Lots of love in the Longhouse

Hand scrub under running Hot water. Hang dry

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Sounds like a set will last me the rest of my days then!:joy:. I won’t be running often and probably no where near the amounts some here do. Heck I’m having trouble saving material cause my buddy keeps getting it all! :joy: I had a little stash going. He called the other day for more to make butter and salve. But hey! Now I have butter and salve! :grin:


Hell yes, barter is the name of the game, just wait eventually you’ll have more than you know what to do with, it builds as soon as you sleep on a batch, then it begins lol

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Well this took considerably longer than I thought it would! :joy: I got ‘em in there though! I’ll try to get better pictures when I figure out where all this stuff is gonna hang in the grow room. Thanks! @Heliosphear and @Rhai88 Y’all do some nice work! These graphics are killer! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: :green_heart::green_heart: 🪶🪶


Getting ready for the new crop of autos! Got the little Auto Box cleaned up. Last night 6 new beans were planted. 2 of each : Scarlet Runtz, Grape Icecream,
and Red Velvet Cake. Thanks for sending these out to me @Going2fast ! :facepunch:t3: I know I said I’d run a couple as soon as there was room in the box but they sound so good I’m gonna give them the whole space!

I’m still new to autos and hear they don’t care for transplanting so I’ve been starting them in their final pots. I want to try something new so I got some of these really cute 1 gallon nursery bags from AC Infinity. You’re supposed to be able to drop them right in the next pot and the roots grow through and the bags break down. We’ll see how it goes. :man_shrugging:t3:
As soon as these last two finish up I can spread the new ladies out.

All the older plants are harvested and the flower tent is full of new ladies to flower out! :grin:

I also picked up some new tubs to use as drip
trays and to bottom water the 7 gallon pots.

This pleases me greatly! :relaxed: I may shift to a lower plant count but larger plants in the flower tent. I’m liking the 7 gallons. My TPS N primer came in yesterday and I gave a nice feeding to the ladies showing the yellowing. Hopefully I’ll start seeing improvement and can stay on top of that in the future.
I guess that’s it for now.
Goodnight / Good morning Y’all! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


One of these evenings I’m just not gonna do anything….is what I keep telling myself! :rofl:

May I present to you my OG Hall of Y’all Wall! :sunglasses:

I know. Things are a little crooked. I’m a lot high and I eyeballed it. Just cross your eyes and hold your tongue out and to the right. It’ll be fine! :crazy_face: If that doesn’t work, Mickey is head of the complaint department. :joy:


Looking nice in the longhouse, my friend!

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Thanks Johnny! It’s been a pretty fun evening. Who knew I liked decorating! :joy: It’s time to settle in and just look at stuff now. Only a few hours till nap time! :grin:

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I always say Hellen Waite is head of our complaint dept…
\any complaints, just go to Hell n Waite…


Royal Procession by @darkillusion 2 days in the flower tent.

Thanks buddy! She’s gonna be an awesome plant!

Here’s a little Fast Blueberry plant I have. She wanted to shoot all her branches out one side. I got her bent over a couple of days ago to see if the one sided branches would reach up before sticking her in the flower tent.

Here she is this evening. She’s gonna be small but at least now she has a shot at doing something! :grin:

She’s supposed to be a 105 day strain. She’s 67 days since dropping the bean so it’s gonna be an interesting finish! :sunglasses:


I am officially a collector of pollen! :joy: This is just a little to send to a friend! :blush:
How are y’all getting it in these little tubes? I didn’t even want to breathe! :rofl:


Very nice ! Love it

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My friend laughed at me because I wear a mask when sorting or packaging pollen.
Telling me I’m afraid of a little pollen etc
I don’t wear the mask to protect me, i wear it because I don’t want to blow on the pollen pile while working dammit. :wink:


Very nice suggestion! Thanks! @Mithridate I’ll be adding that to the routine as I was really holding my breath and that sucks! :joy: How’s your back doing bud? Are the skunks making it ok? Hope all is looking up for you! Last time I swung by it sounded like you’re healing well with your regimen. :fist:t3: 🪶🪶


I just turn the parchment paper the dust is on, into a half funnel and pour it into the tube. Tapping the paper to make it all slide down. I never put a mask on, and I don’t have a problem losing any.

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Back is good, started ergotherapy today and the lady is impressed :ok_hand:

I haven’t seen the skunks in 2 weeks… I’m going maybe today, most likely tomorrow. Can’t wait to see them. Last time I plucked some puffballs of sacs on plants middle nodes because I knew those would rot :call_me_hand:


I think we all are bud! :exploding_head: Really good to hear things are going so well! :facepunch:t3:

I’d give you all that “take it easy on yourself.” And maybe some “Know your limits.” But bro you seem to know exactly how to make your body well again.
I’ll just leave you with good luck. Have fun! I hope all is good out in the patches and I’ll look for an update in your thread. :fist:t3:
Thanks for swinging by the Longhouse! You’re welcome anytime! :slightly_smiling_face: ML&R :feather::feather:


When I make hash I only keep the 90μm.


I hear ya @JoeCrowe lol I don’t keep any of it anymore. Since we got the heat press, all hash made, gets turned into concentrate!


Some hash is definitely better as rosin, that’s for sure. There’s this crazy strain I use though, that makes hash better than rosin. It’s… startling? If I ever go “meh” when I try the hash, the next step is the rosin press! I murdered the rosin makers in the competition.