I called it EXACTLY as you did on your own thread . The fact that you call it something different now maybe suggests that you needed to do your homework before you want to tue internet with these cool stories ?
There is no debate lol it’s been like talking to a wall. Low class is lying about others gear and hard work, trying to get a free ride off them. Low is saying someone used your genetics to win a cup when they didn’t. Low is claiming you found something and didn’t. Low is spreading hermis as a strain everyone wants.
Pictures and links have been provided. You’ve been laughed off other forums for the exact same things you’re saying and claiming now. When you’re shown a link or a pic that you don’t like you deny and blame the person that posted it. I don’t usually speak my mind like this but man o man your some piece of work.
I have no idea how to respond to you because you are not making any sense. Read my questions again. You did it answer anything. I know why you won’t answer their truthfully though so it’s ok
While we are on the subject… think if you really want to know the real truth about what’s going on here
You need to watch some videos or read some journals on: covert narcissists and their flying monkeys.
Once that is completely understood. Start questioning your impetus for being here and beleiveing what you beleive and where your current view and outlook actually originated.
Like you said amigo…you are just a very confused person
Everything you need to know is in this thread, on icmag testers threads, and every single one of my responses.
At this point, the only way to see the light is looking at the man in the mirror.
Your circular logic may work on your pals. Not with the strong minded
Now. If you have anything to share about rks. In all its shapes and forms. Please share. We would all love to hear it.
But imvho you prob don’t have any, hence all the projecting and deflecting. Making this thread about me and not an amazing specimen that was 20-30 years before its time
I asked you some very specific questions about YOUR work and you won’t talk about it. Wonder why ?
Followed this thread until the bickering started then looked around about med man brand and had questions that you get defensive about. That on its own answered my questions. Hopefully you actually find what you’re looking for and market it honestly. There’s too many scumbags in the seed business. We’re getting sick of it. Keep the hermis in Manitoba
Most sought after terp profile ever and nobody has it. You claim you do and have but, you want talk about it. LOL
Strayfox carbon killers was skunky but not the skunk of old dam close tho it might be in there somewhere. My aunt and uncle grew it on their farm when I was a kid. It always smelled like a skunk got hit on their road🦨didn’t figure out why until I got a bit older. I need to ask my aunt if she still has the seeds