Make your own drugs

Well thats lame and snitchy. Lol


:hugs: you know it bro :wink:

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Also not even close to what the Terms of Service say:

“Any demand, offer or sale of the final product (in any form) of any psychoactive substance is strictly prohibited.”

That doesn’t say anything about discussions of chemistry and biochemistry, illegal substances, anything of the sort. It just says you can’t ask, offer or sell them here. This is just some pearl clutching from a user who thinks we’re “cooking up rocks” which sounds awfully prejudiced to me.


Me: checks cupboard …rats, I’m fresh out.


Years ago an old hippie lady that was totally holistic in the medicine field. Tols me that lady slipper plants could be used for making a phsychodelic/peyote/lsd type substace don’t know how true this is but she could grow some serious phsylisiban mushrooms

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That’s true! White settlers learned from Native Americans about the medicinal uses of lady slipper and it was quite popular as a tonic at one time:


I also don’t see anything about cooking up rocks. I see a excerpt pulled from Wikipedia of how a farmer produces coca paste for cocaine production. Which is pretty easy information to get elsewhere as well.

I also don’t see any issue with this discussion.


Yeah but apparently it’s illegal to pick them


I think they’re endangered…it’s illegal to pick them in Manitoba.


I wonder if a tent full of clones would work. Hmm just thinking outlook. Wouldn’t be long before bid brother shut you fown tho if the big Pharmacy found out you could developer a clean drug from them

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I feel like it’d be a ton of work to net a tiny amount of perico.

The leaves are like 1% alkaloid content. Then again, 1kg of leaf is 10g…and 10g of flake blow is…plenty lol.

But…the farmers are trying to breed high-alkaloid content coca plants or so I’ve read.

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I recently read a story about Colombia specifically, the farmers are having a hard time selling their paste. The buyers aren’t coming around anymore. Nobody seems to know why yet, especially with exports at record levels.

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Probably because it seems like there isn’t a lot of actual coca left in the white powder nowadays, besides fentanyl the cocaine analogs are pretty real:

It’s basically bath salts for most users now, unless you’ve got an exceptional connection. I don’t use for five years now but part of why I stopped was how infrequently I felt the real cocaine high vs all the weird other stuff. I have ADHD and was unmedicated at the time, and the purer cocaine I’ve tried back then from the Dark Web, or the car service and PR connects I had all felt so calming to me, it made me like a bloodhound for blow quality, which was ahhhhh not great overall. :poop:

Lots of methamphetamines in the cut now too, they use a numbing/euphoric agent combined with some meth and/or caffeine which gives the boof bags that zippy feeling and burn in the nose. I regret ever getting involved with the stuff, but I don’t blame the plant, just almost everyone in the chain after it grows.


Really easy to get LSA out of morning glory seeds. The ethanol extraction method didn’t have the nausea or stomach issues like the OJ method. I dosed a little higher and had great visuals and had had a good 12hr ride.


Back in 2000 i moved to florida from maine people asked me why…i told them i was cutting out the 10 middle men. And thats as close to columbia i could get without becoming an ex-pat


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