Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

I think thats called whirled phylotaxy. I might be wrong though.

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I think whirled phyllotaxy is when three branches grow from the same node. At least, that’s what google just told me haha! Seriously, though, I’m pretty sure that’s what that is. What the Mexican Melon #2 did was kind of the opposite of that, actually, where three branches grew from their own separate nodes, maybe like 100 degrees opposite each other and a half-inch or an inch above one another. You can see it in the pics, the veg pics especially. Pretty cool-looking. And if you look at the most recent full-plant flower pic, the way she has three tops, that’s the reason why. Each one of those tops is growing from its own separate node, each of which is about an inch apart from one another. I think it’s pretty cool. Very “unruly and wild” haha.


Ah hah. I see what your talking about now. So, in the beginning was it all their are own node sites before sexual maturity?

For the duration. If anything, it happened more once she reached “sexual maturity.” Take a look at the pics, dude, you’ll see what I’m talking about. You can see it clearly in the day 48 veg pics. First post in this thread.


So I was just re-reading the last grow log I posted on thcfarmer (yes, I obsessively read and re-read my own grow logs), which was like March/April of 2020, right when all the quarantining shit first started. It was my Golden Triangle/Ghash tester grow report. Also grew some Silver Mountain and Larry Lotus and Smart Move. I had mentioned coronavirus a couple times in my updates, just because, like I said, we had all started quarantining and everything was just fucked up. It was a natural thing to talk about.

Anyway, as I was re-reading it, I noticed that “I” kept saying “flu” instead of “COVID.” The first couple times I saw it, I was like,”Hmmm, that’s weird. I don’t recall typing the word ‘flu.’” And as I kept reading, I realized that somebody had changed every mention of the word “coronavirus” to the word “flu.”

What the fuck is that? Very, very weird.

Who’s in a position to change the words I wrote at thcfarmer? Does anybody know? Because I’m gonna message them and tear them a new asshole.


Never mind. I just got banned from thcfarmer haha. What a fucking joke…


No way man, that is crazy. Did you get any answer before you got banned?
That is seriously messed up.

I see you also have/had some old Bodhi stock in your stash.
How did you find the Lotus Larry and the Silver Mountain? Was just thinking to try out the the Silver Mountain.


That pretty well matches what I’ve heard about that forum from other sources. It’s bad there…to the point where they regularly read, edit, and ban over people’s DMs too.


No. I really don’t care. I used to be very active over there, for years, really, but once I moved over to OG, about a year ago, I pretty much quit posting there.

Yeah, I grew Bodhi exclusively for five years or so. I have a ton of his stuff in the fridge. I’ve grown the Larry Lotus twice. The first time I grew her, think it was three plants, she was really stretchy and got super-tall and lanky. Took like six-eight weeks of curing for her to develop those classic Larry flavors. Very floral, which I don’t usually like, but in the case of Larry, I love it haha.

The second time I grew it, the plants stayed very short and never really developed the Larry flavor. Which is weird, because the seeds were from the same pack. It was still good weed, but it was completely different from the first time I grew it.

The Silver Mountain was good, too, although I harvested them like March or April of 2020, which I think limited my ability to accurately judge the smoke. We had just started quarantining and my mom died and things were weird. I was drinking SUPER-heavily, don’t really remember much of anything from back then. I do remember thinking that the Silver Mountain smoked differently than I had anticipated. I thought it’d be a pretty “up” high, but I remember that it usually knocked me out. I think that might’ve been because I was drunk as shit all the time, though. Looking at my pics in the grow log last night, though, the plants were super-frosty and looked really good. I still have five or six seeds, I should re-visit them when I’m not so drunk haha.

Yeah, I wasn’t aware of that. I know people can’t stand Logic, but I never knew why they hated him. I guess that’s why? Or did he do some other shady shit?


My understanding is that he cheated people on seed purchases/sales too. Just an all-around shady dude from what I’ve heard.


@minitiger Im really sorry to hear of your Moms passing, may she rest in piece.
Trying to deal with losing her must have been horrendous under lockdown.
Alcohol was invented for situations like that.

Thanks very much for the feedback on the SSM and LL. Really cool you’ve run so much of his gear, what was your fav to date if you had to pick 1? Mine would have to be Tigers Milk, I had a lovely BK dom cut for about 10 years lost it in a mishap.

Sorry for going off topic.


Probably Tree of Life. Great weed. Just such an amazing, positive, life-affirming stone, no matter what. No burnout, no heavy comedown. Always left me feeling very refreshed when the high eventually wore off. It was actually one of those “Sativas” that people claim they’ve bred, but never actually works out. Very up, but no raciness, non-stop smiles… It could’ve been my frame of mind at the time and when I was smoking it, which was late August/early September. End of summer, good times. I was going to a lot of shows at the Hollywood Bowl back then, hanging out with friends, having fun…

The thing about people’s smoke reports, I don’t think they factor in their state of mind at the time. Little things like simply getting enough sleep or bigger things like just being in a great place in your life or whatever can really make a difference in how people respond to what they’re smoking. But yeah, that Tree of Life was the perfect cross to be smoking at the time.

I’ve never really been unhappy with anything I’ve grown from Bodhi, though. Except the Purple NL2 from the last grow; I did not like that one at all. For the most part, though, Bodhi seems to be very thoughtful about the crosses he makes. Everything I’ve grown of his has always satisfied me, in one way or another. Great chucker, for sure.

Get off-topic all you want, dude. My grow logs are nothing if not rambling. I like talking to you guys about whatever. And anyway, this is a Black Triangle log haha! That’s Bodhi!


That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!




Okay, took these pictures yesterday, day 53 of flower.

Chem Fuego #1:

And the Chem Fuego #2:

Chem Fuego #4:

This good boy hated the grow room for yeeeears, would never go anywhere near it. And then, a few months back, he just started wandering on in and hanging out with me while I watered, like he’s been doing it his whole life. Love him so much. Weirdo dog haha.

Anyway, I’m extremely impressed with the Fuegos. They’re the loudest plants I’ve ever grown and it isn’t even close. Our whole house stinks like them, even though I just hung a new carbon filter a couple months ago.

Our AC broke last week, which sucks. Cant get it fixed until this Thursday or Friday. Luckily, temps have been unusually mild right now, only getting into the mid-80s outside. Which means that temps in the tent have been getting into the low-to-mid 90’s after about eight hours of lights-on. Not ideal.

So I had the AC repair dude come over a couple days ago, seems like we have to cut a hole in the grow room wall to increase the AC intake or something. But while he was checking everything out, he was like,“Can I get into this room (the grow room) to see where I can cut the hole?” and I was like,“No. You cannot.” and he said,“Maaaan, I don’t care about your grow.” I was like,“Grow? What grow?” and he said,“Your whole house stinks like weed. I could smell it from the street.” haha.

So yeah, those Chem Fuegos are really stinking up the joint. Love them.

Here’s the Black Triangle #1:

And the Black Triangle #2:

I’ve grown a few of Bodhi’s GHash crosses before and they’ve always been pretty mild-smelling. But the Black Triangle #2 is fucking STINKY. Almost as loud as the three Chem Fuegos. Smells like bitter, freshly-ground coffee beans with a little bit of cat piss thrown in, too. I love it. Every morning when I open the tent, it seems like one of the plants is stinkier than everything else. One morning, I’ll smell the Fuegos, the next I’ll smell the Mexican Melons… This morning I opened the tent up and was just blasted in the face with the smell of the Black Triangle #2. Took a close look at her and it seems like she’s getting her late-flower swell on, too. Flowers definitely looked a little bigger than they did even yesterday.

Here’s the Mexican Melon #1:

Those are the secondary branches. Gawd, I’m so bummed she broke in half. I’d love to see how the main colas turned out. What remains is just fat as fuck.

More MM#1:

And my favorite, the Mexican Melon #2:

Calyx development has been a little slow on her. She’s finally starting to get a little frosty, though. I know I’ve been saying that I think she’ll take around twelve weeks to finish, but I’m starting to get the vibe that she’ll just be one of those plants that never properly finishes. I dunno. We’ll see.

Anyway, yeah, the latest update. I think the Black Triangles and maybe the Chem Fuegos will get chopped in ten days or so, around day 64. I wanna get the AC fixed first and give the plants a few days of cool air before I chop them, though. Like I said, it’s been unusually mild here in LA for the past week, but it’s supposed to get back in the high 90’s/low 100’s in two days. I’m gonna be fucked then. AC is supposed to get fixed in three or four days, which means I can get the grow room temps down into the high 70’s for a few days before I chop.

Maybe. Hopefully. I dunno.


Looking like some fyah going in the jars soon, very nice bro


Been lurking from the beginning …Great show !

Some lovely photos, colors are amazing.


Dude, for real. I always get excited, every grow, I just love growing, but I’m extra-excited about this one. I think I’ve made it clear how much I love the flavor of Sour Diesel before haha. Pretty sure the Chem Fuegos are gonna end up tasting very similar. The tip of my tongue has been kinda tingly and numb for the past few days, because of the Fuegos. They’ve just got that sorta “raw” kinda sour/gas-y petrol smell going on that fucks up your sinuses. Very impressive.

Either that or I have coronavirus haha.


I’d take some covid if it meant I could smoke some real Sour, sounds like a fair trade haha.

Is that Chem Fuego from Greedpoint :joy:

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I thought that was only RIU. Sheesh… I’m so glad I came to OG!


Haha, no. All of the GPS gear smells like maple syrup, no matter what “strain” it is. Which is cool, if you like maple syrup. I like pancakes, but I don’t want my weed to smell like that.

I might be okay with it if the smell translated to the taste. A little sweet, syrup-y flavor would probably be pretty awesome, actually. Unfortunately, everything I’ve grown from GPS tasted like hot, smoky asshole. Just gawd-awful.