Made it to Member seed donations anyone?

:arrow_up: :arrow_up: What @Jango said :arrow_up: :arrow_up:

Look around your local shops, sometimes you can find a good quality soil made locally. They can be a bit lower priced


Idk man, more of a joke,. When I run out I run out. Lol I hate using spent stuff


They still yield nice.


Fox Farm here is 15 bucks for 2cf bag.
Spend the money.
Never penny pinch with your soil.
If not FF another good soil.


Add soil to the 5 gallon. From the bottom if possible. You be glad you did.
And about used soil???
You can rinse it after harvest and reuse it. Just run straight water through until you get to around 100-150 ppm. I use mine about six times and then add it to my outside growing area. Too expensive to not reuse. The plants dont care.


These half full pots trip me out , if you are not going to make use of its full capacity why not save money and buy smaller pots, there are reasons you don’t see commercially sold plants being potted this way….
There are math formulas that will tell you how much soil you need based on the size of the container , seems like this would be easy to avoid doing.
If your doing it on purpose I can’t help but wonder what benefit you associate with doing it that way?


Added mothers earth with perm

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I haven’t ruined my girl or quality by this hiccup have I ?

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I am also new here bit have some grow experience.

Looking for some regular terpene rich indoor indica seeds preferably some indian strains and everything with color is a plus.
I might have some indian landrace sativa to give back some day

!!!I live in Germany!!!

Thank you

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I was just repurposing 5 gallon buckets that were collecting dust from my previous line of work wasn’t intentional nor were said “pots” purchased it was all in an effort to save money on that end to put towards other aspects of my indoor setup ie the tent fan nutrient additive etc so I’m learning as I go I apologize if my ignorance offended your intellect though kind sir


I wouldn’t worry about it being too full or not full enough. You plants don’t look too bad and easily fixed, and I’ve always been under the impression a little stress is beneficial to quality. I would take the recommendation of adding fresh soil to the top at least a few inches at a time and watch the over watering. I see plenty of ppl using buckets, it will just take a minute to zero them in. You do have holes in the bottom I hope. Maybe a grate or rock’s under the bucket, just anything to lift it up an inch so it can drain good.


Everything is as you said except for the rocks under the bottom which I plan to do later today but I’ve managed to nurse them back to almost perfect health with the adding of fresh soil


Awesome! looking good!!

Any chance u could just plant outside and start another one in a smaller pot? Either way best of luck on your grow.

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Was thinking about putting the Gary Peyton outside
As it does better in outdoor settings in comparison to the ssh

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.If u can get it outside with no issues thats probly the way to go. You ll get a nice big plant outdoors .How much is the Ocean Forest out your way ? I hate buying dirt but it s so damn good and makes life easier. I was lucky enough to find it for 16 bucks in April so I loaded up. It s now at 26 a bag… What are you using fo a light inside?

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Not doing it on purpose. Usually I’ve ran out of dirt. Lol, I thought it was funny but a few here think I’m a heretic :rofl:.
Off to more heresy ***:wink:


Stop pulling fan leaves off, they dont look great despite what some have said. Take peoples advice and add soil it will feed their deficiency. Youre just making it hard for yourself.


So just cover the bottom leaves in dirt? The fan leaves I took off where from the bottom in order to add the soil which I also already did a picture only tells so much I see the daily difference and it’s improving tremendously I also had an issue of light burn in my tent so I moved it into my basement and suspended the light higher


Hello @Hunnamilla
It is wrong for me to come into your thread and say your plants dont look great without giving my reasoning. Some of what I write may not apply directly to you but it is my reasoning.
The plants show various issues in differing pictures but probably all can be tied down to one basic issue.

First pics show underwatered, underfed plants

Other pics show why they are underfed, not enough soil and they are not watered at correct intervals nor being fed properly every watering.

Some growers think that non perfect fan leaves need removing as may imply naivety as a new grower. These fan leaves can be used to diagnose many problems.

I know you have removed lower fan leaves to add soil, thats fne but I see also on one plant upper fan leaves have been removed, probably because they didnt look great. These leaves will be useful in diagnosing deficiency.

Soil only has so much nutrient before it runs out which is whats happened to your plants, thats why its best to feed lightly every watering.

Your plants are not yet even in bud and showing major deficiencies which unless corrected will just impound further down the line of flowering.

So in short dont be so mean with soil, feed your plants, stop taking the solar panels off unnecessarily. Most important thing is to enjoy growing and enjoy learning to grow.

All the best

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