Malted barley Soil amending

That looks like a decent product I supose. The site is Build a Soil. It’s not run by Coots though, its run by Jeremy Silva, he just uses the Coots mix as his base soil mixes.


@Upstate I was curious about this too and couldn’t find an answer so I just tried a small experiment with this. Tossed 3 seeds in 10-12 oz of water with 2 tbs malted barley for their overnight soak.

First time I’ve ever had the taproot crack on through the shell overnight before pulling them out of water. And it was on 2/3 of them.
Still anecdotal and not super scientific but I’m planning on doing it again next time. :man_shrugging:


did you grind up the malted barley before adding to the water? nice work, maybe a side by side is in order

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It’s the enzymes in the barley.I wonder if this can be applied to resurrection of old neglected seeds?


@LunarMOG i buy it coarse ground, but no more ground than that. Will definitely do a side by side next time!

@CapnCannabis it wouldn’t surprise me if it helped germinate old seed!

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Pro-tip: If you look up any studies on malted grains, the kilning process drastically reduces enzyme content. The solution? Germinate the grains yourself and make fresh Sprouted Seed Teas.


I tossed some two row barley down like a day ago with some down to earth kelp I want to see if it will perk it up a bit tossed about two cups in a top dress mixed with the kelp put the mulch back.No sign of burn or anything wierd yet.


Nice, two cups is on the high side. That being said, I doubt anything bad will come from excess in the ground like that.

Burning came from frequent application in container plants. :+1::seedling:


Yes it does work on Old seeds according to the land race team, who gave me the information

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All I can say is H…O… L… Y… S… H…I… T.
I got bud sites popping out everywhere and the plant grew 4 inches overnight.Might be stretch from flowering but I swear the plant almost looks greener it’s wierd.The good watering with that kelp and two row is working I think.


Still cranking a couple days later no flower boosting crap what so ever just vermicompost malted barley kelp and ph’ed water or rain water that’s it.Just water the damn thing


Bottom skirt is filling out one long middle kola filling up.

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Getting frosty early I like it.



Did you put them in whole or cracked?If you get them cracked I think they call it smashed Malted barley it has this fine powder build up that is in the bottom half of the bag that is like straight enzyme that dissolves in water a bit and makes a hell of a root tonic.I put a little down to earth kelp meal in with it and let it sit till the bottle soaks up that kelp then I use it as a root drench for a quick pick me up every two weeks.


I put them in whole. I grind them up when adding to my worm bin or top dressing SIPS. I do a similar recipe with some rehydrated kelp

Awesome man it’s a real good mix and I can see it works well for you too hopefully others catch on and see what the buzz is about.They won’t regret it.


I always grind mine. Add to soil, teas or top dressing.


More buds sites tonight getting pretty frosty and swelling up