Loud (road-kill) skunk project 2024

I appreciate talking to you bro!! Gotta get ready for work.
He answered my questions also…a lot of them stopped talking to me…lol on Instagram.

Im really excited for the old skunks
No body grows those
Take it easy bro.

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Thanks for sharing amigo. :+1:

Please feel free to share your projects here or links to them

Would love to see what’s going on in your sacred space

I lost most of my pictures when I broke my phone sadly I have to hunt them down …I need to figure out how to create a topic…I been here years reading mainly.imag I go to and a few others

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All the different skunks you’re working with, are they all somewhat different in cure?

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Please do!

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We will see. Most all the plants are testers this year of crosses I’ve made or beans I’ve been gifted :grinning:

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That’s exciting who knows what you’ll find.

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Use the medman method to keep plants short and stocky

Here’s a little trivia for you. Is this an indica or sativa?


I think most if not all would say sativa based on leaf structure. Educate me

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Southern eqitorial!!!

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This is technically and indica. Becuase indica means “from india”

Sativa actually means therapeutic if I’m not mistaken

Indicas sativas afghanicas hemp and rudies all have broad and narrow leaf types. Colombians are no exception :grinning:

I’ve been asking an organic chemist friend of mine to partner with a botanist to rewrite the classifications

If you look at the Mexicans colomabins and thai /Malawi their leavs are all quite broad.

Getting thicker stockist plants happens with cannaboloc stacker and the med-man method

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And yes this indica is from equatorial India;)

Love it. I’ve figured to distinguish what it is it’s easiest to look at the lineage, especially working with varieties with landrace lineages, do they come from above or below the equator. I’ve also seen a really cool theory that strains above the equator naturally became more thiol producing and disgusting to attract flies to pollinate them, whereas bees pollinated planes south of the hemisphere and those plants learned to put out more sugar, citrus aromas. Love it all and it’s fascinating


Just a bit south :grinning:

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Here’s some Mexicans. Colombiand and peru landraces.

All ha e double and triple serrations.

1 main indicator of loud skunk


You getting any skunk smell off the stem rub? Cool plants! I have a bunch of Lamdraces I want to grow. They’re mostly Sativas. I’d like to get some dank pure indicas to breed them to.

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Oh ya. Stem rub is where it all starts in veg.

I’m taking cuts today of at least 8 solid specimens

Now that they all are lole in week 5sh

I don’t remove Bottoms for this reason if I’m hunting moms

Narco gold(peru), limon verde, 70s skunk, 80s skunk, 90s skunk, cali skunk, bc skunk and the Mexican at this point all should be keepers


Took some keepers today.

Had an extra sniff just to be sure

Really stoked about what they will evolve into. Half way to harvest is usually a good indicator but nothing beats a proper cure

Even at this point there is enough resin on the flowers to stick to your arm


Can anyone tell the difference between the Mexican landrace and the keeper old island skunk?

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Hit em with some very light wormie juice this a.m.

My bkind and sugar coat yesterday.

Added an exhaust fan that needs to be ran with the light dep