Loud (road-kill) skunk project 2024

Low odor chocolate mexican landrace


Hk pheno

Anyone hunting that pre 95 white widow hop on these

Gas at swami organic seeds is where its at

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Started processing the narco gold today (peru)

Needs a day or more of sweating still. Didn’t realize until I dug in

Lime skunk fuel and a bit of woodyness hiding in the bottom if you can catch it

Nothing beats working with single source landrace sativas that you collected yourself from its place of origin


Something very special about the cat spray acapulco…huge calyxes. Beautiful fluffy buds

I wished I couod capture how they sparkle like diamonds in the late after noon sun


Kerala x hindu kush

All hk structure all old school white widow smell and look


Good looking plant, i like the look of it. Looks to be a good yielder too with all those tops. Nice man i like all these heirloom varieties you got going on. Which do u like best? That narco gold looks interesting as well, nice flowers. What did u cross that too? Ive noticed alot of the old school varieties have those woody terps which i love personally. Especially cedar


Thanks man

In 2020 i crossed the narco gold to
Pink rock-star kush
Original pink kush
West coast sour diesel

In 2023
Pre soviet Afghani hindu kush
Pink kush bx1
Tuna kush

This years
Everything in thebgarden, including herself

Much love


Finally found some time to transplant the clones.

Took a strong wiff of the cat spray acapulco becuase they all have ripe or iver ripe or reverting flowers

Me oh my oh my, she has the strongest onion, garlic and body odor smell. Average people must think we are sickies but it smelled wonderful

I’m stoked I actually took clones of these 2

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Started to jar up the tops from all the videos I made / shared

So nice to have some real skunk back in my life.

And many landraces to help med-ucate myself on old / original terps and how they carry thru crosses

Limon verde / verde limon aka limon was a great surprise. No intersex issues, you can tell this one made its way from colombia based on the smell and look. Almost exactly like my pure peru (what I beleive is colombian gold) just instead of lime skunk fuel. Replace with lemon and some subtle orange lingering in the bottom of 1 pheno.

Her progeny with the narco gold will be called lima verde as it’s the capital of peru and the added lime to the cross


Acapulco cat spray.

Gotta say one of the most unique landraces I’ve grown.

After dry/sweat there is an extremely small lemon haziness lurking in the bottom. Cat spray staying true with a dark, deep, dank pungency.

Very excited what the cross with the pre soviet afghani and narco gold will hold

Massive bracts to match the loud


70s 3 (secret recipe)

This one was a big surprise. Was the smallest afghanica type out of the 3, but evolved a strong garlic, onion sulphur spiciness that the other 2 are lower in

I didn’t take clones of this one but will be rooting her when I harvest the Bottoms (redundancy is key when breeding)


70s 2, this one was old school road-kill when harvested.

Still is, but dry cure evolved a dash of fermented fruit (myrcene popped in processing)

I’ve tried to smoke some, makes me hack like a son of a bitch, strong effect behind the eyes. Smell look and taste reminds me of the first skunk I ever saw or smoked, def a keeper


70s 1

Basically a 50 50 blend of 2 and 3. More real old school skunk


80s 1

More sharp Citrus that reminds me of some of the last packs I ever saw around 95/96

Not like haze, more sour / fermented. Not overwhelming but adding to the skunk pungency . Super loud


80s 2 (keeper)

Less sour fermented Citrus, more burnt rubber, chem, sulphur, ammonia spent coffee.


90s 2 (keeper) the ringer

Based in the parents I wasn’t expecting much from this line, #3 looked like the donkey dick rks clone but was more perfume.

This was the runt in the back that was hard to access and me oh my she is a winner in terps.

I was cracking the jar all night last night. Might be a better version of 70s 2. Burnt rubber top. Away from the jar and in the jar. Checks all the boxes.

Need to run the clone with more attention.

Side note, had same growth pattern as 70s 2, one big dick with shorter nubs for arms


Decided to crop most of the Bottoms today

Been 83 days since I shock flowered them

As far as bloom time goes in dark hours its more like 105 in crop steering

This is great becuase I have tops to smoke and share, seeds that at least are 95% ripe, and most the indocas and hybrids have converted their thc to cbd (what I make my sleep/dream tincture from)

It also may not taste the best but if I need some lights out flower I can smoke for sleep too

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Once again, something very special about the 90s skunk short pheno

Even past peak harvest window she reeks better and louder then true og kush, not the Afghanis that roared thru bc, but the sativa. Just all Roadkill.

The reason why so so stoked is I really didn’t expect the parents to make this result


Acapulcos are still stellar. Both phenos

These Bottoms aren’t as old as some of the other Bottoms.


Exciting outcomes on your skunk and acupulco genetics.nice work!!!

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