Mars hydro sp150

The best advice I can give you is not so much a recommended height but it’s dont worry too much about getting perfect. I used to try and get as close as possible without burning

(maybe if I put a fan between the light and the plant I can get more airflow and get the light closer)

I found my sweet spot during flower (with my light anyway) is 14”. I could probably get a bit closer but no big deal.


I have a spider farmer sf 4000 (drawing 500w) I use for flower and keep it about 20" above plants with no issue. I guess I was thinking 135w could be much closer.

You can get away with closer but it’s not needed, I’d say about 16 - 20 inches for flower would be plenty. Vegging I usually stay about 28 - 30 inches myself

I’ve had my fc3000 within 6 inches or less from a plant with an uneven canopy in my tent without excessive damage, maybe a slightly crispy leaf here or there