Loud (road-kill) skunk

Do you have any more of those skunk seeds to spare sell etc…?

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The whole batch, yes.

For now im hoarding, but know that once i worked a few problems* out of the line, i will eventually release it.

*problems are mainly

  1. lowering the incidence of intersex without breeding out the skunk
  2. stabilizing the rks so at least 25% are it, ideally 50%, without making it more herm prone or too inbred

Easy :wink:


Hell yeah Nice! Post pics and all up.

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I have some skunks seeds going I got from someone on thcfarmer said he open pollinated seeds from the 90s.



80sSkunk guy?


No, I Grow Skunk


He did say they were unstable and he was working on it but sold some of his f1 he made


I think I saw a paper talking g about skunk animal (not prank joke) spray and there was a sulfurous sesquiterpene or something that that cannabis shares with skunk butts, and that it’s super volatile, hence the onslaught on the nose. Growing strains high in these ‘normally lesser’ more volatile terps is hard to hide because the rank is fuming off the flowers.

Someone here mentioned “drying in a fog of its own gasses” in a thread talking about skunk

I think it’s much different from prank spray, which is plain rotten egg smell. Skunk spray (real animal) is oily and complex. it hangs like a wavy mirage, lol. like turpentine, and might have more in common with creosote than a bad egg yolk, but I see what you guys mean by that. It’s not the same though.

I have hit skunks driving (jeep, w holes in the floorboard :face_vomiting:), dealt with dogs sprayed b t skunks…

I don’t think skunk is exactly what makes rks.

I think there’s that creosote element imho


It made ziplock bags all crinkly and thin, the whole bag was glued shut up to the seal just from dropping an few buds in.


Spending my day with Skunk 18. Found some old pics of my first Super Skunk, made me smile.


I asked AkBB if his seeds had any rks and he said no, but look into Strayfox seeds. Anyone ever run any of his skunk stuff?


From Google

" Sulfur has a rotten egg scent that is distained by most, making a skunk’s spray extremely pungent . The scent is so strong it can be smelled up to half a mile away and can linger for days to weeks. Their spray can also cause stinging of the eyes, temporary blindness, and nausea.

"Skunk spray is a yellow oil that is volatile, which means it easily evaporates and becomes a gas. Skunk spray is made of organic sulfur-containing thiols, which are responsible for its characteristic odor. Sulfur has an odor often described as spoiled cabbage or rotten eggs.

Remember the key is sundrenched Skunk spray oxidation. And a perfect blend of what I mentioned before



I guess have to find the right combination to cross.


The key is fining the genes that match. Recessive vs dominant. Ive had some wierd smelling stuff I would never expect in all my rks projects



A skunks smell is so pungent and repugnant, it will literally make you gag, and your eyes water. Almost like tear-gas. It is horrible beyond belief.

The only way to know what it really smells like, is to experience it. Sorry…

There’s also a plant that grows in the swamps of the northeast us, that is called skunk cabbage. If you break the leaves of the plant, it gives off the same smell as the animal. We used to stay far away from it, but throw rocks into the swamps to rupture the leaves for fun :face_vomiting:

In the 80s the only weed we ever got was Mexican brick and sometimes Acapulco gold.

So I never experienced old school skunk.
I’d like to try it someday to see what the fuss is all about.

But… I really don’t like skunk smell. So I might hate it.


I know this type of weed. I had a few phenos that smelled like machine oil in a metal factory where i worked in my early days. I think it was a K2 and an Afghani #1. Didn’t like it at all but made a few fem seeds with an Agent Orange girl.


Ok nice one, the Skunk cabbage is said to grow also in some parts of Europe but pretty rare.


What if roadkill skunk was a USA landrace originated here and we just smoked it all and bred it out with other strains


Yeah that’s right, thats the word i was looking for. and there’s other alcohols and flavinoids responsible beyond just the ‘terps’ andd sulfur that make me think it’s like a wild ass combination lock. You’re not looking for a singular thing, it’s an alignment of a series of a very few and particular things in a sea of possibilities.

Bless whoever found it, and whoever finds it again :joy:


I don’t know about landrace, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes way back as an American heirloom. We know people were smoking and growing weed in the early 1900s, whether it be jazz musician tokers, or Mexican immigrants with their “marijuana”, or the pharmaceutical companies, but we also know weed was being grown and used as a resource going back to colonial days. Somebody put something up about an interesting quote from one of those founders… I’ll try to find it… about how hemp flourished in America… Anyway, I’m sure the British were growing it on some of their island territories before that, maybe with seeds obtained through some early trade company, like the East India Trading Co. It would seem to fit that it could have been an heirloom that had been grown domestically for a very long time, then slowly got blended out with all the imports of the 60s and 70s, then later all the dutch and commercial strains. The war on drugs probably played a part in its disappearance too. It’s fun to think about crazy theories like that, but I don’t think anyone will ever really know where it came from, or where it went. Here’s that quote: (originally posted by member Rory Borealis)

Paine listed many of America’s “strength and our riches;” the first being, “In almost every article of defense we abound. Hemp flourishes even to rankness,

He probably wasn’t talking about rks, but who knows, maybe he was! Wouldn’t that be a trip, if it was a derivative of colonial pot…


Oddly enough. One of the skunkiest crops I saw outdoors was in manitoba. Huge donkey dicks. I have pictures somewhere.

It also could have been the fact it was hectares worth?
