Loud (road-kill) skunk

Hhhmmm…light green leafs


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I’m using Bud Buster Pro, so it needs a lot of nutrients. But we’ve had so much rain so far this summer, I’m not able to feed it the nutes enough. I fed it good tonight, but it’s supposed to rain all weekend. Hopefully we’ll get a long stretch of good weather soon.

Oh buddy. Sorry if I sounded critical. Far from truth

Rks (or a pheno of it) was known to have pale green leaf. As something hereditary. Not the grower

I should have elaborated better


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So I have seen alot of old grows and growers post pics over the years on rks.

Alot of them say they had this leaf feature

This is a kandahar from landrace warden



Its all good @medmanbrand, Ive been a little concerned with how light they are. My Portofino regular is also light. Like you said, might just be the strain. Most of my others have darker green leaves.

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I also rubbed the stem, no skunky smell.

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I seen a lady have the Maruf Red and I fell in love it was beautiful! I will definitely be following you on this journey! :100::pray:


I do have some pink hybrids in here too to test.

Rks top but rose bottom. Crossed her to a rock-star kush hoping for more burnt rubber

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lovely plants there fella.peak of physical health!!!

interested to know the smells coming from those beauties at this early stage?

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Got a g13sk from MrNice seeds that got the same under over leaf blade vibe going on…IMG_20230715_094918


I have a plant that I regularly run that goes light green during flower uniformly through flower at the end of flower the leaves are almost all yellow green. You can’t keep them green no matter how hard to try or what you feed it. It just drops all the nitrogen out of the leaves at flower. It’s great for curing and drying quickly. I thought I was doing something wrong and just turns out it’s how this one plant does it thing.


Hey, now that I know how a skunk’s spray smells I have found something that, at least to my nose, smells surprisingly similar. I wanted to clean the rims on my car (something I never did before, lol). So I got me some rim cleaning solution. Can’t remember the exact brand right now. But this stuff smells just like the skunk scent I bought for the smell test. The smell also sticks to the skin like nothing else. Had to wash my arms 3 times with different soaps to get it off. This nasty rubber smell, it’s almost the same for me.


The skunk smell has now got ya lol

Welcome to the club haha



The green pheno picture smells more like sharp fuel lole original soir diesel.

The blacks on the other hand carry more of a cheddar cheese bottom im finding. Plus the skinky diesel



@Arturo_Gas really hooked me up

Can’t believe all he sent me.

Big big up to swami organic seeds

Next summer will be epic



Does anyone have information or experiences with Uncle Festers Skunk?


Grew it last year. Sea of green breeding project under not so optimal conditions

Def a skunk plant. Leaning heavily to afghanica.

I like all of his work. He sent me free Chem x sk18 freebies

I crossed them both to my 81 skunk stud and the hybrids look promising

I would say any of his stuff is worth a whirl. It def isn’t the rks. But def old school skunk. If that makes sense?



I have a theory…………… it just popped in my head like a light bulb :bulb:

Back in 2012-2013 I use to frequent a book store in Texarkana Tx and I stumbled upon the book ( before everyone ) had heard of the ( Cornbread Mafia) and in it they talk about this character Johnny Boone who at that time was still on the most wanted list ( he was hiding down in Bolivia) I believe can’t remember every detail but, in the book he talked about growing a Kentucky blue grass skunk :skunk: line and even talked about it’s lineage .this maybe the man that was responsible for everyone and there grandmas in the 80’s having Skunk, RKS , Kentucky blue grass or whatever you wanna call it, then just like that (SNAP!) it’s gone…………

Because come on when you think about it not very many people had access to stellar afghan or Sativa X Indica genetics it was mainly ALL imported ( Sativas) NO INDICA unless you sourced your beans directly from the Hippie trail aka Pancake banana trail, or got your genetics from Nevil via the seed bank starting circa 1984. I truly believe that Johnny Boone aka Cornbread mafia in Kentucky was responsible for the RKS in the 80’s

Either Johnny Boone made RKS or Nevil did but I think Johnny Boone did because Sam the skunk man had already bread the fruity into the skunk when he met Nevil ( correct me if this point is incorrect) so if that’s the case then there was already NO SKUNK in sams beans he gave Nevil and was only still using the name SKUNK.

My 2 cents


I’ve heard of that Guy before and yes I believe it is very possible but it’s probably more like him and a couple hundred others (that either went down the hippie trail or had people close that did ) and some were big but most were just growing enough to pay power bill and maybe a Christmas bonus :slight_smile: that’s why you don’t ever hear about them :slight_smile:


I do it’s an old line unique nice clear mellow high but NO skunk.