Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Yep. That’s exactly what I mean. My outdoor veggie garden beds is probably the best soil I have. Throughout the spring and early summer I was taking snips off plants from all over the yard or new ones that I was just about to plant, cleaned them up a bit and dropped them in the bed. It hasn’t been perfect, but probably around 90% success rate.

When I tried to make things more complicated my success rate was closer to 10%, 0% so far with the damn aerocloner(again, I’m sure this was temperature),

I’ve done some side by side with plain water and aloe water. And the aloe does seem to make a very noticeable difference, not so much in success vs failure, but in the health and vigor of the rooting. Seems easy enough to keep it in there if you have some around.

Edit: As I sent this I just remembered, I did this last round with a few snips from some Mephisto plants in the corner of my indoor garden. It was already pretty late to be taking them, and most of the plants were pretty stunted, but I figured what the hell.

Pretty much neglected them and still had half of them root. Let a couple of them finish out. Nothing noteworthy, but definitely the first time I got a canna clone to successfully root. I know the autos you can’t really save with clones, but this is something I want to explore for making seed


Okay. I remember I read somebody’s grow log waayyyyy back, years ago, and they mentioned that they had just stuck a cut into some dirt and it was thriving. I was like,”Hmmm… I dunno.” But I guess that works. Do you keep the soil insanely wet when you do that? Or just water it like you would a normal plant or whatever? Like every-other day?

I do have some aloe. I know that it’s supposed to promote root growth. I dunno if it does. I watered with it a few times in veg for this grow and I don’t think it made a difference. When I transplanted from the half-gallons to the seven gallons, I noticed that the root growth was actually pretty shitty. I think that’s why the plants have been leaning and almost kinda falling out of their pots. The aloe didn’t seem to make a difference, anyway. Not this time.

I do use the aloe sometimes, though, just because I have it. I think the root-development issue might’ve been because I vegged outside? Seemed like the roots were more developed on the sides of the pots that weren’t facing directly at the sun, if that makes any sense. Never had that issue before, but it seems like that’s what happened. Like maybe the heat from the sun just stunted their development? I dunno…


lighting is a thing people biff with cloning. it’s easy to have too much light, (esp with LED) and kinda tough to use too little. a meter is super helpful for troubleshooting. taking a bunch of measurements in your space should quickly develop your “eyeball”

interesting. wonder why? could be a lot of things

I mean, a keeper’s a keeper.

I generally don’t, really. it’s not a slight toward her or anything, definitely the opposite. I just want to cultivate and stock up on genes with better effects than hype. choosing a quality partner would mainly be about making a ton of great seeds to dig through and pass around.


Yeah, if outside definitely a nice mulch layer other wise root don’t like the top layer of soil too much, most especially in pots outside.

As far as watering, if it’s in a bed with other established plants, yeah pretty much just water as normal. If it’s in its own container, or sharing with other rooting snips water less than usual.

At first there are no roots to drink the water up, so the only way the soil will lose moisture is through evaporation. You may be surprised by how long it take the soil to dry out at first. The plant will start pulling nutrients from its leaves and start wilting a little, but then as the roots start to establish it will stall the wilting, and then perk up, and then finally start in with some vegetative growth.

That is one important thing I have learned, they will look shittier before they look better.


And some sellers are a rung or two above used-car salesman on the Sleazy Ladder…which puts them right around snake oil salesman (i.e., someone who knows they’re selling fake/crappy stuff, but hypes the hell out of it to make a buck anyway).


Plants are looking great man.
MW are beauties, especially #2
Thanks for the descriptions of the smells, greatly appreciated.
Cant wait to hear how the Chem Fuego smoke for you.
That was too funny about the guy sniffing out your grow before he even got in the door.:sweat_smile:


Yeah, I’m aware of that. I always use just, like, a 13 watt bulb, hung about four feet above the tray. Still doesn’t work haha. Last time I cloned, I actually just put the tray out on my dining room table, maybe three feet underneath the light that hangs above. Still didn’t work. I’ll figure it out, though. One of these days…

N hog, I think. I mean, I didn’t have any issues with them, loved the way they turned out. But yeah, maybe could’ve used a little fish or something at the beginning of flower.

Yeah, I get that. Do you have some Tree of Life beans or something? If I was gonna cross her with anything, it’d definitely be a male that leaned very Sativa, for sure. I’d wanna keep those “good time/party vibe” effects going, absolutely. Wouldn’t wanna fuck her up with some bullshit Gorilla Glue or GSC or anything.

Yeah, I always mulch, right from the start. I don’t do seed soaking or anything like that, either. Just plant the seeds in a little three-inch “starter pot” and throw a little mulch on top. I figure the seeds that’ll push through are the ones that should be grown. Never really had an issue with anything not making it through the mulch, though.

Maybe a couple times haha. Not often, though.

That’s good to know. I’ll keep that in mind, for sure.

Which seems to be happening a lot these days. Looks great on IG, smokes like shit… I feel like anybody with half-a-brain can tell who’s gear they should buy, though. I did a ton or research before I bought my first round of seeds, years ago. All Bodhi. Nobody ever pisses and moans about his stuff. Nobody bickers and fights on his threads. That’s a good sign. When I started my next round of seed-buying, though, last year, I ignored all of my instincts and bought a bunch of shit that ended up disappointing me haha. Or maybe not “disappointing me,” exactly, but it just became so obvious that Bodhi cares. And other “breeders” don’t.

I’m pretty happy with the Doc D plants so far. It woulda been nice if that one Mexican Melon hadn’t snapped in half (or more) haha. He seems like he cares, anyway. Seems like his heart’s in the right place, which is what I care about the most. Gonna run some of his Bandaid Haze and Outer Limits next grow, pretty excited about them.


He’s here right now, fixing my AC ( a few days early, thankfully). I was in the middle of watering when he showed up, just like,”Fuck it, do your thing, I gotta water the plants…” haha. Ended up telling me they deal with a lot of growers (I’m not even a “grower” per se) and gave me the Grower’s Discount haha! Seemed like a cool guy. Hopefully I won’t have any rippers showing up at my house before I chop.


It is definitely already getting back to that point haha. I love it.

I didn’t really have to be annoying or anything, but I definitely felt like it was borderline though haha. I just had to keep an eye on his IG and also keep inquiring about when the Sour Diesel Bx4 seeds would be available. For the amount of money that I gave to JJ for the packs of Sour Diesel Bx4 that I bought, yeah even if I was annoying, he got his money’s worth haha. Not to mention all of his other work that I have bought recently. It was all a little bit ridiculous to have to go through, but hopefully the seeds prove to be worth it.

I didn’t really buy any of my packs to sell. I just like to run as many seeds of cultivars as possible to get a nice look at the line. My friend wanted me to inquire about 2 packs, but by that time (I feel like it was 2 days later tops), JJ was already sold out. He told me that if I ended up not running a pack or two, he would give me a ridiculous price for them. Again, I didn’t purchase them to resale, but if I end up not running a pack or two, I would be stupid to turn down his offer.

I can’t promise that I will definitely make seeds utilizing the Sour Diesel Bx4 plants, but if I find good plants and everything works out (from time to time, seed crops just do not fucking go as planned haha), I am definitely down to share my work with you brother.

My old ass misunderstood and thought that multiple Mexican Melons broke haha. That is good that it was just the one plant, even though it was twice. I would be pretty pissed, but mostly at myself. I tend to only be hard on myself haha. I am pretty sure that I have some packs of Mexican Melon, but now my old ass is second guessing haha. I will have to look.

The first thing that I will probably run from @Doc.D will most likely be my packs of Black Energy, thanks to Colinthegrower or some shit like that on IG. I keep thinking that I will just try to work them into my next round of planting, but I should probably wait 2-3 weeks until the next one after that. We shall see. I hope the rest of this round finishes up nicely for you! Positive vibes…



Sweet! Good to hear.

See? I don’t even get that. Why don’t they just make a ton of seeds, send them to a seed bank and let the bank do the work? I do not and never will get this whole,”Please, mistuh JJ Top Dawg, may I have a pack of yuh seeds when you so feel the the inclination?” Fuck off. It’s like you gotta win the lottery to get a pack these days. Not into it.

I think you’ve got the right idea. Make our own seeds, don’t bother with these “breeders.”

Even though you bothered with a breeder haha.

Yeah, I get that. Really not a big deal. If you find something good and you think I’d dig it, I’m down. If not, that’s cool, too.

Oh yeah, it was totally my fault. I shoulda staked and tied her right when she snapped and I taped her up, rather than waiting a day to stake and tie. Doc even mentioned to me that that Dragon Energy male is great for a lot of things, but a sound structure isn’t one of them. Although, to be honest, I’ve had to do more staking and tying this round, with all of the plants, not just the Doc D stuff, that I’m starting to think it’s me. Maybe I did something “wrong,” I dunno.

Or maybe I just grew a lot of plants that produce flimsy stems haha. Like I said, I don’t know.

Mhm, that Black Energy sounds good for sure. Those pics that advancedbuffalo posted on the Doc D thread had me drooling, but I’ve refrained from buying any of those seeds thus far.

Gotta draw the line somewhere…


Don’t sweat the HVAC guy…when we got an AC upgrade this summer he was very familiar with grow stuff, said grows had become a pretty decent chunk of his business now lol. Even told me he didn’t recommend using the condensate as purified water for plants…but I do anyway. Been a blessing having 5-10 free gallons of pure water a day.


I’ve been wondering about that myself… Why didn’t he like it?
I’m thinking the water should be close to RO quality



I’m thinking possibly there is contamination in the water ! I know the ph is quite high ppm is 0 . I’ve used it in the past and currently watering a tree with about 5 gals a day and the tree isn’t complaining.

Be interesting to know his reasoning for saying that.


I figure maybe things like lead in the solder in the condenser coil maybe? Copper from the coils themselves maybe? Dunno. He isn’t a grower, maybe just cause it’s probably got a warning label somewhere that says something to the effect of “not potable water” or something for human consumption as a liability thing.

I see a lot of people using it and I’m on 2 harvests cutting the tapwater 2:1 with it, no negative effects. Reduces hardness just to the point where it pH balances perfect after nutrients are added, no pH down needed for my excessively hard water. I dump the excess water on the outdoor tomato plants and such and they all look fine.

Wouldn’t use it in a reef tank due to their metal sensitivity but seems alright for any other purposes.


I dump it in my humidifier…


Wellllll, I dunno. I’m always leery of anybody who I don’t know knowing anything about my small-time grow. That’s just me. I used to be a little punk-ass criminal, did a lot of crazy shit, so I view everybody with a jaundiced eye. It always seems best to err on the side of caution.

I did mention to him that,”I have guns, but I’d prefer not to use them,” haha! Which is a straight-up lie. I don’t own any guns. Still, the threat of violence always seems like a good deterrent. I think most people who encounter me know that violence is a very real possibility, whether or not I own guns haha.

There’s your answer, @Gpaw. I’m not sure if I would water my plants with anything other than my RO water. I know people say condensate is fine, but I wouldn’t use it. I’ve seen my RO tap, it gets gnarly sometimes. Clean it every couple months just to keep that weird gunk off the tap. No idea what might be in those pipes, but I’m not about to take a look and find out.

He says as he smokes his tenth cigarette and drinks his tenth beer of the morning haha! “But that lead in those pipes! Don’t water the plants with that water!”


Man, @MantisTobogganMD, I’m watching the chaos on the Bodhi thread, with everybody trying to get some seeds before they sell out, thinking about how Derpterps posted that bullshit link to a seed bank that was re-selling Doc D’s pre-releases for eighty bucks a pop and how we were all like,”Fuck that! Direct everybody interested straight to Doc D!” And all I keep thinking is,”No. Don’t direct them straight to Doc D.” I don’t wanna have to sit on my computer and refresh every fifteen seconds and hope and prey that I can maybe hopefully get some seeds I’m interested in before everything sells out in three minutes. Or wake up at 5am on the first of every month just so I can get in on Doc’s email.

This shit has gotten way too out of control. Shit selling out in fifteen minutes? Or less, even? And probably ninety percent of those people are buying the seeds just so they can re-sell them somewhere else. Fuck that. I’m all for supporting breeders who deserve supporting, but I mean… Shit is getting stupid.


Dude I hear all that and totally agree, BUT, you raved about the Golden Hashplant and because of that….I snagged one baby! Woohooo! Plus a kush 4 x ssdd freebie. Thanks man!


Oh, for sure, dude. That’s because I wasn’t planning on buying any seeds today. If I was, I woulda been like,”Yeah, some of those crosses sound alright. One thing I definitely wouldn’t buy is that Golden Hashplant, though…”


Glad you arent buying today then, I took your recommendations as well. Time bandit and Golden hashplant. Appreciated as its always nice to base purchases on someones actual enjoyment as opposed to speculative wank. So thanks!

Plus I got all excited a few minutes ago when I saw your last journal had Soar. Sucks they were all male, I still have a pack to run so maybe I can give a shot soon. I’d love to try that columbian.