Loud (road-kill) skunk project 2024


Hey Buddy, they will continue to flower now even without the tarp. Leaving them uncovered may help with your humidity issues. GL



Hey dude

I really appreciate the kind words.

You and a few others mentioned that but with the pollination and many sativa landraces I just can risk a reveg.

Neglect by not knowing my space last year really bootfuck3d the whole crop so need everything done (mostly) by mid Sept

Much love

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Medman, have you heard of the VA roadkill skunk. It’s alive and well people say, and people are growing it right now. On thc farmer this dude claims it.


The stinky VA skunk was called Schuyler Skunk and I’m pretty sure that ain’t it. I’m only an hour away from Schuyler and nobody’s claimed to have it in a long time as far as I know. Not saying it’s impossible but I’d say very unlikely. In it’s heyday it sold for 6K a pound locally and those guys would still be moving it if they had it I’m betting.


Gotcha. I thought this dude was fake and I’m pretty sure he is, he basically said there’s no history that he knows of it on thc farmer, and then tells a whole story about it on icmag. Different usernames on each site, same pictures, same plants.

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Appreciate the knowledge on that VA skunk, never heard of it. but I hope that some random generation of it is still out there in somebody’s drawer. :pray:


I’d love to see somebody breeding it again or anything close to the RKS I tried back in the late 80s. It was good weed that’s for sure.


It’s funny that you mention the Schuyler skunk now, he just talked about it…

“Just looked at some photos of the Schuyler Skunk and the leaves and bud structure look very similar, almost identical. It very well could be that but idk for sure.

It hasn’t really been let out anywhere from what I know.”


I would love to see that it’s still around. I just hope this dude isn’t on another blue skies thing…


Overall thoughts… promising and something you should look into if you’re still searching for rks medman. These pictures here (outdoors 2012) somewhat similar to his (indoors 2024)


I’m familiar ya

As a breeder I don’t really mess with fem seeds (which I think is the case there)

Haven’t personally known anyone whom have grown them

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Rks is a moniker used to describe a: an old terp profile
B a clone only with donkey dick colas that circulated from 75-95. A skunk #1 that is sour not sweet.

So alot of people that never grew, smoked or even smelled it can get caught up in the name game. (Not talking about anyone posting here)

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As far as hunting seeds. I get a 2 for one growing landraces and making crosses.

Plus gifts from old timers in the mecca of skunk…

Who knows I may pull the trigger one day just as a was to say yay or nay for everyone :thinking:

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Beena beautiful stretch of heat and all sun

Keeping the black out on overnight has been good becuase as of Aug 1 there’s been heavy to light dew every night

Been improvement in growth with the exhaust fan as high humidity no Bueno after 4 or 5 weeks of flowering

Some plants are starting to yellow so they are getting a slightly higher dose of wormy juice

road kill skunk project 2024.

there’s a few duds but also a few studs.

this pure central american sativa has all the funk. hitting her with a pre soviet afghani.

I feel like the “big bud” or “Donkey dick” rks that circulated for decades was an f1 hybrid. not a polyhybrid as claimed for 50 plus years

I’m excited this year as their is def (atm) 1 or 2 keepers.

I’m kinda more excited for the crosses I made this year

if you ever growed her, blowed her or showed her…you know her

This one has the makings of of the big bud aka Donkey dick clone but has been a bit perfumes up until now when she is stacking

She has the looks, pungency is there but again until things are bagged and tagged you never know

She has a very sativa sister and a more afghanica sis too. The sativa is a dud for now but the

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As for duds (as far as skunk goes) this florida krippy is a very gorgeous plant.

Sadley not on my agenda. Not too big at all but looks incredible

Right now close to harvest leaning to cherry grape cola.

Totally “white” plant. Both of them

Pics not doing her any justice. Fruity sativa lovers would love her.

I think I got 4 or 5 cuts of each

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