Lots of love in the Longhouse

Yuzu Sour Auto still hanging around! :joy: She’s actually putting on a little sparkly now. Maybe another couple weeks. Trics are mostly cloudy, some clear and the odd amber here and there.

She doesn’t ask for much these days other than water so I keep her tucked back in the corner. 🫣


“Hey Frankie you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind! Hey Frankie!” :heart_eyes:




Your plants look great! It appears (from the electrical-wires’ll-work-fine supports) that we share an ethos of something-I’ve-got-‘round-here will work.:joy: The homeboy methodology is known to grow :fire:


Looking good!:+1:

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Lol! Thanks bud! It’s actually some of that green rubber coated pant tie wire! But that said, better believe I’ve got a bag of Mountain William engineering tricks around here! :joy: :wink:

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‘Bubba Engineering Techniques’ were the go-to in winter of 84-85, when I first moved to indoor growing. They’ll be around as long as there is human ingenuity!


Yes sir! Ain’t got it? Can’t afford it? We’ll make it! Or make it work! :muscle:t3:


Jethro Bodean also used pant ties. One used to see them ‘round these mountain towns, now, not so much.:joy:

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:joy: I didn’t catch that one! Nice job! He definitely woulda used whatever was at hand to keep them britches up! :joy:
Was gonna go edit to fix but that takes all the fun outta it! :wink:

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (pic 1)
AC/DC (pic2) from @Pigeonman
Both cruising right along! :muscle:t3:

Royal Procession from @darkillusion also doing well! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And we have Black Triangle Kush x OG Kush from @Foreigner about ready to go in her new pot! :fire: I mislabeled the cup! :joy:

I think I’m gonna smack the autos around a bit and maybe trim that little mystery auto I neglected to get to yesterday so it can be jarred up, then call it a day on the plant tending!

Good morning Y’all! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Strawberry bud? :joy: Is this one of those poly whatever’s? I forget the name. Looks neat though!


New digs for the Fat Bastard fem! She’s kind of a hungry girl. Figured I’d up pot and let her stretch her toes!


The colors in the flower tent are nice this time of year!
Don’t mind my sticky traps. I really dislike fungus gnats. Kept meaning to get some skeeter bits and also kept forgetting to do so.


When you gonna flower your fat bastard? Mines going outside in about 2 wks.

Do you remember the crosses that make up fat bastard?


Gold Member x Monkey Spunk = Fat Bastard I believe.
I just up potted her last night from a 3 to a 7 gallon. I think I’m gonna give her about a week to get her new digs decorated then stick her in the flower tent. I need room in there! I think I’m pulling that big Yuzu sour in a few days to a week so that’s what we’re hinging on at this point! :joy:


Veg closet stacking up! :joy: I had to count. This is gonna be the wildest ride ever! Between veg, flower and autos there are 36 different strains! I may be a little nuts over here! :man_shrugging:t3:

All but 3 in veg are OG babies! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::muscle:t3:


Things are gonna get interesting! :face_with_monocle:

On another interesting note. I seem to have run out of soil! :joy: I’m not buying anymore right now but I do have a few I need to transplant. 3 out of 4 Frankie cuttings have thrown roots are now clones and I have another solo cup baby that needs new digs! Decision time. I have @Pigeonman’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls looking male but I may want to keep him and that’s only a 3 gallon pot. The Yuzu Sour may need another 4 days to a week but is holding 7 gallons. That’s enough to amend and cover my needs for now. I can also move Frankie or the Fat Bastard to the flower tent if I take the Yuzu!
Shit!! Maybe I’ll smoke and possibly sleep on it. :man_shrugging:t3: Maybe they’ll tell me before the night is out.


lol Sounds like you’ve got yourself a slight dilemma there, brother!

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