Lots of love in the Longhouse

Took a few more tonight. A couple came out of the auto box.

Cookies and Berries on the left and a weird little Bruce Banner on the right.

Cookies and Berries


I also went ahead a took my two lanky Pineapple Skunk clones.

Johnny, I’d like to change my answer to yes I have filled this thing up before! :joy:
It won’t stay that way long though. A couple trays should be ready to trim and jar by tomorrow evening. So the next trimming installment can commence! It’s been about a week so sure, why not? :crazy_face: :scissors::scissors::scissors:


lol I see that, brother! Looking good there!


I imagine @NDNCHILD has a Superman death grip from all the trimming. If I ever get the chance to shake ur hand please don’t crush it sir :laughing:


My man uses a 365lb Captains of Crush and it’s still too easy for him.

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His hobby is trimming weed for others .


:joy: Heck y’all! I’m just a little indoor guy!
I’m developing a renewed respect for the outdoor and barn growers here! I just saw @BigMike55’s outdoor Frankie plant! The top is at least twice as big as my whole plant! :joy: Some of y’all must have walk in coolers! :joy: Where ya puttin all this stuff!


Show me the money!!! :joy: Or get your own scissors! :joy:. I can’t feel my fingers! :joy:


Keep a bit of flower for me. Give some away, the rest??? Bubble hash don’t take much space.


Dry ice hash is super easy compared to bubble. Everyone should try making/smoking dry ice and bubble side-by-side and decide what works best for them.


I’m finally working my way into making rosin and hash with primo. Makes a lot of sense. I just haven’t had enough product in the past. Thing are starting to shift in the other direction. :+1:t3:

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Hell yeah! Dry Ice hash is the way to go! We’ve been doing it for years now, and won’t go back to bubble or dry-sift (very oldschool, lol)


I’ll be doing dry ice and using the rosin press. The water method seems to involved for me. I’m not a fan of the dry time and the whole scooping up slop thing. Johnny turned me on to the dry ice method. I think I’ll give that a go when the time comes. :fist:t3:


You won’t regret it, brother! Better grade and more product/weight, not to mention nowhere near the muss & fuss of regular bubble hash!
And then, lol the rosin you can produce with it! Oh My!


Yup! That whole statement was my thesis behind the decision! I appreciate ya taking the time to talk to me about it a while back. I’m looking forward to giving it a go soon!
I’m more of a shaken, not stirred kinda guy anyway! :joy:


Very nice work bro! Everything looks great.

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Good morning! @TopShelfTrees1 Thanks bud! :facepunch:t3: Glad ya found me again! :grin:

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Hit watching this time! Won’t happen again :wink: and good morning

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Stop by anytime. No pressure or anything.
Look at my plants dammit!! :joy: :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶🪶


Bahahaha ok ok twist my rubber arm!

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Which do you choose? I did dry ice but that was trim/larf from 5-6 plants. Not bad but first couple grows so not the best. All other have been bubble but have been better buds and actually some buds. Totally different but dry ice ease wow.

@ndnchild so using @JoeCrowe method of “broken wrist” tech more of a drop and catch to create motion and sudden stop to drain most water then is spin the hell out of the bag or can keep doing broken wrist drop and most water is gone and nice chunks fall out no sloppy stuff