Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Why the HLG diablo led Esko what drawed you to this i am sure you did your research i ask as after this grow i might invest but i was thinking all Lumatek its hard to know the difference as i see pretty much all samsung led with some osram from what i am reading but i take the driver has to do with the efficiency.

It’s good to see your respect for the plant holding onto sage for so many years i take it you grow mother chop and repeat constantly? The dense flowers now days are so much nicer but its also nice to see plants like sage in full flower buds from top to bottom!


@CosmoNut , The Scorpion Diablo boards can handle 715 w with a good driver. No, each TL unit is 5x5ft.
If i would krank up to full power, the plants would die.
In general the average of my grows are 300 - 450 watt.
You can use a Scorpion Diablo in a 4x4ft room, but dimmed allot so you not vaporize the plants … that is what i ment. I ment that it does fit in a 4x4ft, but only a few inches from sides will be free space.
The light spread of it in a 4x4 is very impressive!

@Snydgrow , yes i did allot of research and did some seminars also. Lumatek (Photontek in the US) is certainly not bad. A decent mid range who can get you good results.
I chose HLG Scorpion Diablo because of the top bin led diodes and the very high efficacy of the board. The spectrum is top notch.
I am a bit snobby when it comes to gear. High end … if my budget can handle it.
There are other good brands out there to and there are a few that i would not even hang in the chicken shed.

Yes i have allot of mothers, some are with me since very long. I refresh them from time to time and i have seen no degeneration. The difference between HID and LED did wake up some hidden terps, louder.
Had to regrow them all to have a LED reference yield, taste and potency.
HD Sage is a unique plant, it is not something you can buy. You had to earn it by reaching the highest level as a HD member. Only a few people on this planet did get there …
Hennepdesk board was not public, it was spartan style. No sharing = no caring = dump/ban/forgotten.
No pro’s, no gods, no ego’s. Just a bunch of dedicated peeps.
The plant is very impressive. Yield and frost levels. The thing is, it gives a flashy high.
Buds are smaller under LED but still xmas style. Terps express more dry gin kinda aromatics under LED.
I dont grow it often because of the intense high and i am also not a commercial grower who actually needs yield. I prefer to step into the unknown and grow a % of certain good selection and a % of adventure.
It cost me yield to grow such wide diversity but i dont care.


Yes i also like the wide diversity!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

Red Delicious 1, Exotic Genetix. Apple Fritter x Red Pop, 9weeks flo
What else to say this smells into the extreme. Apple (red apple style and not sour green) sweetness for real. Trimming this one gave me the impression of warm apple sauce with cranberry kinda aromatics.
Yield average to below average. Frost levels are like you can see, very good.
Nice colors allready started before the cold night final.
Buds are dense like concrete, easy to trim. No hermies were found, i trimmed and looked at every flower on this plant.
This 1 plant costed me allot of gloves and fresh scissors.
This nr1 plant allready made the rather high price of the seedpacket vanish.
BUT, hold on … there is also one crap pheno incoming.


Fritter Licker nr2, Archive Seedbank. Apple Fritter x Face Off OG @ 9w flo
Dough-donut oil, petrol, chem, glazed fruits. Equals nr1 for a part, but nr2 has no sour.
Decent density of the flowers, above average frost.
Only the top flowers did color a bit.
Yield is medium.

The yellowish tips in this last pics are not hermies, its UVB damage.


Red Rain (from Strawberry Rain project), my own strain. The most powerfull i have every created.
A nuclear hybrid version containing Chocolate Rain that makes the common toker panic.
Even the trimmings are smokeable. Going to be great hashish later on.
Trichs that go very far up the leaves.
The first strain/pheno shown when i started my topic here on OG 10 months ago. This time grown in even colder condition. (12C final)
Red still visual but darker colors are now dominant.

Chocolope (DNA elite cut) - Cocoa Kush (DJ) - Strawberry Sherbert - Cherry Pie
Many years, many selections, trial and error. 3 keepers.
2 of them have allready been used for seedmaking in 2022.
2 steps ahead


That is outstanding sir !!


@eskobar I had to look that up, thank you for the reference I’m always trying to learn more of the older forums to try and find caches or other archived stuff from them. I hope you won’t mind me posting these here:


Skimmed the thread quickly, i need to revisit when i have time and take notes…


The moment seeds from @eskobar become available

I got high just looking at those pictures :crazy_face:
Great stuff @eskobar


Hello @Dirt_Wizard ,
I dont know the context why HD would have written that in 2012.
He pulled the plug several times on his board. First on the nl version, then twice on the eu version.
We had a secured chat channel.
I know everything in detail what happened, i was there. Everybody who is named, i know them.

Like i said, this one fragment, screenshot, makes it look like i got Sage and and vanished.
That is not the case. He emailed me not that long ago.
What happens in HD world, stays there. I will not bash names or trow dirt.
So many things you dont know …

HD is in the US, doing great, has evolved also supported by science.
Check insta.
He is still my friend and highly respected!


I am sorry if that made things look a way, I got from it that he fell out of touch and didn’t think it anyone’s fault. I’m sure this is not representative of a long and complicated story, but I will respect the privacy of HD and not pry into it anymore. I will look him up on Insta, I am glad to hear he’s still around and you two are still close, that is a long friendship to have. Thank you for giving a little more context to something far before my time.


No need for sorry @Dirt_Wizard . The full story would cause riots. About ego’s and gods colliding.
Nothing to do with that so i stay away from that. It is not the esko way to do canna politics.
In my topic here there can be talked about everything, no problem.
In this story i was a spectator.


Slurbert nr 2, In House Genetics
A cross of Slurricane 7 x Garlic Sherb
Impression while trimming: Creamy fruit punch with garlic influences, spicy and chem background notes.
Less colors in the flowers than pheno 1, leaves did color dark.
Yield and frost levels above average. Very dense nugs but not huge like nr1.

Smells are described from trimming experience. Not tasted yet, new for me to. As you all know, taste vs smell can differ.
First impression, yea i like this plant to. Not going to delete it straight away but do some other runs probably. (if 2023 shedule allows that, its gonna be a crazy year)


man some of these strains are envy triggering. that rain strain sounds scary haha i am sensitive to panic attack inducing bud so i always have to tippy toe into the pool or drown… and i tend to drown alot lol


@204medismoke , envy is good, let it give you energy to go beyond a limit that you never expected to reach.


Red Delicious nr 2, Exotic Genetix, Apple Fritter x Red Pop
Smell is superb, very penetrating and loud. Fruity apple sauce, honey, berries.
The looks and frost hmmmm, nah. Yield is bs.
First impression, piece of crap, no matter how good she smelling.
Erased. Thank you for trying mylady.


Red Delicious nr4, Exotic Genetix, Apple Fritter x Red Pop
The smells are incredible on a certain level that it makes me emotional.
Overwelming red apple cider (even with the tingles from the bubbles) and a mixture of blueberry jam pie.
Awesome!!! Red Delicious, wurth the name (and the high price of seeds)
Yield above average. Happy with the frost levels. Dense popcorn buds.
The looks, just ok. No much fancy colors … but i dont care bout that.
She can stay, we will date once more.


Hello Eskobar

Just to say thank you for your strains (cheese berry, boudica, chucky’s bride, lady cane, I don’t know the others because I was young) they where some of the best weed I smoked and thanks to them (your work), I had greaaat moments and memories. So like 2Pac, Dr. dre or others good artists, thank you and please continue your work, you are good at it.

Please two questions :

  • will you release your old strains ? (I was to young to keep mother’s)
  • Is it possible to buy them now (even by PM) ?

All the best and thank you for sharing your knowledge like you did (now I know what leds to buy)

(Sorry for my bad english)


Joyeux noël @trytogoodbud
Merry Christmas to all growers here

@trytogoodbud ,
Merci pour ces gentils mots. Je parle français, néerlandais, allemand et anglais. J’habite près de chez vous et je suis plus en France que dans mon propre pays. Dans les quartiers parisiens, il y a quelques élites de moi.

No, i do not sell seeds. Sorry.
All my old strains, i still have everything.

In France you have HLG distributors. Sometimes they offer very nice discounts.
Others leds are good to. What i show here is HLG leds, i grow and show without bullshit.
I am NOT related to HLG or any brand.