Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

@PeaceFrog , hey how are you doing?
The Seeddepot and JB were suddenly gone, it was sad moment.
Lost seeds yes, but customers lost money to. Still do not know what happened.

I still have BlueChem here, CBH aswell. The Chem come from Soma as elite cut, long long time ago.
It is very cool that a simple freebie still get recognition.
Some of my strains have been upgraded since.

Yes, since the legalisation of flower in the US, some are doing serious testing.
The times of bro myths are over, its science now. Top notch seminars right now in the US and also University research.

Always have time short, long days working.
You call it gadgets but in fact they are environmental instruments.
You are welcome to visit my topic here and say your honest opinion about ‘everything’, no matter what.
Positive but also negative comments, i love those because i learn from them to.

@coco4906 ,
I did not invent the basics of the flooding system. I learned it from Hennepdesk. I just modified it to homegrowers size and it has evolved since to modern days.


This is why I enjoy seeing your work and hearing you talk about plant care and selection, you are very dedicated to evidence-based approaches, combined with the tasting/connoisseur experience to analyze phenos in ways I learn a lot from reading. Thanks @eskobar !


2023 started at 2-3 jan with the cleaning of TL2:

  • Cleaning the unit with alcohol, disinfect, dust cleanup, …
  • Flushing the mapito with tap water, let it drain and heat up to roomtemp
  • Planting the new strains
  • Top watering with 1,8 EC (=start EC is 0.8) start (Hesi Hydro Grow, Enzymes, Hesi Roots, drop of eco soap Aloe Vera) , PH5,6

The plants are leftovers from 2022.
Slapz, Exotic Genetix
Cement Shoes, Cult Classics
Budha’s Sister, Soma
London Mint Cake, TH seeds

First week, 24h light non stop at low 275-280 PFD. (adaptation period for the plants)

After this period, cranking up the PFD to 360 PFD

The waves you see in the chart = plants that grow, leaves disrupt ePAR sensor.
This had a DLI of


12 days later after startup. Plants started to have some grip in the pito.

The LED was increased up to 480 PFD
The photoperiod was switched from 24h to 18/6, a few days after startup/planting.
(i do this to have a very steady high temperature at start/planting)


The present, LIVE, TL2
The plants have been growing very fast the last days.
Since the first watering, the EC has been upped to 2.0 ec (from 0.8 tapwater start), every flood.

Growth speed increasing to maximum speed

Increasing the PFD did only affect one plant in the center, a very tiny bit. (PFD hot spot)
The plants responded very well at 2.0 EC (besides one, left bottom corner, a smaller plant, but not a problem)

The rest of them is doing fine, leaf tip check

Photoperiod was kept on 18/6 and this will not change anymore till flowering. (flow in the next few days)

PFD chart from the Apogee sensor - from 360 to 480 since previous update


One of the upcoming days, clones will be taken, some deleaf, some plant formation will be done.
Flowering time is coming very soon.

The overal temp of 30C was not reached, 26 - 27C only
RH, 65 - 70%, for some hours the Dehumidifier stopped for unknown reason (a peak of 96% did happen for a few hours)
The exhaust valve is blocked for 90% and the extractor is at 40% power atm = to keep the temps and RH steady to reach my wanted VPD of 0.6 - 0.8


The flooding/nutrient/watercontent chart so far since startup:

PWEC = Pore Water EC in blue
Water Content of the crates in black

Let us analyse this in words:

After the first top watering with 1,8 EC the first flooding was 4/5 days later.
After top watering i do never allow huge water content drops. The roots do still not have grip, the ec and the ph show unstable behaviour.
Sow, 4 days later i flood and kinda reset the mapito to the values i want. (2,0 ec)

Second flood happened 6 days later (always the same 2,0 ec floods)
I want the water content of the crates to be around 30% from this point on.

Third flood was 4 days later.
The plants started to have way more roots and this can be seen on the chart.
The graphs get steeper and will continue to do that.

When i flood i reach 45 - 54% Volume Water Content. Depending the reservoir volume this can differ between those %

The faster the water content decreases, the steeper the nutrients concentration.
At this stage of the grow, i need to have PWEC (Pore Water EC) from 4 to 4,5.
Everything is on point!


TL2 has been put in Flowering

Clones are taken from each plant.
Plants are removed from large adult leaves and the lower internodes + some inwards growing nodes that would X others
Top layer of mapito has been scratched lose again.
Crates have been spread open (wide) on the flooding table.
PFD has been raised above 600
Humidity is set at 60-65%
VPD target 1

After, timer set to 12-12

PFD stats so far

Target PWEC of 4,5 was passed, so i flooded again 2.0 ec to reset
Just after removing nodes and leaves, i do not allow high PWEC, this means flooding no matter the water%
The car lost a bit of it’s leaf engine vs rootmass. High octane would blow them up.


TL2 - 5 Days ago

TL2 - Live, minutes before sunrise
11 days of Flowering

Apogee PFD stats:

Still flooding 2EC, still veg nutes and zero flowering nutes.
Target is now 5 - 6 PWEC, allowing a little more root presure.

Sprayed yesterday with 50 ppm Fulvic acid (home made from 98% medic grade Fulvic powder)


Mr. Eskobar do you have any tips for spring tails in mapito, I always have to introduce my crates in very very hot water to kill them, lot of work, but also clean and all the salts dissolved for the next run.

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Hi @eskobar a few here have pointed me in your direction… and this thread. I’m new to Growpito and have been experiencing issues…

I’m still early into this thread but wanted to acknowledge your input and knowledge shared within. Iv already confirmed a thing or two, and been made aware of an issue I hadn’t considered.

I’m looking forward to going through your thread, catching up while taking notes. Seriously… notes. Looks like I’ll be improving before too long.


why no UV?

Awesome stuff @eskobar

@eskobar it’s been a few months since we’ve seen you around hopefully you’re ok



Awesome to finde you here ( hole that you Are still here) nice to see the guy whos stuff gets so mich Credit special in europe


I have 3 Portofino going right now. Hoping for at least 1 female in the trio.

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Ah, so it was ‘HD’ who taught you…When I saw your setup, it took me back to 2012 when I was lucky enough to be accepted onto his forum for a short while.

Need to re-learn how to grow under LED…HPS are so expensive to run where I live.
Feel very nostalgic seeing your setup, it’s ‘Maputo’… almost unheard of in some parts of Europe, but with a disciplined grower, it gives fabulous results {Not tried it personally}.


My goodness- This so reminds me of the careful documentary style of an old forum called ‘‘Hennepdesk’’-
Whatever happened to HD…I hope he is well, wherever he is.
Beautiful setup.


last I heard, he was in the american continent succeeding !!! With leds you will have more resin and terpenes, but you will have to raise temps!! Also more fertz will be needed. instagram sharkdawg8


Thanks very much…Terps are everything. However…I live in a cold climate.

I’m so glad HD is still going strong. Good for him. He’s strict! but a perfectionist. His electrical wiring &c was very professional -surely a trained electrician.
His horticultural skills superb.


Mr Escobar, I have ordered ‘‘Perfect Tree’’ seeds {Spanish breeders}…’‘Mimozz’’…

I am ashamed to say I was buying ‘Barney’s Farm’ who don’t have a good rep. as they seem to hermie {Although it could have been a light leak from a piece of blackout plastic that came adrift in one corner of the room the tent is in.

I have taken note of the strains you recommend, and the sellers, Many thanks.