Marijuana with tomato flavored terpenes

I was wondering if anyone knew of any marijuana that has a tomato flavor. I read that Cactus Breath by Thug Pug Genetics (Cactus x Mendo Breath F2) has a flavor profile that is supposed to taste like a mixture of lemongrass and tomato sauce, but I have been unable to locate any of those seeds. I was wondering if anyone was aware of any other cultivars that have a tomato sauce flavor.


I sure dont but that sounds pretty bad :nauseated_face: says the guy that loves cat piss haze :rofl:


One of my first grows almost 20 years ago I threw the dried buds in an old tupperware stained w tomato sauce from heating it in the microwave. After a few days they absorbed the tomato/basil flavor so we referred to that weed as the tomato basil bud! Those were my newb1.0 days!


I like the flavor of all kinds of tomatoes… reds, yellows, oranges, but especially the dark colored, smokey flavored ones like Black Cherry tomatoes, Black Krim and Cherokee Purple and a lot more!

I would prefer a tomato flavor over a flavor like, say, pickled or rotting meat… or musky old wet leather and two week armpit… or fresh dogshit and sweaty feet swill.

I’ve grown some nasty tasting bagseed in my years of growing… the fragrance and terpene profiles of some plants can be very unappealing to downright sickening.

They’ll get you high, but the flavor is bad enough to only be fun for jokes on friends or unknown lit joints passed around at parties and that’s about it.


I understand that tomato may not be the most enticing flavor that a marijuana plant could represent, however when I read that description of the Cactus Breath it intrigued me for some reason, and I began thinking about all of the fruity flavors that people have cultivated, so I started wondering about flavors of different vegetables in marijuana that may be available as well. I have had some weed that tasted a bit like mushrooms, and once had some that tasted almost exactly like sweet red peppers.


If it tasted like a Cherokee purple tomato, I would smoke it up. That definitely sounds better than cat piss :joy:

We’ve all got our thing, good luck on the tomato hunt. I’m sure some here can help. You may even ask the gentleman on the land race and heirloom thread, it’s worth a shot (maybe just a stoned guess after enjoying those sativa pics).


I’m not actively hunting strains searching for tomato terpenes, but I am searching for a solid “peach” pheno of something that’s not a train wreck to grow.
No pun intended!
A peach Trainwreck pheno would be a great find… I would grow it and I would like it!

@Badger… I speak fluent sarcasm too… it’s a must if you want to be able to live in California.
I guess we are bilingual after all!


very long read, but you can skip to the chart shows the terpenes

Anyone remember some urban legend (or true?) of someone that took the thc genes and spliced it into tomato’s? Supposedly the fruit contained the thc.

i heard the same thing years ago, just with oranges, lol.

me and my friend’s used to call that “pizza weed”, but we were disappointed when we got bud that tasted like that. We were also disappointed when I grew some skunk that tasted like rosemary ham.


This thread is crazy old but here you go

I think it would be hard to recreate with marijuana because of the complexities present within tomato, like it’s specific taste even per type of tomato is dominated by the amount of sugar present and the level of acidity within the fruit. I think if you find a strain that mimics the taste of acidity and crossed it with a very sweet strain that’s high in lycopene maybe like a grapefruit or red dragon. I would find whatever I could that’s highest in red pigmentation and continue to breed it for higher concentration and sweetness and then mix it with cactus breath.

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Or you could just smoke a tomato. Or take hits in between bites of tomato. Or rub pizza on your face and smoke a joint. Many options.


Weed is not in the nightshade family so those smells and flavors are theirs alone…


A 2 year old thread? Lol really? Haha

At least the person he’s responding to is still around, and he had an answer… pretty sure the other day I saw someone dig up a 5-year-old thread and respond to it with a question about the plants, which are surely long-since smoked. No one else in the thread had even logged on in 4+ years, I think. :stuck_out_tongue: As necroposts go, this is a remarkably useful one.


Toke-mato haze I’d call it!

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They have a few pizza weed strains but non boast having a tomato flavor in the profile and they mostly focus on garlic and onions terp.
I looked for a bread terp and tomato in the hopes of making a pizza weed strain. As per usual someone or someones out there all ready thunked it.
I was thinking a 3 cheese cross , some meat breath and a tomato and bread terp I could not really find.

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Blackstrap by mandolorian genetics…
Purple and tomato terps…

Love tomatoes, love herb
Not sure how I feel about the mix.
But hey I was reading here somewhere
Folks like something called dogshit
So what do I know.

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