Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Happy Christmas !

I’m 20 minutes from Paris. If you go to Paris and don’t have good weed or hash, you are welcome I give you free (si t’es en galère tu m’appelles, ce serait un honneur même)

Good Christmas everybody !


wonderful plants, bro.
keep up the gud work ! :slight_smile:


Holy shit, hats off to you for the work you do.

If your beans ever go for sale again, I’ll happily be there for it!

Keep on keeping on my dude.


Born in 2023


Beautiful pics :grinning: the 3rd one shooting out like a rocket :rocket:

Video footage of @eskobar sprouting seeds

And what it looks like when I pop them


Oh man! I’ve been staring at that Red Pop drop of exotic and didn’t really thought anything of it. Up until now ofc, I didn’t get the apple refference in the Red Delicious and I like my apples sour but after those pics I might fancy some apple cider with bubbles. Djeesh. :drooling_face:

Thinking about that star fleet made me wonder what the mother ship looks like. What kinda set up are you running for your keepers? I’m a bit struggling with finding the right LEDs for the mini-moms I’ve got. The clone tent has a really low wattage and everything in there is doing great, so might do a downgrade from COB to strips or those TL-leds.

What lens are you using again for the pictures? The details on those are just mind blowing.

Happy new year // happy new seeds!


Hello @MarcelH
The Exotic Red Pop range is very good. But … stay away from Scotty 2 Hotty series. There are some hermie problems. Some dont have problems, other friends of me do.
Red Delicious is a very good strain, it is strong and tasty. It is expensive but you can certainly find a keeper. I did not find any hermi in the Red Pop series.
I am not related with Exotic Genetix so my feedback is very pure, like you can always expect from me. I say and write how i experience it.

The mothership itself is the mainframe, the data center where all information is gathered and where all timers, nutrients, climate, … is gathered. The digital mainframe. It is a complex system that gets finetuned constantly. In my ops and also remote control, everything, monitored.

All my UVB lights come from Migro
All my UVA bars come from HLG
For cloning and motherrooms i use HLG bspecs in different sizes aswell as some Rspecs.
For little pregrow and flowering i use the HLG Scorpion Diablo’s, in all TL units.
For breeding i use HLG 350R’s (NO UV suplements) Each unit is specially pollen filtered and presure controlled.
I also posses some unbranded new led lights (bar systems and quantums). These are new chinese productions that end up here to test, alfas and betas from a few known producers. These led lights get bought by some known led companies afterwards and they brand them as theirs.
(note that some do produce themselves to)
This is the same with the booster led bars i am testing right now.

The 2023 babies are under this quantum test board here at 32watt atm(max is 300w output)

I do not use a special camera or lens to make pics.
Every picture of this topic here comes from a decent Samsung smartphone.
Meta gets removed for privacy, the nicest pics are kept to post here.


Ah perfect, thanks for the detailed description. Was reluctant to use a 3500K for the moms/veg but as you’re using B- as well as Rspecs, I might just give it a go and look for more blue/whites in the meantime.

Good to know about those Exotic lines as well! Much appreciated. The ammount of information stored in that data center of yours is in-sane!


Glad to see you on here @eskobar ! I was a fan since the days at Sannie’s.

Here’s a pic of an f2 of your New Blue Diesel:

One of the darkest specimens I’ve ever grown. Great taste and smell to it. Not overwhelmingly strong, but very nice daytime indica like smoke. Very relaxing.


I think, NBD is Sannies/Breeders Choice work, not esko’s
But i’m not 100% sure… It’s been a while


Sannies is where we all met lol

And there was some great genetics those years

I think I have blue hammer ?

And maybe a herijuana fem

Always great to see @eskobar show his work
Just like the old days



Hello @eskobar

I follow you since opengrow , i’m big fan !

Have you made any improvements to your hydro system since v1? same watering ,ect…?
Are you going to make a How to hydro with mapito v2 ?

Thank you for your answer!


Hello @2High, Thank you. Cool that you are here in the OG garden to.
What @saxo says is true, it is not my work.
I only work with Soma NYCD elite cut, the red grapefruit one.
You are not the first that think it is mine. No problemo.

@Papalag , I linked Sannie to my friend Mota. Thats how he got Heri.
Mota and me go back almost 20y.

Hey @coco4906 , nice to see your here. Being a ‘fan’ is a weird word for me to hear.
Let’s say it different, there was a time we all grew togheter on OPG.
The basics of the HD flooding system are still the same but there have been many upgrades since.
LED growing is a different world. What you learn in HID, you must forget in LED.
Ow yes, when i feel i am ready i will share a nice How To …
But ! i am still learning myself. I need a routine and full confidence to share a DIY.
You can scroll and read some things in my topic here. Its not a how to, but you will get a first impression.


A blast from the past, Lady Cane
Decent selections + finetuning/reducing the selections + growing them on different mediums.

HD Sage growing, like a virgin


I keep in touch with Mota on Facebook
He’s starting a new line again called Mota Rola seeds lol great name I think


A few years ago when Dark Horse Genetics released.
While everybody focussed on Bruce Banner, i was more interested in the others than Bruce itself.
Since, i always have liked DHG because of the rebel kinda attitude and very high quality of the seeds. No bullshit people. Straight in the face.
Hulkmania selection, keeper
Never shown before, not the best pics to …

Kings Banner, fantastic strain!


Exceptionally great name!!




I’m not much of a pod cast watcher, but I have watched a few of the DHG’s, that dude seems to be a straight shooting man. I’ve always appreciated direct folks.


Wow @eskobar it’s awesome to see you in the public eye again. I just joined OG a few days ago and came across a post you made and what do you know you’ve been dropping this treasure of a thread for the last year! I interacted with you years ago on Seed Depot and obtained a nice collection of your genetics from that scoundrel. I wish I could offer you some support now to make up for all you lost out on back then.

I just finished a joint of Blue Chem and still have some Cheeseberry Haze in the jars. I hate to say I am a fan if that makes you uncomfortable but damn dude I respect your tastes and opinions. All of your strains in my collection are like little nuggets of gold that I will pop again. The Chucky’s Bride and Chocolate Rain have been calling to me for a while …

Your Strawberry Rain sounds divine. Please get back in the commercial game so the adoring public can experience it!

It’s interesting that you are focusing so much on US products in your current efforts. It’s like I have a trusted reviewer going through all these unknown options for me. My current grow is all seeds from Ace and OJD (and one DNA Lemon Skunk struggling to survive) because I trust their tastes and selections and haven’t been ready to dive into the much more convenient US market. I appreciate all your insights on these breeders that I had already flagged for potential.

It’s amazing what you are doing with all the gadgets available out there. I’m jealous that you have the time to explore all of these new innovations. This thread is a tremendous resource. Thank you!!!

I’m looking forward to the day you announce your next drop!

Peace Frog


Ok thanks i will read that !
I think you have inspired a lot of people with your way of using mapito.

Thanks !