Loud (road-kill) skunk

There def is a couple. Same with Todd’s purest indica.

I am lookong forward to landrace wardens afghanicas as well.

Important to do some alpha female selections and record keeping during the process to add value to any project



We smoked that stinky-strong skunk in the mid 80s it was easy to get a hold of. Stoned for about 2 hours left a strong taste and everyone knew you were smoking because the smell would linger on your clothes.


Totally. Lol

The stink stuck to everything. Mouth. Clothes. Rooms. Cars lol

What Years exactly? Did you think it was an indica sativa or hybrid? Any seeds? How did they look and size?



Around 1985 first smoked it in high school freshman, sativa crazy head high and we would reek lol. I don’t remember if it had seeds a friend had it the first time.


I have a none proven theory that the fist commercial batches the sinaloa cartel grew in Guadalajara in the worlds largest desert grow was road-kill

If not the 90s version. The original skunk bud. Was yours compressed or semi local?



For most of the people not being from North America the Skunk smell is just a mystery. I still can’t imagine how it has to be. How can you give us a definite description of the smell so that we can be sure to keep the right plant if we ever come across. All I know from the past is the Dutch Super Skunk or any other Dutch weed from the 90s that smelled similar to opening a fresh bottle of Heineken or Becks beer (both green bottles). It had a floral component and a bit of hash and poop and yeast and also a bit like using beer for deglazing the barbecue in summer. All in all a very satisfying, delicious smell. But that’s not a skunks smell, right. Is the animal’s smell more off-putting or lovely? I can’t think of lovely as the animal uses its spray as a repellent. Does a skunk’s spray at least have some components of the old Dutch weed smell? Is the old classic Dutch smell still present in the Coffeeshops at all? As obsessed as you Americans are with Roadkill Skunk as obsessed am I with getting the old Dutch Skunk in my hands. Are we on the same track?
Does butyric acid go into that direction? Some weed has parts of that.
How close are products used to prank people like in the picture. Is there any spot on product we can order to get a definite answer?



When I lived in Holland the farmers had some really old strains they still grew loke orange bud and something else. The nick name for these stinkers was “shit” becuase that’s what dutchnpeople called it.

Becuase like you said. They don’t have skunks. So what do they know? Opportunity knocks for Americans to bring “skunk” to Holland and pump and dump them



Very interesting, my partner in crime and I as well as a good friend are doing some similar work in the background as we speak. I’ve got a couple of really old lines one from SBH in Cali and an old Afghani from the 80’s and some old skunks and a few new-ish ones. No specific timeline planned but will work it until it’s exactly where we want it even if it’s 10 years. That level of funk/dank/loud is out there and I know it for a fact. I was lucky enough to have partaken in the RKS and many of the old school legendary strains as I happened to have been blessed with an unreal connection at birth. I have so many beans with potential and the next few years is about getting through them and f2ing the real gems before their viability dwindles. I am rebuilding my stable from scratch as we speak which is taking priority atm but we are working them in the background always. Definitely following along, really highly intrigued by many of these! Trying to get that HAOG for years! And that pink just sounds epic! Looking forward to seeing what you find my friend, and I’ll keep you updated on what we do as well .I’m always on the hunt for the DANK, it’s really one of my my main focus’s when growing, funk and a good buzz that lasts and annihilates my wicked back/neck pain and anxiety. Much respect :facepunch:t2:


Use to get compressed with a gazillion seeds. Who knew to keep them?


I’ve got some afghans seeds going, some from here and some from over seas, and some 90s skunk remake from someone on Thcfarmer says they’re skunk but unstable.


Maybe some skunk in some of these.


Thanks for sharing dudes.

Massive or at least big rounded seeds are a good indicator!



Well mate, any answer to my questions besides “the Dutch don’t know nothing” would be great because I myself as well know nothing about skunks. Anyone else able to help with defining the animal skunk aroma to a non-American and if it is related to the Dutch Skunk weed smell and if prank spray bottles would help us getting a clue? What if i had that plant you are looking for and I would never know and toss it away…lol.
I googled it and it said skunks reek like rotten eggs. But I can’t imagine someone being in love with the smell of rotten eggs. There must be more to it.


It actually stinks but taste so good. It will reek a whole house in a flash. It just lingers and lingers and lingers. No way to contain its raw aroma. But man…. the memories.


Stink like what?

A skunk. Lol. Very acrid , pungent smell Almost nose burning. Hunters buy skunk scent to mask their scent. Maybe I should buy a gallon and spread it across the pond. Lol


Well how accurate is this hunter stuff?

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Pretty darn close.


I could only imagine you, along with several buddies, passing around the skunk piss to see what the hell this skunk smells like. Im game to try and find a bottle and send over. Might be fun.


It’s extremely strong smelling, it surrounds you… It’s gamy, but very sharp, very acidic and sour, almost wet, but completely non-sweet and non-fruity. There’s some sulfer, for sure, and definite gassy smells… Maybe some mint and garlic too. It’s what a lot of Americans grew up with, so the smell is nostalgic. It’s classic “weed” smell to a lot of people in the states. In some areas, the cops would come to schools and give the kids a sample to smell, then tell them to stay away from the devil weed. One of the things about it, was that it not only would reek while growing, but the smoke after would also make a room stink of that sour fart smell for hours. There’s some episode of Seinfeld where Kramer feeds his horse beef-a-roni… It was kind of like that, only with more dead flesh and pungent acid, mustard gas, that seemed to stain the air with it’s intensity. Like others have said, it burned the nostrils.