Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Nice! You’ll love those, no doubt about it. I might run them separately, though. I dunno about you, but I always like to try and run a “daytime strain,” a “hybrid” strain and a “nighttime” strain, just because I like a little variety. The high-type on both the Golden Triangle and the Time Bandits were a little too similar for me to run concurrently. But if you like that sorta “up-then-down” high all the time, run them both.

Yeahhhhhh, that was a bummer. I was thinking I’d run some more for the upcoming grow, along with Doc’s Bandaid Haze, just because my September starts are the best time for me to grow longer-flowering plants. But then I got those Outer Limits seeds and figured, you know, I LOVE Sour Diesel, probably oughta get to those seeds ASAP. You never know, though. I always go into every grow with a plan and then change my mind at the last second, right when I’m digging through the the fridge.

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I will run those Soars. Yeah, I’ll do the Soar, the Bandaid Haze and Freeborn’s Skycuddler. Thanks, dude! I’ll start the Outer Limits for my November 1 grow; they should finish a little faster than the September stuff.


Yeah ain’t that the truth. No good answer. Still can’t support giving money to a leech that flips a $30 pre release for $80 right away. Like a lot of things in the world right now it just sucks.


Yeah, definitely. I’m not okay with those links posted in my logs. I actually did mention it to Doc when my seeds were shipped the other day and he was basically like,”Yeah, what can you do?” Which is great by me. I’d rather he just be like,”Shit’s gonna happen,” then be like,”Okay! Fuck it! I’m moving to a private ordering system!” or whatever.

For sure. Been feeling increasingly depressed lately. The grow’s kind of the only thing keeping me going right now haha.


Appreciate that, I have been trying to do that. I love to play the field as it were as well. Learned that lesson last year. I did way to many sativa things at once on my first back. Ran jamaican, a thai influenced, and a congo landracebx. Felt way to tweaky for a while and then counterbalanced on the next run with too much heavy shit. Feeling out what highs I like for when in the day has been an ongoing process. Also finding some of the curveball sativas interesting when they are active feeling, but make me to retarded to be functional.

Thats going to be cool to see, his work looks pretty great from what I’ve seen. Stoked if you’re going to try soar again too! I love the planning stage as well, always too many choices. I sill have a single of female of eternal sunshine to flower after my roof explosion. 16 weeks, but the stem rub is like lemon and deep fryer grease. Hopefully I wont balls it up.

I’m pretty encouraged how much people love sour. Sour is one I’ve never actually had a decent version of (dispensaries round here are pretty sketch). it was coming onto the scene when I first started growing and always wanted to get my hands on it. You got me turned onto lucky dog which I hadn’t looked at too much before. I’ve got San’s diesel x the white cross. So I’m hoping it’ll give me an idea of the characteristics, but getting Karma’s or JJs seems a tall order without the social medias!

Interested to see this also, but I never actually see any of his gear for sale anywhere. is he an instagrammer?


For all you want to know about Mean Gene and Freeborn Selections, he has done a few great episode of The Potcast. His are some of the best and most informative.

As far as availability, it’s pretty sparse, but he encourages everyone to make more from any of his packs and spread them around. He doesn’t release much, but from what I hear everything he releases is top notch.


I don’t think it’s the dispensaries around you; it’s pretty impossible to find legit Sour Diesel anywhere these days. Trust me, I was looking for a long time. The problem is that most of the people growing it aren’t even using a true Sour Diesel. Or they’re using some watered-down clone or something. I dunno. But I haven’t found any really good Sour Diesel in about twelve years. Maybe it’s around now, I’m not sure. I gave up a few years back.

He does seem to like to post on IG a lot haha. I only ever log on there maybe twice a month, but when I do, there’s a lot of posts from him (I only follow maybe ten people). Very rarely are they ever about any seed drops, though. Like MantisToboggan said, he doesn’t seem to drop often. And they get scooped up real quick. His Ghost x Sky Jaro seems to be around a lot. Those seeds have been available on speakeasy for months, but I never got any, just because I wasn’t interested in those.


It was the Potcast that got me paying attention to him (and crickets & cicadas). It was just his discussions about root beer that made me think he might drip feed that way. Sounds like f2s might be the way to avoid silliness!

Same and the fact that speakeasy won’t ship up to cankukistan also contributed.

Have you guys ever tried any of Coastal’s stuff?


I haven’t tried any Coastal stuff, but really really want to, especially their Panama Red selection.


You guys talking coastal Mary’s stuff?


No I was referring to Kagyu of coastal seeds. He seems to speacialize in sativas. Has cool looking panama red, columbian and Burmese. A little more expensive though, so I was curious.


I just introduce them to my dog Zappa. Then I feel more secure. So does Zappa.




My HVAC guy has a NIN tattoo on the side of his head, so you know he at least used to party 25 years ago lol.


Yeah, that’s why I’ve never bought any of their stuff. The crosses do sound intriguing, though.

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I dunno, some of those Nine Inch Nails fans are weirdo straight-edge goth “I don’t drink or do any drugs; my drug is the power of darkness; the music is my elixir; I worship at the altar of Trent…” people haha.


There’s someone on IG, smokedout_skunk, who’s been doing rootbeer clone and seed releases.


Alright, I got a super-late start to the day today, just got done watering the plants a little bit ago and was in a pic-taking mood, so… Flower day 61.

The Black Triangles and two of the Chem Fuegos will be getting chopped in two days, day 63. They seem done. I mean, I dunno what letting them flower until day 65 or day 70 would accomplish, anyway. Whatever it is they’re gonna do, they’ve done.

Black Triangle #1:

Here’s a little “nug-y” shot of the inside of her:


And the Black Triangle #2:

The Chem Fuegos are gawddamn stinky, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that before haha… But for real, that Black Triangle #2 is hanging right with them. Very fragrant. Still got that acrid, “freshly-ground coffee bean and cat piss” thing going on. Really good. I love coffee, but I haven’t drank it (or any caffeine) in fifteen years (don’t ask), so if she maintains that smell/flavor after drying and curing, I’ll be super-fucking-stoked.

Chem Fuego #1:

Chem Fuego #2:

And the Chem Fuego #4:

So, like I said, both of the Black Triangles and two of the Chem Fuegos will be getting chopped in two days. I can’t remember right now which of the Fuegos I’m not gonna chop haha. I’ll figure it out when I start pulling plants out of the tent. Also, one of them has kinda started to develop a more “typical OG/floral” kinda nose, coupled with that super-overwhelming “raw” smell that all of them possess. To be honest, I’d prefer it if they all retained the “raw” smell and didn’t develop any sort of “floral OG” smell. But no big deal if they do.

First-world problems… haha.

Anyway, here’s the Mexican Melon #1:

It’s so fuckng disappointing that she snapped. Her nugs are just chunking up and getting so fat… I would’ve loved to see what she woulda done as a whole plant.

Anyway, she’s started to develop an overwhelming cinnamon smell. I noticed it when I was watering a little bit ago, when I took her out of the tent. As I was lifting her, she just smelled like “good weed,” but as her branches started waving around, I got a whiff of something I recognized that kept getting stronger and stronger in my mouth and ended up full-on, unmistakably CINNAMON. Pretty awesome. It’s still lingering, too; all I can taste is cinnamon right now haha. I’ve never grown anything that smelled like cinnamon before. I’m not sure I really wanna SMOKE anything that tastes like that, at least not on a regular basis haha, but it’s still pretty kick-ass.

And the belle of the ball, Mexican Melon #2:

She’s actually starting to fill in pretty good; never gonna have that “chunky” look to her flowers, but I’m starting to think she might end up yielding pretty well and also finish in fewer than twelve weeks.

I dunno. If she doesn’t, who cares? I might actually even let her go a little longer than “peak ripeness” or whatever. I haven’t decided yet. And even if I had made a decision, I’d probably change my mind tomorrow haha…


I don’t know you might gain a bit more weight are they still drinking?
Unless you’re low on smoke what’s 5 more days ?
If your keeping the light on for the Mexican Mellon .


Eh… What’s a few more grams, really? I just mentioned this on schmarmpit’s thread, but when it starts feeling like a chore, that’s when I know it’s time to chop haha. I’m getting sick of moving seven seven-gallon pots out of and back into the tent every-other day. The Black Triangles got their swell on last week (it was noticeable) and the lowers on the Chem Fuegos are getting close to breaking (the tops were close to snapping weeks ago; I’ve done more staking and tying this grow than maybe every other previous grow combined)(just kidding, but it feels like it). The Black Triangles are coming down for sure in two days, nine weeks on the nose. I mayyyybe might wait a couple extra days on the Fuegos. One of them is for sure not gonna get chopped for five or seven more days.

It’s just time, I think. I always go by feel. And I feel like it’s time to start chopping (either that or I’m just a lazy fucker who doesn’t wanna move pots around haha). Plus, I wanna give those Mexican Melons a lot of room for the next two or three weeks. They’ve been probably too close to the lights for this entire grow. I wanna raise the lights a little bit and get the crowd out of there and let the Melons spread their wings and fly…


Everything looks really good this round man. Even the Mexican Melon that split hung in there and looks like she’s gonna finish ok. The Black Triangles look very similar to how mine looked… even got some of the acrid coffee smells you are referencing. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the smoke! The cinnamon smell on the MM is something else! Not that smoking cinnamon probably tastes good, but if it retains a little bit of that spice it may make for an interesting flavor. Will be curious to see what your favorites are from this round after the dry, cure and smoke test.

Have you made any decisions on what you’re gonna pop next?

I’m itching to get started popping beans again, went to grab some seed starting soil from one of the many grow shops around here and they were out! Something about a supply chain shortage of peat moss… I dunno, I’ll have to hit up another one today and get going!


Yeah, I think she’s gonna finish great. It’s pretty cool how resilient cannabis plants are. And probably most plants are. I dunno, I’ve only ever really grown weed haha.

Oh, cool! Did I see you log your Black Triangle? I can’t remember. Of course haha. I researched Black Triangle as much as I could the last year or two, but once I put the seeds in the soil, I quit reading about it. Is the whole “coffee bean thing” a common trait? I don’t really remember reading that. Maybe I’ll look again.

Bandaid Haze, Soar and Skycuddler Kush. Subject to change when I actually get in the fridge haha. Just kidding. The Bandaid Haze and Skycuddler are definitely getting planted. I’m not sure what the third one will be yet, but it’ll probably be the Soar. I was actually gonna put the seeds in the soil this morning, but it’s unusually overcast and cool today. I like to put the seeds in the pots and get them straight into some sunlight, but the sun’s not out. Very weird. It’s never overcast late August. Or really ever, where we live haha.

Goddamn, man, isn’t that so typical? A while back, I went to get some new shoes and they didn’t have any in my size. And I was just trying to buy some Chuck Taylors haha! It’s not even like I have a freakishly huge foot or anything. Size 11 or 12 will do. But all they had were, like, size 7 and size 16 haha. There’s a shortage of fucking everything right now.

You should just go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and get some peat moss and mix up your own soil. For a starter mix, all you’d need is equal parts peat, EWC/compost and aeration. I don’t use a “starter mix,” but if you’re itching to get growing… And then you could mix up a “regular” soil mix while they sprout, with the kelp and gypsum and all that stuff.

Other than the lack of weed-growing supplies haha, how’s it going up there? You guys getting settled in?