MB15 Crosses

Some MB#15 just shy of week 6


Some random shots around week 5 coco and cultured solutions nutes, with silica and some bud blood at bloom.


Can see what I was referring too here @shag one topping and she did that, just gorgeous structure for all tops with no added stress necessary


Thanks, that is kinda cool! :star_struck:
I was just looking at that and said "Oh, that is what he was talking about."
Then here you are telling me just that, like you read my mind…are you staking me? :wink:


Maybe…. Maybe not. Not like I’m waiting on you to leave the keys to the RV within reach so I can steal it and go on an epic road trip until it’s time to come back for the growers cup! Not at allllll :wink:


The wife might be stuck at home this summer.
You don’t need to steal it…
If you have a destination in mind all you have to do is sit down shut up and hang on.
Or sleep till we get there. :joy:
If you have the time, I have the means.
If she was a bit newer I would say road trip for a pig roast at @SHSC-1
She is a diesel but that is a long ass haul. :cowboy_hat_face:


Oh man…. Probably should not have said that! Now my brain is going big time (picture a hamster wheel with an old decrepit half fur gone hamster lifting each leg by hand one at a time ) lol especially since I have not done much road tripping or anything for that matter since Covid and losing my job of many years. That is why I’m itchin to do almost anything,going stir crazy over here tbch. But hoping this summer I can change that , maybe even 3-4 fold :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


drive to etobicoke and park at my buddy’s place, he will drop you off at the airport, hop on a plane and I pick you up in abbostford, 4hrs south of me.

My buddy hawk is all set for the august reunion trip, he’s got the truck, trailer, tin boat and a 4horse outboard…I just need to find a plant sitter for a week and I’m all in!!


So are you looking for something to do to fill the week?
Like do ya need a tour guide?
I know a guy that is retired and would be happy to help out, he looks a lot like shaggy in the dark…LOL

Seriously though too bad you could not get away for a month, I could show you round the state.
When you come to michigan you can stay on my land until you leave.
There is some river or even big lake access close by.
Not too far from the camp ground either.

Not trying to plan yor trip for ya…but if you wanted to…
You could get here a day early and set up at the campground, I would help.
Then if you have a day or 2 before you have to leave, you could drag your rig over to my place as a home base.
Not a whole lot around but there is this very close by…



I will let you know @shag , we would probably travel down on the thursday and be heading back the sunday night. Hawk has his business to run so can’t be gone long I dont think but I will run it by him. I don’t know the first thing about the fishing regs down there or the licensing so we may not bring the boat … I dunno yet… I’ll have to do some research on the michigan fishing regs site. :wink:


License… LICENSE??? We don’t need no stinking licenses!


I have a New York license , wonder if she’s good, I’m bringing a centrepin if I’m fishin, teach you boys how to smash some steelies and browns! I’m down for whatever, just lemme know the time frame and I’ll plan accordingly. @shag i hope you got lots of killer bud, cuz that RV is gonna be jonesing on arrival , and you know we’re coming sans bud.


Thanks for sharing the beans. Hopefully they make a good show!


did I mention, among my many life experiences, I used to run on the water courses on the rivers here for steelhead… made a 1000 bucks a day cash … I miss those days hehehe
Nothing beats a meeting with a wild winter run British Columbia steelhead…


That’s a pretty fish. Beautiful as is. No farmed fish please! Keep 'em “landrace”.


Nice @SHSC-1 ive been a sponsored fisherman for 10-12 years now and was at one point a guide as well for 4 years in the fall/winter. Love me a good steelie, brown or laker!


That made me :rofl:

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I call team @TopShelfTrees1 and @SHSC-1 :wave:t2:


Those are some beauts. Those all from the Niagara?

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Most, one from outta the Sault, and one from way up Simcoe way, thanks brother. Itchin now!