Loud (road-kill) skunk

I like the sulphur discription to add. Got it more on the exhale.


Well, that sounds like a good advice. I googled around for such type of hunters skunk scent and it looks like that stuff actually smells like the real thing. Thanks for the offer. I can order myself then.


Let me know what you guys think. This is awesome.

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Well, then it’s a pretty complex smell. I definitely will need to get a bottle of that hunter scent camouflage stuff. And yes, I have already learned to be very careful with it, haha…


Our you in the u.k. or Europe?

I’m smelled skunky cheese in Europe that I have never smelled in the west.

Hence big Buddha/ exudus cheese

Try to imagine a perfect blend of sulphur, thiol , old oxidized cat / dig piss, burnt rubber, rotten eggs and a dash of chemical / cirtus.

And remember. Oxidized skunk spray does not smell like fresh skunk spray.



My wife knows a guy that grows 60 kinds of garlic.

One of them from Asia smells like straight r.ks.

It’s the first ones I eat haha. I savor the smell and flavor



So MM. How didI do with the description.


Sounds good.

There maybe a dash of wood sap in rks too.

I was helping a friend split wood all day today and a couple fresh split logs had a dash of rks in em lol

Acrid. Over powering and very very sticky aroma.

We got sharp and musky skunks in the 90s


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Hmmm……you think high Sulphur content in soil contributed to the smell and taste. @medmanbrand


European continent, I visited the Netherlands in 92 and there was this floral super skunk all around but it actually smelled lovely, as well as the cheese buds I later smoked, they also smelled lovely. Strong and extremely pungent but lovely. Some buds I had in the past were a bit more stinky, like when you drank a lot at night and next morning you take a good sh…but again, the right dose can make this smell appear nice, lol. I think I must get this hunter’s stuff to know what we are talking about and if it’s the same what I think it is. What you wrote what the Dutch called shit. My mate had a Big Bud that had the shit smell, for instance.


Need to take a trip to a place where they’re skunks to get that real smell. Most weed has a hint of it but imagine that x10. All skunk piss eye burning smelly weed. No floral sweet nada.


I do. Cow manure in particular

Maybe high S in the mountains of Columbia and or the Himalayas?



You read my mind

That classic cannabis smell. Almost no matter the strain has some skunk funk. It’s def a spectrum



Heineken is a bit “skunky” if that helps?



Yeah, what I wrote earlier…that classic smell…


We have skunks here and I’ve smelled many a road kill skunk in my travels .
I know that it might be a little strange but I like the smell .
I have not had any herb that smells exactly like it but have smelled some that have some elements of it .
The dank , the burnt rubber , the heavy smoke , the smoke that just lingers , the smell that fills the room when you open the sealed bag and the empty 3 month old smellyproof bag that will smell up your car when you open it to find that it’s been empty for the 3 months .
I’ve heard non smokers complain about the smell of those that have elements of the skunk smell saying that it smells of skunk .


If the biggest home country for skunks would let in again unvaccinated people, that would be a last and expensive option, haha…but I am also very scared of flying on a plane and then walking into unknown countrysides…I prefer to stay in bed and do the writing on forums and order some spray, lol…


The skunk smell will kill covid. Lol :rofl:


So happy to see your work. I have one of your clones in my tent right now on its second run, the results were outstanding. I’m playing around with some other skunks right now, mostly stuff from Mr Nice. I’m really excited to see your progress.


Fantastic epic show of talent and organization! Make an old greybeard feel like I’m still on the playground. First time I’d ever heard of or smoked Skunk bud was in San Diego in the late 80s. It allegedly came from Humboldt, and my guy Wizard would hold out for nothing less. Bright green, very skunky, and a lung stomper. Most nugs we got were golf ball to baseball sized, (rarely) and was the first time I’d heard of Humboldt. Course I was a kid, 16, that just hitch-hiked to San Diego from Massachusetts…

PS I have an actual Skunk I call Rosy that guards the Alpha patch. She eats tons of bugs and digs for grubs at night, which thrive in the compost. Lord help the thief that trips over her…:joy::joy::joy: