Lots of love in the Longhouse

Rest well bud! 🪶
To you as well! @Hashpants 🪶




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Thanks! @Pigeonman :facepunch:t3:
CPBB is about to start dropping pollen! :partying_face: I’ve got my collection tools at the ready!

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This is the only reason I have an electric toothbrush in the house. :rofl: :+1:

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I have one playing games with me! :joy:
I coulda swore I saw a pistol on the Sweet &Sour Cindy, but that was a couple of weeks ago. Nothing since then. Now some preflowers are forming that look kinda male. So I went looking for what I thought was that pistol.

Left side looks like a pistol and the right does not! :joy: I wonder what it’ll do? :man_shrugging:t3:

Nice branchy little plant. :slightly_smiling_face:


That was actually a picture of a sticker I got from someone on here. It said buds bunny and he was all red eyed and smoking a joint.lol. now I have found the high resolution picture mode on my camera I might be able to take a pic people can read.:rofl:

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Easy evening in the Longhouse tonight. Broke into the archives to fetch a piece of this Grape Punch. It’s been in a jar for about 4 months. Let’s see how she treats me! :grin:

Goodnight Y’all! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶🪶


Good morning y’all! :joy:

It’s getting to be game time in the Lads Lair!
Some are starting to drop on the CPBB.

The AC/DC is flowering out fast! He’s right behind the CPBB.

I went ahead and cut a few branches on the CPBB and stuck them in a glass of water. They are separated in a cabinet on a tray lined with parchment paper for hopefully a clean collection. I’ve never done this before so I’ve just taken suggestions and things I’ve seen and I’m winging it! :joy:
Definitely still open to detailed suggestions as for some reason this is kinda racking my nerves! :rofl:


You got this, brother! Go for it.


Thanks for the encouragement brother! I’m going for it! :joy: I just feel like a walking banana! :joy:
I got the dog wrapped in Saran Wrap! He doesn’t dig it.
We’ll see how it goes. Probably gonna be some accidents along the way. More than likely I’ll have to adjust my technique a few times before I land on a comfortable collection style. New stuff is fun! I’m just trying not to pollinate the Longhouse down the hall! :crazy_face:


Well I screwed this one up!:man_facepalming:t3: She did not like being transplanted after the flip! My bad Boogie! :scissors:

Big Beautiful Bitch Down! :confounded::disappointed::pleading_face:


Well hell, now you’ve officially joined the ranks of breeders… even if you hadn’t planned on it this early!
Let her run the course, collect the beans, and see what they do for ya! lol With what you’ve got growing, it should be good!
Any idea what male? Or do you have more than one boy kicking out dust at the moment?

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If you’re referring to the plant just above, it’s not pollinated it’s a full on herm. I may have caused it by transplanting too late. Either way that one is gone now!

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Lemonade from lemons, is all I can say, brother!

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Oh crap. ok if it is an outright hermie, the beans are no good. But if you caused it to hermie the beans will be fems. If you’re not sure, then the only way is to grow a couple out and see what they do.

If the beans produce hermies also, toss the batch of seeds…

another edit, lol… The smoke, while not sinsemilla, should still be good smoke.


Not gonna risk it dropping pollen! Done playing doctor with herms. I have too much else goin on! I may have caused it to herm. I’m ok with that. That plant is compost! :joy: I needed the practice killing them off without remorse anyway!


Got ya, I was just trying to help ya salvage something outta the thing, lol But if you can’t totally isolate it, tossing is best.
In our op, we don’t bother with anything even remotely hermie. Too much other stuff going on to bother. But there are folks that will grow it just to have the smoke.

lol actually, tbh, I can’t remember the last time I found a true hermie in any of our plants. As far as causing a hermie, there also, it’s been too long ago to remember.

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You’re right though! And I do appreciate the help!:fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶 The smoke would likely be awesome! I talked to Boogie about the issue early this morning and we’re both cool with the plant going away! :joy: I would have kept it because I wanted to find out but isolation isn’t an option at the moment. I’m collecting pollen in the Lads Lair and don’t want cross contamination. And that plant was in the Longhouse with Frankie the Fat Bastard and some others I’d like to try and keep free of beans for now.
I will run this one again sometime, with some adjustments.

I was one not very long ago that would have run it for smoke. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve just come off a 3 year run of hermies for smoke! That grape punch above is awesome smoke! It’s a herm! :joy:




:joy: Combustible Lemons!
Little yellow fruit Molotov cocktails! :rofl: