a shoneys here. Been closed for years now. I still miss their breakfast buffet

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The Western Sizzler I have been to has an all you can eat steak buffet for just over $12. I avoid such places. The food is decent but if I went there stoned. I would kill myself. Or wish I could.

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Wow, I haven’t thought about Shoneys in SO long!

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Meatbreath? Was that Thug Pug’s? Never actually grew it but was thinking hard on those. If the name’s any indicator . .

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I’ll have to look that one up. Thanks! It’s definitely a new one to me! :joy:

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Meatloaf x Mendo Breath. Sounds interesting. They describe the smell as pungent. More fuel and dank-ness. Then I have no idea what this thing will do when she’s dried and cured. The stem rub and bud squish is pretty much just steakhouse with grilled pineapple! :joy:

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Imma set up a grow next to Sizzler, fill it up with clones from your steak mama! Blend right in! 🥷:joy::crazy_face::v:


Search out @Tonygreen here. He has the ultimate meaty smelling strain. I can’t think of the name but its SOMETHING beef. Maybe Tony will chime in.

Edit. ITALIAN BEEF comes to mind.


Yup! Thanks! I thought that might be one. I know Hoss is working with that one! :fist:t3:

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Hey don’t ever apologize for putting pics of your plants on your thread! :rofl::rofl::wink:. That pineapple does look mighty tasty.

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I’m not sure why “Perpetual grow = perpetual trim jail” is just now occurring to me! :rofl: But it is!
I took a little Tequila Sunrise auto a couple of days ago, the Icecream Punch came down last night. I meant to take pics but forgot! It was busy last night!
The Gorilla Dawg and the Rainbow Kush auto may get chopped tonight or tomorrow soon to be followed by 3 Pineapple Skunks and the Sour D x GMO cross. Then we begin again! :joy: It’s fun but I’m just one guy ya know! :grin: Guess I better quit typing and start trimming the Yuzu Sour! :crazy_face:

I’ll check in if the boss lets me take a break!
He’s watching me! 🫣


Looks like you’re in for some busy times.

Aren’t we all! :grin: :thinking: :weary:

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