Loud (road-kill) skunk project 2024

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Acapulco. Will be ready soon


So l know someone that has these skunk seeds and was curious what too expect growth wise. I didnt recall seeing any lineages on the bottom of his pack. Anyway ill lyk when we get to them. I honestly dont care whats in it as long as it smokes good. Acapulco looks pretty nice dude. I was hoping the skunk seeds were a mix of all the old strains your showing here.

Have you grown that Acapulco before? Not many grows of it online anywhere for obvious reasons.

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Well for anything named “skunk”. I gotta say they were all really nice plants and variations over the decades.

The problem is most if not all of them were not skunky.

Im sure you will like them inside and out. And maybe find some awesome specimens. :ok_hand:

One acapulco gold is done finally

Opened up the black out and she reeked like catpiss basically overnight. Chop tommorrow a.m.




The other red mexican landrace that doesnt smell loke anything blew up over the week of cold and rain with no cover during the day.

Its also starting to stack trichs now that the sun is back. Will be a heavy yielder jusy never grown a plant with almost no smell before

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Ive never personaly grown any acapulco before. My friend did once and the plants were nice but wasnt my thing

These are the complete opposite and im very impressed to say the least. Worth the 12-14 weeks.

Thanks for the respone, im not expecting roadkill skunk so no worries. Have the opportunity to grow a couple, and was just curious. Ive had a few plants over the years with very low odor. I wouldn’t necessarily say it means the buds wont be good, you never know. That mexican looks nice with the pink pistils coming in.

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But i agree with you on that skunk plants dont smell like skunks. Particularly dutch skunk 1, its more on the fruity side. Not a bad cultivar by any means just not representative of its name. You ought to cross that acapulco with an indica for indoor growing. Might have something cool pop up in those that got a reasonable flower time. Most growers wont grow anything past 9 weeks.

Ive noticed alot of 12 plus week sativas are worth it bc they yield very good. They can be unmanageable in tents but a garage or something yiud be good to go. Ive grown anumber of haze hybrids in tents with great success.

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Great minds think alike :grinning:

I hit her with some pre soviet kabul a few weeks ago

I left 4 bottom branches and they are packed with beaners

I def think they are worth it becuase i flipped them at about 12 inches and they are 4 feet tall. Wicked outdoor / greenhouse plants


I hit these bottoms hard with a pre soviet afghani about 3 weeks ago


This dude was in the ferry line next to me lol

The universe is always sending us omens if we have ears to hear and an eye that sees

Should be the new name of my project haha


Here’s another mexican from guerrero

It was a mutant but I planted it anyway. It split into 2 phenos. 1 green branch that looks and smells similar to the acapulco…the other original branch more like a feral landrace. Both branches even smell different

Really trippy shit…

The video is way better then the pics:

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Some mean beans getting lean

Bottoms are way past peak harvest, but gotta make sure all the nuts are proper :ok_hand:


Heres a keral x hk s indian pheno

Like the mexican she really beefed up in the wet cold weather