Mangobiche Colombian landrace

I have not sampled it yet. My wife did, and said it was good. I’ll do an update when I give it a try.

Whether it is worth it is going to be a bit objective, and depend on ones goals.

Can some of these long flowering sativas be different and unique. Yes, I think so. But will they be life changing, or mind altering in a way never before experienced? Probably not.

I tend to do it most to preserve, and introduce some new fresh genes into my breeding projects, and hybrids. Most of what we have as commercial strains are somewhat bottle necked genes that have all been bred to shorter flowering times.

Here I will have a brand new gene pool, that I can use to introduce new life into several strains.

Orisa Gold x Eastern Manipur
Orissa Gold x Balochistan #3
Orissa Gold x X18.


The Orissa x Manipur sounds like some fire. The cross with x18 should bring the flowering time down. I smoke/grow for the psychosomatic experience. I am in search of the right cannabinoid combos to arrange the chevrons and get me through the Stargate.
I am curious about the THCV levels in very long flowering, equatorial sativas. I have found that by making Malawi style cobs with those sativas, they are truly activated with the slow decarboxylation of the cob process. Indian cultivars crossed with Colombians produce borderline supernatural effects.


I’m actually trying to cob some too. I just posted a couple update photos in my Comacus Projects thread.


@Eudaemon i felt that Temperatures were the most limitng Factor to grow tropical Varieties at North. Cause my 3 more or less tropical Varieties showed Problems exactly the same Moment two Years in a Row. Could lack of Sunshine caused this Problem so Welltimed ? I dont think. So, at exactly 1st November, when we have AVERAGE Nighttemps of 4 Celcius Plants become very brown, and Resinproduction nearly stopped.
Its that Limit you dont wanna exceed, wich actually to my Surprise only happens slightly in London. I couldnt beleve how warm they have. And i think if you then heat the Greenhouse just slightly to keep it minimum at 5 Celsius it would work. Cause 4 Degree shows our Climadiagamm , and thats when my Plant looked vastly different.

However, the few Sunshine will prevent any smoke to be trippy, your smoke wont shine. Its more a Seedproduction thing… Im pretty shure. Also they will take even longer to progress .
Shure it will give you a slight enhancement, same directivity, but just more cloudy and weaker in Effect. Thats how i would describe Effects.

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That’s some good info there on the Indian landrace’s crossed to Colombian. I think much of the South American gene pool, crossed to Indian genetics, would produce great results. The book I have shows that Indian genetics arrived in South America in either Venezuela or Colombia in 1810. I don’t doubt that there could have been an earlier introduction, but we know for a fact that this one happened. By Crossing these South American ancestors back to Mama, some great effects are achieved.


Highest THCV levels I ever read about came from the variety black Willy, and it had 15%. My research has led me to believe that the highest thcv levels can be found in genetics from Nepal. They certainly exist in other places too, like in African genetics


I would like to try the Columbian Indian cross, I have mangobiche and numerous Indian landraces.


Me too! I’m thinking I might save the best males from the Panama and the oaxacan and use it on some Indian Land races this summer. The hard part is choosing what Indian Land race to grow. There are so many! Really want to try that East manipuri / Burma border… along with about fifty other ones LOL. Maybe we should collaborate? Each make one of these crosses, swap seeds, combine the two lines. Should be some fire!


Black Willy? I have 5 of those. :slight_smile:


Quite a few people have asked about high thcv strains lately. I don’t think that black Willy is available right now anywhere else. Nice one to have!


True Congolese, Brazilians,Colombians, Malawi, Indians, true Burmese, Laotian, Thai… Cultivars that are high in THCV are so much fun. Blending two high THCV cultivars allows for unique experiences. I’m talking complete paradigm shifts, feeling “the force”, sitting in solitude strumming a quantum guitar entangled subatomically with the past and future. Dual continental, bi-location. Good times, man. Good times.


It will be neat to finally know how this thcv is adding to the high, or if it is something else within these varieties and thcv just happens to be present as well. The Malawi gold has a great High! I haven’t had the pleasure of trying the other ones yet, but I’m working on that.


This type of research is truly fascinating. There are variations in the effects of THCV. I am thinking on taking samples of this years’ outdoor harvest and sending them to a lab for analysis, as well as a detailed smoke/edibles/cob report to really mine the nuances of a THCV high. That crop will consist of Indian, African, South American landrace cultivars.


I would love to grow those seeds, here in Panama .if there was a way to get the seeds.

I do love Colombia.



Hello here , I noticed you mention being in Panama and am very curious if any of the old local lines have been kept down there , there are a few with Panama red beans but that and the rojo are rare



The elusive Panama red…I’ve spoke to upstate about weed in Panama.

The local weed here is Hydroponically grown here…mostly Crispi

I been in Central America of and on for a few years, visiting Colombia ,Nicaragua ,costa rica etc
Without a doubt I’m sure there maybe pockets of the Panama red down by Puerto Obaladia (Panama) the border with Colombia Curpunga (Colombia) …there are few roads and most trade is done on the rivers…canoes etc…it used to be shipped through this area up the old Camino de Ora road the Spanish built many moons ago .

To Portobello.and .Nombre de Dios …Caribbean…the Canal Zone marines etc experienced it and brought it back to the states…it was also grown near the charges river by the chavis Indians…they supplied weed to army.

You need to remember …before the canal was built Panama didn’t exist it was Nuevo Granada part of Colombia.

I can believe some of this as I’ve visited Portobello etc …and the smuggling routes are still there. EDIT…Nowdays still smuggling, sad thing is a lot of it Human trafficking not weed smuggling.

I am planning a trip maybe around Aug to Carpunga ,but it’s a very hard place to get to…,
Ye a old Guy who settled here in Chiriqui with his Panama wife after retiring from the canal …told me a lot of that story and it seems possible…

There’s also the Talamanica weed supposed to be in the Talamanica mountains in Costa Rica, around Bri Bri, Puerto viejo…small pockets of that maybe around…

I’m keeping a open mind on all these things…and I think punta roja and PR are cousins or of similar strain…I hope I haven’t rambled to much, I can’t prove theory’s ,but it’s all good fun.

Thanks for the message



There are quite a few people who believe they be related, I was always told Panama red grew on the islands that all the tourists now like to go diving around and that there may still be small stands of it but very small backyard type grows.


Isla de Perlas…over fifty islands most small except a few …which are high range tourist five star haunts.

To get to the roots (excuse the pun) in my humble opinion your never find good seed stock unless your prepared to find a source, explore it…do some research…

So many stories, rumours etc…I’m not a strainsearcher or anything like that …I just used to and still do I just travel cheaply, stay in hostels , get into the culture and the vibes of the area, most important meet the locals…etc.

Good hunting


Wow these seeds sound interesting I would like to try some of these seeds if they are still available.

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Oh man would be nice to get some of those old landrace seeds like the rojo you got good taste heritagefarm.