Loud (road-kill) skunk

Working with a few super great looking candidates right now, partner is f2ing them as well, ones an OLD skunk from San Bernardino handed to us by the guy who’s held and grown her over 30 years now, very promising but with a little work I have extremely high hopes for these, have another very good friend working another 30+ year old skunk line he was gifted way back as well. All I know is even if that roadkill level isn’t found there’s gonna be some epic skunks again soon I promise you that :wink:


Wanted to dig through these myself, had some long detailed talks with Caleb about the Sterling, from what he says there’s 100% potential in there for absolutely stellar skunk genetics, nose burners, funkity funk and oniony/rotten egg notes…. Sounds epic to me!


where does the line start for some of these seeds ?.

humm …


EXACTLY brother…… exactly! See this is why I love you brother. Same wavelength ALWAYS!


That’s a bit of an exaggeration. I’ve never had a grow without skunky bud to some degree. Skunk is in Cannabis DNA. The same way 10 toes is programmed into human dna. God put that code in there like 6000 years ago at least. Don’t think humans can competent destroy a gene pool in just 3 decades.

If you want to draw a thick bold line between positive and negative human influences on cannabis, we can get woke. The Indians would split stalks and insert sulfur asafoetida cadmium and feed fermented meats and milk fat to get the oxidative protein-derived funk response they required. Conversely the white man says Botanicare is where it’s at and that skunked beer is actually gross, and that IPA is good. And all the white man’s bud tastes like Botanicares weed version of an IPA instead of a medical herb fed naturally to produce its natural funky medicinal carboxylic acids and thiols.

“Use it or lose it”

There’s only so many pathways to produce desirable metabolites in Cannabis. I do not believe Cannabis was intentionally bred for myrcene, terpinolene and the other 3 boring terpenes that weed breeding podcasts repeatedly drill into your brain for some reason. I believe the breeders lack growing skill and want you to settle for their stories as substitutes. The guys with the biggest mouths in the skunk discussion don’t even grow as no one would buy their product. It would make sense to ignore everything a Cannabis breeder says about skunk, when they market something they sell as skunk.

No one intentionally bred the loud out of Cannabis. As a former drug dealer, you’d simply sell other drugs if you couldn’t handle cannabis, the one drug produced for a ‘total enjoyment of consumption’ experience.

If it stinks, it’s either hydrogen carbon oxygen nitrogen or sulfur derived. There’s your terp categories. These are the fundamental basic elements and entire extent of life in the universe., They should not be such foreign concepts to playable characters. “I stink, therefore I am”.


show me the competent breeders who adopt these theories into actionable attempts in finding something then maybe we can all digress a motion of content in seeing something worthy.
where are they sir?:slightly_smiling_face:

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epic skunks for the win most definitely!:slightly_smiling_face:


idk about you guys but being around my plants every day means I am completely nose blind to that generic weed and/or skunk smell.

Only time I smell ‘Skunk’ is if I crack a jar for a second somewhere that doesn’t ever have smoke in it. Like at work or something. Just get that whiff, and then I can smell that skunk smell. Or driving down the street and you smell it and know someone’s smoking nearby.

Being around my own plants tho? Cracking a jar in my own house where we smoke constantly? Never a skunk or weed smell unless I’m away from my spot for like a week or more, and then I smell that for the first 10 minutes I walk in and then never again. Then it’s always smelling the individual terpene notes. Sour, gas, rubber, fuel, various fruits, etc., etc.

Maybe that’s why it’s hard to find? When I had RKS bags back in the day, I was never growing. Only buying.


Nose blindness is real. My now defunct orange#10 cut smelled like sweet tang to me and most everybody that tried it swore it was super skunky. Go figure.

One thing though, theres no nose blindness possible with skunk weed hah that thing will stain wood with its smell/grease…

When I found a few truly skunk plants, the whole batch of plants were fed the same, still only a few expressed the grease which tells me it’s genetics first, then nutritional.

One cut I kept would reek only if grown a certain way and be hashy/cheesy if grown like a noob.

I think it’s sports phenos, additive genes or whatnot. Good news is those are inheritable.


I’m with you on the nose blindness, my level of smell is limited to sweet, sour and stinky. :grin:


I got super skunk mail order from the seed bank the first year it came out in 1990 or close to that. So we had one of the first generation hybrids of super skunk. It was absolutely the best super skunk I’ve ever had. When I traveled to Amsterdam and got super super skunk seeds in 1994 from sensi seeds it was a very different plant. Most likely F2 or F3 by that time. So I think the only real fire was that first release of super skunk.


See and I think that happened to a many a strain/cultivar and that’s one of the reasons why I appreciate @TomHill 's work in perseverancing his haze the way he did awesome sauce! It’s a practice I plan to use myself keeps everything true through the years PS bottle necking/ only using a small number if only one male


It’s like looking at time in it’s vastness verses only a small picture of it through a hole in a screen :slight_smile: sorry I’m outta likes and I did a big ole dab I kinda get philosophical :slight_smile: lol

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Protect yourself from nose blindness with this handy mask.



The story goes nevil sold the seed bank to Ben dronkers. Ben hired his son to do the breeding and he fucked everything right up.

Apparently nevil was hired back to get the genetics back on par and teach Ben’s son what to do



I still think there could be truth to rks being an f1 hybrid with added vigor / resin

I also am open to it being a polypoildy mutant of some sort or another

Anyone who grew / smoked / sold rks all know nothing blind about that chronic lol



In the back of my mind I’ve always wondered if true skunk was a F1 between a Mexican and an Afghani. But it was the old original Afghani and Mexican varieties not what we have now. That’s why you can’t find it anymore

Maybe what you got ! Lmao you just keep coming around and you will see bro we time travel here bro! Didn’t you know that lol keep coming back you’ll see :slight_smile:

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whats the stinkiest you are growing right now?