Loud (road-kill) skunk

yup looking sense 2003 have grown many with the name but non have ever given me even a hint of skunk, a couple off strains have but just not what im after. i love that huge leaf for-sure, thats a beautiful one.

did some super skunk some 80’s & 90 skunk but ya still nothing worth working further. made a bunch of so called skunk seeds and sent them out as freebies because i found nothing, and seeing i have heard NO ONE say they found anything either im guessing it was just another skunk in name only.

the hunt will continue for-sure …


So those 4 that show promise are 81 skunk then?

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And I got it after a open pollenation or 2 so I have a sneaking suspension that his 83-85 was probably what we are looking for but I am also looking to create my own :slight_smile: and I’ve got Daman #8 to look through then the maruf red and I was talking to Maha and learned this little tid bit

So I’m wondering if I should get the other selections to increase occurrence? Do you have extra seed stock? And your Kandahar came from @LandraceWarden I think I’m remembering correctly:) I smoke alot:) lol


It’s the 81 x some bc skunk seeds I made last summer

I can’t really verify exactly what the bc one is



Extra seeds of?

I suggest maruf red and green plus balki



Any extra Kandahar selection ? PS just to combine with what I got already really hoping for as many males as possible for extra diversity to increase odds of finding something special I will op them and then search through :slight_smile:

When you succeed in recreating RKS, and you will if this level of effort and commitment continues, are you going to share the seeds or try and sell them?

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I do my best to not get ahead of myself.

But once and if I lock it in I will have to consider what works best all around



You will have to get them from @landracewarden


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Just sharing something interesting and kinda related.


Here is something from up in Canada.
I couldn’t find anything regarding this strain or the breeder. Maybe you’ll have better luck.


very interesting article.
I wonder if that superskunk variety used here was the same family used by nevil many yrs ago.
he did document work and report using it with his haze males.
Great piece of history!!!


Super Skunk was made by nevil and sold by Sensi Seeds in 1991

The Sensi Seeds 1991 Catalog

Edit: was sold by The Seed Bank first, by Nevil, in 1990.


very kind of you to find this information.

regards HolyAngel❤️

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Hortilabs were from Austria and were very popular amongst German speaking growers over a decade ago. This guy eventually stopped making seeds and got into selling clones under the name clonelab. I am pretty positive that the skunky he refers to is the Dutch Heineken smell “skunky” that I’ve talked about earlier. Though I wonder if this Super Skunk still exists as that’s actually what I’m personally looking for while also being pretty rare these days.


Super skunk? :ok_hand:

Not even close. Maybe a faint faint skunk

Shiva skunk?

Not much closer

Sensi skunk?

Has more so the look but almost 0 skunky.

I do know the right pheno of garlic bud and maple leaf indica are much closer

tuna kush has the rank. Just no real sour Citrus or size

Lemon skunk. The right pheno is closer too. Just lacks the pungency



Someone shared this with me the other day



cant speak to the story but the info sounds just about right for the mid west mid 80’s SKUNK BUD i grew up just loving. every fall that skunk bud would roll through town, $25.00 a 1/4 remember sitting on the porch twisting up a J and just FOLLISHLY throwing seeds to the side, man what i would not give for 6-8 of those seeds in todays world. it’s even hard to get ANY strain to put off any real skunk notes even a little bit. i really love what the ppl before us did for the cannabis world but there biggest mistake was breeding the skunk funk out pretty much anything these days.

pretty sad …


the variation in form nowadays is nothing like the old days and the mass hybrid market and high found popularity with growing weed,essentially when the Internet started gathering form and connection,strains started disappearing very quickly.
the bright lights of communication the world over was supposed to corrugate an understanding of what we had as a genepool.
I think the Internet as crazy as this sounds has single handedly put the biggest dent in searching the highs and wonders from 2 decades back and beyond.
you cannot see anything now through the fog.
the old-school still hold a latern to search through this fog and on the darkest of nights,we always find something to shine the light towards.
but it’s getting foggy out here ppl and the latern needs oil to see again fairly quickly!!!


Just got these. Hopefully find some skunk. Wanted to hunt these inside but CSI saying some instability when grown indoors. A little too late for starting outdoor so may just go ahead for my next run inside.