Looking for something weird: are there strains that smell oceanic or fishy?

Topic is exactly the discussion, are there fish terp strains in existence?


I did try some Tuna Kush cross (Black tuna kush?- I think it had black in the name) a couple years back that had a wet cat food taste and smell behind heavy kush. It honestly wasn’t as gross as it sounds, but I wouldn’t want it every day! :grimacing:


I certainly hope not. Thats gross. Lol.


Why is gods name would you want to smoke weed with the terps of a dirty hooker???


My thoughts exactly.

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I mean. . …this still isn’t as bad as people who brag about their “baby poo” weed :man_shrugging: :rofl: :rofl:


Recently saw one that was called Purple Baby shit and the tag had dirty diapers and grape as some of the description :sob:

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I don’t think I’m looking to smoke it myself but I’ve been working at a medical dispo and an older patient from Florida originally was talking about how they would grow a strain called shark bait out there that smelled a lot like raw fish


Sounds like bodhis purple unicorn crosses. A lot of them have poop terps while growing. They usually cure out to a pleasurable flavor though.

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Some of us enjoyed Tijuana, amigo.


Eh, I kinda like baby poo herb. The Project 25 I grew last summer stands out from other flower I grew because of the distinct baby poo smell.

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i got bud from a really shady dude long ago. it smelled like fish. it was not that good. I think it was moldy.


HawaiianBudLine has a lobster strain I believe.

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So recently after reading about how thiols are responsible for a large part of the smell we experience from cannabis I asked chatgpt about what the closest compund in cannabis is this is what I got:

Thiols in cannabis, such as 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, can contribute to a skunky or sulfur-like odor, reminiscent of the compounds trimethylamine and dimethyl sulfide found in the oceanic smell. Thiols share a sulfur-containing structure that contributes to these distinct aromas.


Goji OG can definitely have ocean breeze type of terps, kinda briney and foresty, but maybe what you should be looking at is the cure job. If you jar weed when it’s too dry to mold but still too wet, it gets this fishy smell that is impossible to get rid of, no matter how much you burp or dry it afterward. Turns good weed into boof imo, but it will definitely give you those fishy smells

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Closest thing I can think of would be a really nice “Catpiss” strain that, if pungent enough or get the right pheno, might turn out like some “thrown out leftover fish” :man_shrugging:t2:

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Not to be that guy but, him and I are at odds about some things he’s said in response to breeders here calling him out for using Hawai’i to sell his seeds when he isn’t Hawaiian.

I have some Catpiss crosses but no pure Catpiss but I’ll keep that in mind when I grow them out

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How did that transform after cure and during storage??

Is there any skunk heritage in them??