Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

RIU is a whole other beast IMO. The mods there really only care about keeping the advertising money coming in. Moderation there is pretty arbitrary. If you’re feeling bullied and threaten to sic your mom’s legal team on them, you can get pretty much any posts/threads removed. Also, if you become a site sponsor there, you can pretty much do or say anything.


Looks good man :+1::+1:


Your plants look amazing. Killer plants. I gotta keep growing and learning for sure!


Yeah, I’ve never really spent any time there. I have a profile, posted a few times. If I’m researching something and somebody has a grow report there, I’ll read it, but I never really engage with anybody or anything. You’re definitely not the first person to mention that it’s kind of a shitshow there haha.


For what it’s worth, I don’t think Doc is working with them directly.

These are all prerelease packs that Doc has had on his mailing list the past couple months at $30 a pack.

The man puts a lot of great gear out there for incredibly reasonable prices, so try to hop on the mailing list and support him directly or through one the banks he officially works with(possibly just Labyrinth at the moment).

Most of the past few months lists have been posted on the Doc D thread.

If anyone does buy those, keep in mind those are all Pre-release packs. It’s really cool that he makes things like that available so that we can take a look inside some of his work that might not make it out, it’s kind of shitty that someone would put a 160% mark up on them, even more so that I didn’t see any mention of them being pre release.

Just wanted to get that out there as Doc is a great dude with great service, gear and prices, so I hate to see someone exploit that by flipping his pre release stuff right after he drops it. And if any of those lines do make an official release, it’s likely they will be cheaper than what these guys are charging.

Rant over.


Oh, dude, is that what’s going on? I get my Doc D seeds directly from him, so I didn’t even bother to click on that link. I did wonder what that was about, as I’m only aware of him selling seeds through headies and one other place. Never heard of brownbagseeds or whatever it’s called. But if that’s what’s happening, if somebody’s taking those pre-releases and re-selling them, that’s not fucking cool at all.

Don’t be promoting that shit on my thread, @Derpterps, please and thank you. No offense, I’m not mad at you or anything, maybe you just didn’t know. But that is not cool at all.


Shit, man, took a look at that link just now. There’s a bunch of the pre-releases being sold for eighty bucks a pop. Even saw the Rudeboi/AfPak cross on there, which Doc sent to me as a freebie. Is he aware of this? Should I email him and let him know? Can he even do anything about it?

Gawd, the cannabis seed business is so fucking shady. Swear to gawd, most of those sellers are a rung below used-car salesman on the Sleazy Ladder.


True Dat!



I doubt there is anything he can do about it. I checked the link out cause I was curious and o thought they might have some of his older stuff that isn’t readily available (I’m low key on the look out for lemon melange, if anyone happens to have some to trade please DM me).

When I got there and saw it was all a bunch of the pre releases I thought that was pretty shitty, even shittier at $80 a pop. I really love that he makes such a wide variety of his pre release gear available, I would hate to see that go away, which I fear it may if flipping them like this becomes more widespread.

So yeah, probably the best way to fight it is to tell people what’s up and send them right to the source, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to let him know.

I know he is on here, but not often. @Doc.D


Pssshhhh, okay then. Maybe when he emails me confirmation of payment for my last order (yes, I’m a seed junkie, just bought two packs of the TK/AfPak cross haha), I’ll mention it. I don’t really wanna bug him too much, but it seems like he should know. Maybe he can find their IP address or whatever it’s called and just stop sending seeds to that particular one when they order from him. I dunno. I don’t know how this internet stuff works haha.

I do have a pack of that. I won’t trade it, though. Sorry. When I feel comfortable with my cloning skills, I’m gonna grow them out. If I find something good, I’ll send you some clones if you want. I have no idea when that’ll be, though, to be honest. I really suck at cloning, gonna give it another try for the upcoming grow. Hopefully it’ll work out.

It drives me nuts, though, because I see a lot of these morons who can’t even type a coherent sentence cloning away and keeping mothers and shit. I’m like,”Fuck! Why can’t I get clones to root?!? These assholes don’t even use punctuation when they type their run-on paragraphs, but they can clone like a motherfucker!” haha.


sounds nice. did she grow well? any thoughts on a breeding partner?

are you not flowering at night?

black triangles look great!

surprised to see dark foliage so late in flower. nutrient teas?

nice job like usual sir


No wonder they do so well in Canada haha


Sounds good man. Hopefully I’ll be around to remind you if I see you pop em, but yeah definitely keep me in mind for any clones or seed increases.

The last year or so I’ve been messing with cloning/propagating (not just cannabis) with very limited success. So frustrating when you see other people do it so easily. The biggest things I’ve found to help are managing temperature and humidity. My best results have been in soil watered with a bit of aloe watered in. If you want to practice on other plants, thyme, rosemary, sage all work pretty well.

I’m an old school type of cook who learned to cook by feel using all my senses, so I have a slight and probably unhealthy aversion to using thermometers and things some times. For some reason some part of my brain/body just want to learn/do it by feel. Which at times can be frustrating and others is just plain dumb.

I built an aerocloner, but I can’t get anything healthy to come out of it, I think it’s because my basement temps struggle with being too cool. I tried putting a seedling mat to help a bit and killed everything.

When I get some time to start messing with it again I want to try a mix heavy in some fresh worm castings(maybe straight castings). It works great for germination, so worth a try.


They were actually the only plants that I’ve ever grown that did a true “fade” or whatever. Developed those kinda “fall leaves colors” that everybody goes crazy over, with the reds and yellows and purples. Had two females, if I remember correctly, chopped one at ten weeks and one at eleven. Or one at eleven weeks and one at twelve weeks, can’t remember. Interestingly, the one that was chopped earlier smoked the best, I remember that for sure. But they both smoked good. I just remember that the one that was chopped earlier had a much longer-lasting high.

Not really. I don’t understand this urge of everybody’s to cross something with something else. She was excellent on her own. No need to fuck with her. Just keep a mom and clone her to infinity. That’s what I would’ve done, if I could clone haha.

I do three grows a year, September 1, November 1 and May 1. I flower at night for the September and November grows, just because it’s cool enough that all I have to do is open a window to keep the grow room temps down (the September starts get flipped November 1, the November starts get flipped February 1). My May 1 grows (which is the grow that’s being logged right now), I run the lights during the day, just because it gets hot as fuck where we live. We’d run the AC during the day even if I wasn’t growing. If I was running the lights at night in the summer, I’d have to turn the AC on at night, too. It just doesn’t get cool enough at night for me to simply open a window. And I don’t wanna be running my AC 24/7. Those power bills get real high…

Nah, no nutrient teas. Maybe one, like five weeks ago, a little kelp and neem deal. I’d have to look at my notes. I’m trying my best to just get back to my water-only days, definitely haven’t been giving the plants anything on a regular basis or anything, though. I think I might water them with some coconut water today. Maybe. I dunno. I don’t have a regimen or anything, if that’s what you’re asking haha.

The Black Triangles just look good because Bodhi is a gawddamn good breeder. It’s pretty hard to fuck up any of his plants. They always just chug along and don’t give a shit what you do. Water them too much, water them too little, overdose with fulvic, too hot, too cold, they don’t care. Love Bodhi. Best chucker on the planet, in my opinion.


I’ll remember you. You’re one of my favorite people here. And I love your screen name. A while back, I remember I asked you where you got that name; I must’ve been hammered, because I know exactly where you got that name haha. I fucking looooove “It’s Always Sunny…” Just watched the Mantis Tobaggan MD origin episode yesterday, actually haha. That show, “Seinfeld” seasons 7-9 and “The Office” are basically on a loop on our tv.

What do you mean? You take a cut and just stick it in the dirt? Before roots have developed?

I used to try the rooting pucks thing, soaked them in aloe and fulvic and then put them in a humidity dome with a heating mat underneath. One time, with my Mountain Temples, I got a few cuts to develop some roots. And then I came home one night in a Jack Daniels-and-cocaine-induced stupor and threw them all out. I have no idea what my motivation for that was. Never had success with any of my other attempts, though. I bought one of those aerocloners a while back (the place I ordered from fucked up and sent me two, so… bonus!), I’m gonna use that to try and get some cuts from the upcoming grow rooted.

I get that, though. I’m the same way. It’s why I don’t ever bother with the loupe and shit to get a good look at the trichomes. I just go by feel. I chop when it feels like I oughta chop.

I do kinda wanna get a decent loupe, though. Mine sucks. It’d be cool to get a good look at the trichs.


@MantisTobogganMD @minitiger next time I see an IG post about stuff that may be relevant to your threads and I haven’t don’t my due diligence research on it I’ll keep it to myself :roll_eyes: Don’t shoot the messenger guys, just trying to help here.


Sorry if I came across as aggressive or harsh towards you, that wasn’t my intention.

I didn’t think you had any bad intent, I was just trying to relay what I noticed when I checked it out and what I know from Doc’s list. With all the bad bullshit out there, I just wanted to relay what I noticed to everyone to keep people informed.

Next time I’ll hit you with a DM along with the public post.


That would be appreciated :+1::+1: and I got rid of it for ya


Yeah dude, like I said, no offense. I’m not mad at ya. You didn’t know. I never know what’s going on haha, definitely not privy to all the shady goings-on and whatever all else on these weed websites. I’m clueless. Which is how I like it. I’m pissed about enough things in the “real world.” This is my escape.

Which is why I’ve been spending more and more time here lately haha…


All good, no worries guys :+1::+1: I’m happy to take it down to prevent people taking advantage.