Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Had to look that one up for posterity, it’s still up there!


Nothing to do with Mapito, but just want to ask how to take pictures of the buds like you guys are doing? Thanks


Hello @Snydgrow. 1gpw is now x2,5 up to even x4 consistent.
Yes i grow my own crosses but also loads of others. Searching for keepers.

@Dirt_Wizard , the old growguide is almost ready for 2.0 version.

@Sharky , all my pictures come from my phone. I take allot of them and only keep the best.
Only thing i do is erase the metadata to have full privacy and resize them so this board has it easy to load.


TL2 update, 3weeks to go
360w dimmed Scorpion, starting to drop night temps around 18C

Some high PFD damage from to high settings earlier

Red Delicious


Looks great esko, i see alot growers saying 2gpw + possible with led but my thought is this with a 1000w hps in 1.2m2 tent 1000grams for me is possible so with a 1000w led is 2000gram possible? i find hard to believe i do have a lumatek pro 600w just not got round to using it old way die hard :slight_smile: what i am saying is if using low wattage leds in the same space and doing 2gw+ but still not got over what a hps can do in that same space then i don’t see the point unless its electric cost and maybe quality slightly better?

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You should be able to pull the same weight from the same space, but you don’t need as many watts to accomplish that. Being more efficient, it takes less power to accomplish the same thing with less heat as well. Saves money on light power as well as climate control.


Yes my brother was using led in loft but quickly switched back to hps because of the temps as he had to add a heater to bring it up so was actually using more electric and was harder to control temps. Bigger extraction on a fan controller takes that away.


@Snydgrow , 2gpw is the lowest limit for LED. I have seen double numbers.
I dont know about the Lumatek pro 600. I only use HLG
Slightly better quality? ow wow, Much better quality to my experience.
Buds are more compact, more frost, more terps.
Never again i will go back to HID lights.

@ChronicMcBudz , i harvest much more with a much lower energy consumption.
1,3 gpw with a Gavita and this only with original HD Sage, quality is ok but not wow
2 up to 4 gwp with a HLG Scorpion, the quality of the flowers is top bin
Led cultivation, buds are compact and they weigh lot more.
When i swapped all my HID to LED, had to upgrade all filters and exhaust power because i was bombed with terps.

@Snydgrow, if you switch back from Led to HID, something is not right.
A heater? add a dehumidifier (a decent one) and this will keep RH at 60 - 65 % and keep the room within range of temp. If you grow hid or led, you need a dehumidifier and humidifier.
The veg phase, i have the exhaust filter valve closed (still a few % goes through) and the extractor controller dimmed at 40%. You do not need allot of filtering at this point. The heat in preveg and first weeks of flowering is always on point.
The heater, i use it very few, mostly to finetune unstable VPD moments.


How much wattage led in what size space do you yield upto 4gpw? i very curious myself it was my brother who swapped back as he in loft tent and it was cold hps solved this issue temps perfect with heater on just in the night cycle. I think il need to do a test run with led see how it plays out.

Wow eskobar! I stumbled on your thread yesterday and just deep dived it today. So much great info in here. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I feel kinda stupid for answering a question (inadequately) in your thread lol.

I saw you use DIY hormex, but I didn’t see it in your posts where you showed how to make it. Did I miss it? I found the one with the clearrez DIY. I use pretty much the same thing in my DWC, but I think at higher concentration (I’d have to do math to be sure).


Blast from the past : ) you got any spare HD sage seeds left @eskobar or are they all long gone ?

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@Snydgrow , 600 - 650 watts on 1,5m². But since i grow many strains mixed, i do rarely reach those numbers these days. I want diversity and not a pile of the same flower. Realistic numbers, from what you see here is consistently 2 - 3 gpw.

@ChronicMcBudz, never feel stupid because you are trying to help out. You do your best and that is respected. No, i did not post how i make Hormex yet, that is correct. Higher concentration can lead to root damage = less flowers.

@ifish , ow i certainly have those HD Sage hybrids and elite cut. Gone is not in my dictionary.


Hello again,
Update at almost 9w of flowering. The axe is sharpened.
Some lights on, lights of pics to try and show a realistic colorisation view.
They had cold nights up to 12C the last week.
Some plants have big flowers, others are below average.

Each plant, strains, pheno will get its own photoshoot.
The usual …


Look great eskobar you see the crystal production on them very dense some of these also! crazy to hear them numbers you dont use co2 either so imagine what can be done with that. have you a link to the led you use and you think 600w in 1.2 led is a good amount?

I was looking at HD on twitter i found him there he posted his rooms there i get inspiration still from seeing his work! The sage was something else but i wonder if it stand up now days its hard to keep up with the new stuff its constantly changing week to week it feels almost


Love your updates. So much frost every time. beautiful.


@eskobar you know what i thinking it would be great to see a grow journal like old days your sog one because i been reading through your journal and i see you start low on led light and increase i wonder how this be fore a sog grow from clone? i think for us mapito growers that saw that style where amazed at the ease, speed and of course the results i also grow like you now normally 6 per m2 i feel a sog coming on just for good time sake :slight_smile:


Hello @Snydgrow,
I use HLG Scorpion Diablo Leds and the optional UVA bar from HLG.
Next to the UVA, on both side, there is a MIGRO UVB bar.
Then i use LED booster bars, but short term light boosts (few hours only, like the UVB)
600w of led (or more) is suited more for 1,5m²
But it can be use in 1,2m², yes.

A grow journal like in the old days? i show it real time here to.
Yes i up the PFD towards mid flowering and then i do back it of again towards the end, pushing more cold air in.
It is actually very easy but you need to can read the plants and not think like a human.
I grow 14 plants or 11 plants per 1,5m²
In the old days with Sage under HPS in crates, we use to put 3 per crate, preveg a rooted clone only a few days and instantly into flower. Like this it was 1,3gpw max. It was easier to reach in larger ops then in smaller modules like i work in.
I am very sure i only use a minimum of nutrients and additives.
All those commercials catch more growers … than plants get the magic results.
Basics on point + decent genetics = win


Slurbert nr 1, In House Genetics
A cross of Slurricane 7 x Garlic Sherb
My first impression while trimming: it’s like Runtz with a gassy garlic blend. Petrol Garlic Gelato with some fermented fruits (like jam) … type. Its hard to describe so far. Loud terps. Different than other Slurricane 7 crosses i grew.
Buds are hard like rocks, lower buds are nice to. Decent yield. Good plant structure.
100% hermie free. Was one of the tallest plant and had some light damage on top. (the white bleach spots and rusty top leaves)
Slurbert1 (2)


Beautyfull!! i know,Beauty is not what you´re hunting for, but this is just eyecandy.

Happy Holidays,Bro


So wait if I understand your math correctly you are using 600watts in a 4x 4 roughly 16 sq feet?

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